• src
import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'; import { getDefaultSmtpConfig, getSmtpConfigs, SmtpServerConfig, getDefaultEmailTemplate, getEmailTemplates, EmailTemplate, logEmailActivity, EmailLogEntry } from './config.js'; import { logToFile } from "./index.js"; // Interface for email recipient export interface EmailRecipient { email: string; name?: string; } // Interface for email data export interface EmailData { to: EmailRecipient | EmailRecipient[]; subject: string; body: string; from?: { email: string; name?: string; }; cc?: EmailRecipient[]; bcc?: EmailRecipient[]; templateId?: string; templateData?: Record<string, any>; } // Interface for bulk email data export interface BulkEmailData { recipients: EmailRecipient[]; subject: string; body: string; from?: { email: string; name?: string; }; cc?: EmailRecipient[]; bcc?: EmailRecipient[]; templateId?: string; templateData?: Record<string, any>; batchSize?: number; delayBetweenBatches?: number; // in milliseconds } // Rate limiting state const rateLimitState = { lastSendTime: 0, messageCount: 0, resetTime: 0 }; /** * Create a nodemailer transport using SMTP config */ export async function createTransport(smtpConfigId?: string) { let smtpConfig: SmtpServerConfig; if (smtpConfigId) { const configs = await getSmtpConfigs(); const config = configs.find(c => === smtpConfigId); if (!config) { throw new Error(`SMTP configuration with ID ${smtpConfigId} not found`); } smtpConfig = config; } else { smtpConfig = await getDefaultSmtpConfig(); } return nodemailer.createTransport({ host:, port: smtpConfig.port, secure:, auth: { user: smtpConfig.auth.user, pass: smtpConfig.auth.pass } }); } /** * Replace template variables with actual values */ function processTemplate(template: string, data: Record<string, any> = {}): string { return template.replace(/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/g, (match, key) => { const value = data[key.trim()]; return value !== undefined ? value : match; }); } /** * Generate email content from template */ async function generateEmailContent( templateId: string | undefined, templateData: Record<string, any> | undefined, subject: string, body: string ): Promise<{ subject: string; body: string }> { // If no template ID is provided, use the provided subject and body if (!templateId) { return { subject, body }; } // Get templates const templates = await getEmailTemplates(); let template: EmailTemplate | undefined; if (templateId === 'default') { template = await getDefaultEmailTemplate(); } else { template = templates.find(t => === templateId); } // If template not found, use the provided subject and body if (!template) { console.warn(`Template with ID ${templateId} not found. Using provided subject and body.`); return { subject, body }; } // Process template const processedSubject = processTemplate(template.subject, templateData); const processedBody = processTemplate(template.body, templateData); return { subject: processedSubject, body: processedBody }; } /** * Format recipients for nodemailer */ function formatRecipient(recipient: EmailRecipient): string { if ( { return `"${}" <${}>`; } return; } /** * Format recipients array for nodemailer */ function formatRecipients(recipients: EmailRecipient | EmailRecipient[]): string | string[] { if (Array.isArray(recipients)) { return; } return formatRecipient(recipients); } /** * Send an email */ export async function sendEmail(data: EmailData, smtpConfigId?: string): Promise<{ success: boolean; message?: string }> { try { const transport = await createTransport(smtpConfigId); const smtpConfig = smtpConfigId ? (await getSmtpConfigs()).find(c => === smtpConfigId) : await getDefaultSmtpConfig(); if (!smtpConfig) { return { success: false, message: 'SMTP configuration not found' }; } // Generate email content from template if templateId is provided const { subject, body } = await generateEmailContent( data.templateId, data.templateData, data.subject, data.body ); // Create mail options const mailOptions = { from: data.from ? ( ? `"${}" <${}>` : : (smtpConfig.auth.user), to: formatRecipients(, subject, html: body, cc: ? formatRecipients( : undefined, bcc: data.bcc ? formatRecipients(data.bcc) : undefined }; // Send email const info = await transport.sendMail(mailOptions); // Log email activity const recipients = Array.isArray( ? : []; for (const recipient of recipients) { const logEntry: EmailLogEntry = { timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), smtpConfig:, templateId: data.templateId, recipient:, subject, success: true, message: `Message sent: ${info.messageId}` }; await logEmailActivity(logEntry); } return { success: true, message: `Message sent: ${info.messageId}` }; } catch (error) { logToFile(`Error sending email: ${error}`); // Log failed email activity if ( { const recipients = Array.isArray( ? : []; for (const recipient of recipients) { const logEntry: EmailLogEntry = { timestamp: new Date().toISOString(), smtpConfig: smtpConfigId || 'unknown', templateId: data.templateId, recipient:, subject: data.subject, success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error sending email' }; await logEmailActivity(logEntry); } } return { success: false, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error sending email' }; } } /** * Send emails in bulk to multiple recipients */ export async function sendBulkEmails(data: BulkEmailData, smtpConfigId?: string): Promise<{ success: boolean; totalSent: number; totalFailed: number; failures?: { email: string; error: string }[]; message?: string; }> { try { const { recipients, batchSize = 10, delayBetweenBatches = 1000 } = data; if (!recipients || recipients.length === 0) { return { success: false, totalSent: 0, totalFailed: 0, message: 'No recipients provided' }; } const failures: { email: string; error: string }[] = []; let totalSent = 0; // Process recipients in batches for (let i = 0; i < recipients.length; i += batchSize) { const batch = recipients.slice(i, i + batchSize); // Send emails to the batch (one by one to allow for individual template processing) const promises = (recipient) => { try { // Create email data for single recipient using the bulk data const emailData: EmailData = { to: recipient, subject: data.subject, body: data.body, from: data.from, cc:, bcc: data.bcc, templateId: data.templateId, templateData: {, email:, name: || '' } }; const result = await sendEmail(emailData, smtpConfigId); if (result.success) { totalSent++; return { success: true }; } else { failures.push({ email:, error: result.message || 'Unknown error' }); return { success: false, error: result.message }; } } catch (error) { failures.push({ email:, error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error' }); return { success: false, error }; } }); await Promise.all(promises); // If not the last batch, wait before processing the next batch if (i + batchSize < recipients.length) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delayBetweenBatches)); } } return { success: totalSent > 0, totalSent, totalFailed: failures.length, failures: failures.length > 0 ? failures : undefined, message: `Successfully sent ${totalSent} out of ${recipients.length} emails` }; } catch (error) { logToFile(`Error sending bulk emails: ${error}`); return { success: false, totalSent: 0, totalFailed: data.recipients.length, message: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error sending bulk emails' }; } }