
""" Unity Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server with WebSocket client Provides real-time communication between Python and Unity """ import asyncio import sys import time import logging from typing import Dict, Any, AsyncIterator from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from mcp.server.fastmcp import FastMCP # Import components from server.dynamic_tools import DynamicToolManager # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger("mcp_server") @asynccontextmanager async def server_lifespan(server: Any) -> AsyncIterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Lifespan manager for MCP server. Handles TCP client initialization and cleanup. Args: server: The FastMCP server instance (not used, but required by FastMCP) Yields: Empty dictionary for state (not used) """"Server starting: initializing Unity TCP client...") from server.dynamic_tools import DynamicToolManager from server.connection_manager import UnityConnectionManager from server.unity_tcp_client import UnityTcpClient # Get the connection manager client = UnityTcpClient("tcp://localhost:8080/") connection_manager = UnityConnectionManager(client) try: # Register connected event handler for dynamic tool registration through the connection manager async def connected_callback():"Connection established, registering dynamic tools...") # Pass the client explicitly (required) dynamic_manager = DynamicToolManager(mcp, connection_manager) await register_dynamic_tools(dynamic_manager) connection_manager.add_connection_listener(connected_callback) # Connect to Unity TCP server if await connection_manager.connect():"Unity TCP client successfully connected") else: logger.warning("Unity TCP client failed to connect, MCP functions may not work")"Auto-reconnection is enabled, the client will try to reconnect automatically") # Yield to the server (FastMCP will run during this time) yield {} finally: # Clean up when the server stops"Server stopping: disconnecting Unity TCP client...") await connection_manager.disconnect()"Unity TCP client disconnected") async def register_dynamic_tools(dynamic_manager: DynamicToolManager): """ Register dynamic tools from Unity schema. Args: dynamic_manager: Dynamic tool manager instance """"Registering dynamic tools from Unity schema...") result = await dynamic_manager.register_from_schema() if result:"Dynamic tools registered successfully") else: logger.warning("Failed to register dynamic tools") # Create FastMCP instance mcp: FastMCP = FastMCP( "Unity MCP WebSocket Client", description="WebSocket-based Model Context Protocol for Unity Integration (Client Mode)", lifespan=server_lifespan # Use our lifespan manager ) def main() -> None: """ Main entry point. """ try: # Set Windows event loop policy if needed if sys.platform == 'win32': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy())"Starting MCP server with SSE transport...")"sse") except KeyboardInterrupt:"MCP server stopped by user") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"MCP server encountered an error: {str(e)}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()