
by Cheffromspace
# MCPControl - Development Guide ## Build & Test Commands - Build: `npm run build` - Compiles TypeScript to JavaScript - Start: `npm run start` - Runs the built application - Dev: `npm run dev` - Watches for changes and rebuilds - Test: `npm run test` - Runs all Vitest tests - Run single test: `npm run test -- tools/keyboard.test.ts` or `npm run test -- -t "specific test name"` - Watch tests: `npm run test:watch` - Runs tests in watch mode - Coverage: `npm run test:coverage` - Generates test coverage report ## Code Style Guidelines - **Imports**: Use ES module syntax with named imports - **Types**: Define TypeScript interfaces for inputs/outputs in `types/` directory - **Error Handling**: Use try/catch with standardized response objects - **Naming**: camelCase for variables/functions, PascalCase for interfaces - **Functions**: Keep functions small and focused on single responsibility - **Comments**: Add JSDoc comments for public APIs - **Testing**: Place tests in same directory as implementation with `.test.ts` suffix - **Formatting**: 2-space indentation, semicolons required - **Error Responses**: Return `{ success: false, message: string }` for errors - **Success Responses**: Return `{ success: true, data?: any }` for success