Optimized Memory MCP Server V2

local-only server

The server can only run on the client’s local machine because it depends on local resources.


  • Provides Ansible collection management and module integration for infrastructure management

Optimized Memory MCP Server v2

A high-performance Python-based Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation optimized for Claude Desktop integration. This server provides efficient memory management and robust infrastructure component tracking capabilities.


This project has been archived due to faulty project specifications and AI direction that led to endless looping behavior.


This MCP server implementation focuses on:

  • Efficient memory management for large-scale infrastructure tracking
  • Comprehensive resource and tool implementations following MCP patterns
  • Full Claude Desktop compatibility
  • SQLite-based persistent storage with connection pooling
  • Robust error handling and resource cleanup


  • MCP Resources
    • Entity management (listing, retrieval, relationships)
    • Provider resource tracking
    • Ansible collection management
    • Version tracking
    • Full-text search capabilities
  • MCP Tools
    • Entity creation and management
    • Observation tracking
    • Provider registration
    • Ansible module integration
    • Infrastructure analysis tools
  • Core Components
    • FastMCP server implementation
    • SQLite database with connection pooling
    • Comprehensive error handling
    • Automatic resource cleanup
    • Extensive logging

Project Structure

. ├── src/ │ ├── resources/ # MCP resource implementations │ ├── tools/ # MCP tool implementations │ ├── db/ # Database management │ ├── utils/ # Utility functions │ └── server.py # Main server implementation ├── tests/ │ ├── resources/ # Resource tests │ ├── tools/ # Tool tests │ └── integration/ # Integration tests ├── docs/ # Documentation ├── migrations/ # Database migrations └── requirements/ # Project dependencies


  • Python 3.13.1 or higher
  • SQLite 3.x
  • uvx server

Quick Start

See our Environment Setup Guide for detailed installation instructions.

Key steps:

  1. Clone and setup Python environment
  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure database: export DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///path/to/db.db
  4. Initialize database: alembic upgrade head
  5. Start server: uvx run python -m src.main


  1. Start the server:
    uvx run python -m src.main
  2. Configure Claude Desktop:
    • Set MCP server URL to http://localhost:8000
    • Enable MCP protocol in Claude settings
  3. Verify connection:
    curl http://localhost:8000/health

Development Setup

  1. Install development dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  2. Set up pre-commit hooks:
    pre-commit install
  3. Run tests:
  4. Check code quality:
    flake8 mypy .


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Make your changes following our conventions
  4. Run tests and linting
  5. Submit a pull request



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • Claude Desktop team for MCP protocol specifications
  • Contributors to the FastMCP library
  • SQLAlchemy team for database tooling
security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

A Python-based server that implements the Model Context Protocol to interface with Claude Desktop as an MCP client, supporting interaction through efficient memory management.

  1. Overview
    1. Features
      1. Project Structure
        1. Requirements
          1. Quick Start
            1. Usage
              1. Development Setup
                1. Contributing
                  1. Documentation
                    1. License
                      1. Acknowledgments