Python Jira MCP Server


  • Enables loading Jira credentials from environment variables to securely configure the MCP server with API tokens, email, and domain information.

  • Integrates with Atlassian's Jira API, allowing access to the Jira platform's features for issue tracking and project management.

  • Provides tools for searching Jira issues using JQL queries and retrieving detailed information about specific Jira issues, enabling AI models to interact with Jira through a standardized protocol.

Python Jira MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation in Python that integrates with Jira API. This allows AI models to interact with Jira through a standardized protocol.


This MCP server exposes Jira API operations as tools that can be used by AI models supporting the Model Context Protocol. The server implements the stdio transport mechanism to communicate with clients like Cursor.


  • JQL Search Tool: Search for Jira issues using JQL queries
  • Get Issue Tool: Retrieve detailed information about a specific Jira issue
  • MCP SDK Integration: Compatible with the official MCP Python SDK
  • Fallback Mode: Minimal implementation when the SDK is not available
  • Environment Configuration: Load Jira credentials from environment variables


  • Python 3.8+
  • Jira API access (API token, email, and domain)
  • Required Python packages:
    • mcp (Model Context Protocol Python SDK)
    • aiohttp (for HTTP requests)
    • pydantic (for validation)
    • python-dotenv (for environment variables)


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone cd python-jira-mcp
  2. Install the dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up your Jira credentials:
    cp .env.example .env # Edit .env with your Jira credentials


Running the Server

To start the MCP server, run:


Or use the executable directly:


The server will start and listen for MCP messages on standard input (stdin) and respond on standard output (stdout).

Integrating with Cursor

To use this MCP server with Cursor:

  1. Start the server (as above)
  2. In Cursor, configure the MCP server path to point to
  3. Use Jira tools directly within Cursor

Available Tools

Search for Jira issues using JQL (Jira Query Language).


{ "type": "tool_call", "id": "123", "name": "jql_search", "parameters": { "jql": "project = XYZ AND status = 'In Progress'", "max_results": 10, "fields": ["summary", "description", "status"] } }

Get Issue

Retrieve details about a specific Jira issue by its ID or key.


{ "type": "tool_call", "id": "456", "name": "get_issue", "parameters": { "issue_id_or_key": "XYZ-123", "fields": ["summary", "description", "status", "assignee"], "expand": "changelog" } }


Project Structure

  • Entry point for the MCP server
  • src/ Main MCP server implementation
  • src/tools/ Jira API tool implementations
  • src/ Tool schemas definition

Adding New Tools

To add a new Jira-related tool:

  1. Implement the tool function in src/tools/
  2. Add the tool schema in src/
  3. Register the tool in src/


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


security - not tested
license - not found
quality - not tested

A server implementation that allows AI models to interact with Jira through a standardized Model Context Protocol, providing tools for JQL searches and retrieving issue details.

  1. Overview
    1. Features
      1. Requirements
        1. Installation
          1. Usage
            1. Running the Server
            2. Integrating with Cursor
            3. Available Tools
          2. Development
            1. Project Structure
            2. Adding New Tools
          3. License
            1. Acknowledgments