• src
import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { Tool, CallToolRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { getSmtpConfigs, saveSmtpConfigs, getEmailTemplates, saveEmailTemplate, deleteEmailTemplate, SmtpServerConfig, EmailTemplate, getEmailLogs, EmailLogEntry } from "./config.js"; import { sendEmail, sendBulkEmails, EmailData, BulkEmailData, EmailRecipient } from "./emailService.js"; import { logToFile } from "./index.js"; /** * Generate a UUID */ function generateUUID(): string { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { const r = Math.random() * 16 | 0; const v = c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); } /** * Setup request handlers for the MCP server */ export async function setupRequestHandlers( server: Server, tools: Record<string, Tool>, ): Promise<void> { // Handle tool listing server.setRequestHandler( ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => { return { tools: Object.values(tools), }; } ); // Handle tool calls server.setRequestHandler( CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => { const toolName =; const toolParams = request.params.arguments || {}; // Check if the tool exists if (!tools[toolName]) { throw new Error(`Tool '${toolName}' not found`); } // Execute the tool based on its name switch (toolName) { case "send-email": return await handleSendEmail(toolParams); case "send-bulk-emails": return await handleSendBulkEmails(toolParams); case "get-smtp-configs": return await handleGetSmtpConfigs(); case "add-smtp-config": return await handleAddSmtpConfig(toolParams); case "update-smtp-config": return await handleUpdateSmtpConfig(toolParams); case "delete-smtp-config": return await handleDeleteSmtpConfig(toolParams); case "get-email-templates": return await handleGetEmailTemplates(); case "add-email-template": return await handleAddEmailTemplate(toolParams); case "update-email-template": return await handleUpdateEmailTemplate(toolParams); case "delete-email-template": return await handleDeleteEmailTemplate(toolParams); case "get-email-logs": { const { limit, filterBySuccess } = toolParams as { limit?: number; filterBySuccess?: boolean; }; try { let logs = await getEmailLogs(); // Filter by success status if specified if (filterBySuccess !== undefined) { logs = logs.filter((log: EmailLogEntry) => log.success === filterBySuccess); } // Sort by timestamp in descending order (newest first) logs = logs.sort((a: EmailLogEntry, b: EmailLogEntry) => new Date(b.timestamp).getTime() - new Date(a.timestamp).getTime() ); // Limit the number of results if specified if (limit && limit > 0) { logs = logs.slice(0, limit); } return { result: logs }; } catch (error) { logToFile(`Error getting email logs: ${error}`); throw new Error("Failed to retrieve email logs"); } } default: throw new Error(`Tool '${toolName}' exists but no handler is implemented`); } } ); } /** * Handle send-email tool call */ async function handleSendEmail(parameters: any) { try { // If "to" is a single object, convert it to an array const to = Array.isArray( ? : []; // Prepare the email data const emailData: EmailData = { to: to, subject: parameters.subject, body: parameters.body, from: parameters.from, cc:, bcc: parameters.bcc, templateId: parameters.templateId, templateData: parameters.templateData }; // Send the email const result = await sendEmail(emailData, parameters.smtpConfigId); return { success: result.success, message: result.message }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleSendEmail:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle send-bulk-emails tool call */ async function handleSendBulkEmails(parameters: any) { try { // Prepare the bulk email data const bulkEmailData: BulkEmailData = { recipients: parameters.recipients, subject: parameters.subject, body: parameters.body, from: parameters.from, cc:, bcc: parameters.bcc, templateId: parameters.templateId, templateData: parameters.templateData, batchSize: parameters.batchSize, delayBetweenBatches: parameters.delayBetweenBatches }; // Send the bulk emails const result = await sendBulkEmails(bulkEmailData, parameters.smtpConfigId); return { success: result.success, totalSent: result.totalSent, totalFailed: result.totalFailed, failures: result.failures, message: result.message }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleSendBulkEmails:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, totalSent: 0, totalFailed: parameters.recipients?.length || 0, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle get-smtp-configs tool call */ async function handleGetSmtpConfigs() { try { const configs = await getSmtpConfigs(); return { success: true, configs: configs }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleGetSmtpConfigs:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle add-smtp-config tool call */ async function handleAddSmtpConfig(parameters: any) { try { // Get existing configs const configs = await getSmtpConfigs(); // Create a new config const newConfig: SmtpServerConfig = { id: generateUUID(), name:, host:, port: parameters.port, secure: ?? false, auth: { user: parameters.user, pass: parameters.pass }, isDefault: parameters.isDefault ?? false }; // If this is set as default, update other configs if (newConfig.isDefault) { configs.forEach(config => { config.isDefault = false; }); } // Add the new config to the list configs.push(newConfig); // Save the updated configs await saveSmtpConfigs(configs); return { success: true, config: newConfig }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleAddSmtpConfig:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle update-smtp-config tool call */ async function handleUpdateSmtpConfig(parameters: any) { try { // Get existing configs const configs = await getSmtpConfigs(); // Find the config to update const configIndex = configs.findIndex(config => ===; if (configIndex === -1) { return { success: false, message: `SMTP configuration with ID ${} not found` }; } // Update the config const updatedConfig = { ...configs[configIndex] }; if ( !== undefined) =; if ( !== undefined) =; if (parameters.port !== undefined) updatedConfig.port = parameters.port; if ( !== undefined) =; if (parameters.user !== undefined) updatedConfig.auth.user = parameters.user; if (parameters.pass !== undefined) updatedConfig.auth.pass = parameters.pass; // Handle default flag if (parameters.isDefault !== undefined) { updatedConfig.isDefault = parameters.isDefault; // If setting as default, update other configs if (updatedConfig.isDefault) { configs.forEach((config, index) => { if (index !== configIndex) { config.isDefault = false; } }); } } // Update the config in the list configs[configIndex] = updatedConfig; // Save the updated configs await saveSmtpConfigs(configs); return { success: true, config: updatedConfig }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleUpdateSmtpConfig:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle delete-smtp-config tool call */ async function handleDeleteSmtpConfig(parameters: any) { try { // Get existing configs const configs = await getSmtpConfigs(); // Find the config to delete const configIndex = configs.findIndex(config => ===; if (configIndex === -1) { return { success: false, message: `SMTP configuration with ID ${} not found` }; } // Check if trying to delete the only config if (configs.length === 1) { return { success: false, message: 'Cannot delete the only SMTP configuration' }; } // Check if deleting the default config const isDefault = configs[configIndex].isDefault; // Remove the config from the list configs.splice(configIndex, 1); // If deleting the default config, set another one as default if (isDefault && configs.length > 0) { configs[0].isDefault = true; } // Save the updated configs await saveSmtpConfigs(configs); return { success: true, message: 'SMTP configuration deleted successfully' }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleDeleteSmtpConfig:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle get-email-templates tool call */ async function handleGetEmailTemplates() { try { const templates = await getEmailTemplates(); return { success: true, templates: templates }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleGetEmailTemplates:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle add-email-template tool call */ async function handleAddEmailTemplate(parameters: any) { try { // Get existing templates const templates = await getEmailTemplates(); // Create a new template const newTemplate: EmailTemplate = { id: generateUUID(), name:, subject: parameters.subject, body: parameters.body, isDefault: parameters.isDefault ?? false }; // If this is set as default, we'll need to update other templates if (newTemplate.isDefault) { templates.forEach(template => { if (template.isDefault) { template.isDefault = false; saveEmailTemplate(template).catch(err => { logToFile('Error updating template:'); logToFile(err instanceof Error ? err.message : 'Unknown error'); }); } }); } // Save the new template await saveEmailTemplate(newTemplate); return { success: true, template: newTemplate }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleAddEmailTemplate:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle update-email-template tool call */ async function handleUpdateEmailTemplate(parameters: any) { try { // Get existing templates const templates = await getEmailTemplates(); // Find the template to update const template = templates.find(t => ===; if (!template) { return { success: false, message: `Email template with ID ${} not found` }; } // Update the template const updatedTemplate = { ...template }; if ( !== undefined) =; if (parameters.subject !== undefined) updatedTemplate.subject = parameters.subject; if (parameters.body !== undefined) updatedTemplate.body = parameters.body; // Handle default flag if (parameters.isDefault !== undefined && parameters.isDefault !== template.isDefault) { updatedTemplate.isDefault = parameters.isDefault; // If setting as default, update other templates if (updatedTemplate.isDefault) { templates.forEach(t => { if ( !== && t.isDefault) { t.isDefault = false; saveEmailTemplate(t).catch(err => { logToFile('Error updating template:'); logToFile(err instanceof Error ? err.message : 'Unknown error'); }); } }); } } // Save the updated template await saveEmailTemplate(updatedTemplate); return { success: true, template: updatedTemplate }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleUpdateEmailTemplate:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } } /** * Handle delete-email-template tool call */ async function handleDeleteEmailTemplate(parameters: any) { try { // Get existing templates const templates = await getEmailTemplates(); // Find the template to delete const template = templates.find(t => ===; if (!template) { return { success: false, message: `Email template with ID ${} not found` }; } // If deleting default template, make another one default if (template.isDefault && templates.length > 1) { const anotherTemplate = templates.find(t => !==; if (anotherTemplate) { anotherTemplate.isDefault = true; await saveEmailTemplate(anotherTemplate); } } // Delete the template await deleteEmailTemplate(; return { success: true, message: 'Email template deleted successfully' }; } catch (error) { logToFile('Error in handleDeleteEmailTemplate:'); logToFile(error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'); return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }; } }