by Cheffromspace
# NutJS Windows Control Implementation Tasks
## High Priority Tasks 🚨
### Security Implementation
- [ ] Input validation
- [ ] Sanitize window titles and paths
- [ ] Validate coordinate ranges
- [ ] Check string input lengths
- [ ] Add rate limiting for rapid operations
- [ ] Resource access protection
- [ ] Implement proper error handling for permission issues
- [ ] Add timeout handling for long-running operations
- [ ] Monitor and limit system resource usage
### Critical Integration Testing
- [ ] Core cross-module interactions
- [ ] Test keyboard + mouse combinations
- [ ] Test window focus + keyboard input
- [ ] Test clipboard + keyboard operations
- [ ] System state management
- [ ] Implement proper cleanup after operations
- [ ] Add state restoration for failed operations
- [ ] Handle system resource cleanup
## Medium Priority Tasks 📝
### Error Handling Improvements
- [ ] Enhanced error reporting
- [ ] Add detailed error messages with context
- [ ] Implement error categorization system
- [ ] Add recovery suggestions for common errors
- [ ] Resource management
- [ ] Add keyboard state restoration
- [ ] Implement mouse position cleanup
- [ ] Add window state restoration
### Performance Optimization
- [ ] Resource monitoring
- [ ] Add memory usage tracking
- [ ] Implement CPU utilization checks
- [ ] Add performance metrics collection
- [ ] Operation optimization
- [ ] Optimize rapid input sequences
- [ ] Improve multiple window operations
- [ ] Enhance large clipboard operations
## Completed Features ✅
### Window Management
- [x] List all windows
- [x] Get active window
- [x] Get window title
- [x] Get window size and position
- [x] Focus window
- [x] Resize window
- [x] Reposition window
- [-] Minimize window (unsupported in libnut-core)
- [-] Restore window (unsupported in libnut-core)
### Mouse Control
- [x] Basic mouse movement and clicking
- [x] Mouse scroll (up/down)
- [x] Mouse drag operations
- [x] Cursor position tracking
### Keyboard Control
- [x] Basic keyboard input
- [x] Key combinations support
- [x] Key holding/releasing operations
### Integration Features
- [x] Clipboard operations
- Text operations: get, set, check, clear
- [x] Screen capture and size detection
- [x] Basic active window detection
### Testing Implementation
- [x] Keyboard module unit tests
- [x] Screen module unit tests
- [x] Tools handler unit tests
## New Roadmap Features 🎯
### Automation Framework
- [ ] Add macro recording capability
- [ ] Record mouse movements and clicks
- [ ] Record keyboard inputs
- [ ] Save and load macro sequences
- [ ] Implement action scheduling
- [ ] Add time-based triggers
- [ ] Support event-based triggers
- [ ] Add conditional execution
### Enhanced Window Management
- [ ] Add window pattern matching
- [ ] Support regex for window titles
- [ ] Add process name matching
- [ ] Implement window class matching
- [ ] Window state tracking
- [ ] Track window position history
- [ ] Monitor window size changes
- [ ] Detect window state changes
### Advanced Integration
- [ ] Add OCR capabilities
- [ ] Text recognition in screen regions
- [ ] Support for multiple languages
- [ ] Template matching for UI elements
- [ ] Process Management
- [ ] Process start/stop control
- [ ] Process monitoring
- [ ] Resource usage tracking
### API and Integration
- [ ] REST API interface
- [ ] HTTP endpoints for control
- [ ] WebSocket for real-time events
- [ ] Authentication and access control
- [ ] Plugin system
- [ ] Plugin architecture design
- [ ] Hot-reload capability
- [ ] Plugin marketplace structure
## Known Limitations ⛔
- Advanced screen information (multiple monitors, DPI settings)
- Only main display supported
- No built-in multi-monitor support
- Would require platform-specific implementations:
- Windows: EnumDisplayMonitors()
- Linux: XRandR extension
- macOS: NSScreen API
- Window minimize/restore operations (unsupported in libnut-core)
## References
- NutJS GitHub Repository:
- API Documentation: