by Azreal42
- YetAnotherUnityMcp
- server
Unity TCP client for communicating with Unity via TCP
import asyncio
import json
import logging
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional, List, Union, Callable
from server.low_level_tcp_client import LowLevelTcpClient
logger = logging.getLogger("unity_client")
class UnityTcpClient:
High-level client for communicating with Unity via TCP.
Implements the MCP protocol with specific Unity command methods.
def __init__(self, url: str = "tcp://localhost:8080/"):
Initialize the Unity TCP client.
url: TCP server URL (tcp://host:port/)
self.tcp_client = LowLevelTcpClient(url) # Using the low-level TCP client
self.connected = False
self.callbacks: Dict[str, List[Callable]] = {
"connected": [],
"disconnected": [],
"error": []
# Register TCP event handlers
self.tcp_client.on("connected", self._on_tcp_connected)
self.tcp_client.on("disconnected", self._on_tcp_disconnected)
self.tcp_client.on("error", self._on_tcp_error)
async def connect(self) -> bool:
Connect to the Unity TCP server.
True if connected successfully, False otherwise
result = await self.tcp_client.connect()
self.connected = result
return result
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error connecting to Unity: {str(e)}")
return False
async def disconnect(self) -> None:
Disconnect from the Unity TCP server.
await self.tcp_client.disconnect()
self.connected = False
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error disconnecting from Unity: {str(e)}")
async def get_schema(self) -> Any:
Get information about available tools and resources in Unity.
Dictionary containing tools and resources information
return await self.tcp_client.send_command("get_schema")
async def has_command(self, command_name: str) -> bool:
Check if a command exists in the Unity schema.
command_name: Name of the command to check
True if the command exists, False otherwise
schema = await self.get_schema()
if not schema or not isinstance(schema, dict):
return False
tools = schema.get('tools', [])
for tool in tools:
if tool.get('name') == command_name:
return True
return False
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error checking for command {command_name}: {str(e)}")
return False
async def send_command(self, command: str, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Any:
Send a command to the Unity TCP server.
command: Command to execute
parameters: Command parameters
Command result in the MCP content array format, or legacy format for backward compatibility
result = await self.tcp_client.send_command(command, parameters)
# Check if this is an MCP-format response
if isinstance(result, dict) and "content" in result:
# Process MCP response format
logger.debug(f"Received MCP response for command {command}")
# Include some helpful information when returning to callers
if "isError" in result and result["isError"]:
logger.warning(f"MCP error response for command {command}")
return result
def on(self, event: str, callback: Callable) -> None:
Register a callback for an event.
event: Event name (connected, disconnected, error)
callback: Callback function
if event not in self.callbacks:
logger.warning(f"Unknown event: {event}")
def off(self, event: str, callback: Callable) -> None:
Unregister a callback for an event.
event: Event name (connected, disconnected, error)
callback: Callback function
if event not in self.callbacks:
logger.warning(f"Unknown event: {event}")
if callback in self.callbacks[event]:
async def _trigger_callbacks(self, event: str, data: Any = None) -> None:
Trigger callbacks for an event.
event: Event name
data: Event data
if event not in self.callbacks:
for callback in self.callbacks[event]:
if data is not None:
await callback(data)
await callback()
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error in {event} callback: {str(e)}")
async def _on_tcp_connected(self) -> None:
Handle TCP connected event.
self.connected = True
await self._trigger_callbacks("connected")
async def _on_tcp_disconnected(self) -> None:
Handle TCP disconnected event.
self.connected = False
await self._trigger_callbacks("disconnected")
async def _on_tcp_error(self, error: str) -> None:
Handle TCP error event.
error: Error message
await self._trigger_callbacks("error", error)