
  • File Systems
  • Search
security - not tested
license - permissive license (MIT)
quality - not tested

This server provides:

  • Fast file search capabilities using Everything SDK
  • Windows-specific implementation
  • Complements existing filesystem servers with specialized search functionality
  1. Tools
  2. Prompts
  3. Resources
  4. Server Configuration


Interactive templates invoked by user choice


No prompts


Contextual data attached and managed by the client


No resources


Functions exposed to the LLM to take actions


No tools

Server Configuration

Describes the environment variables required to run the server.

EVERYTHING_SDK_PATHYesPath to the Everything SDK DLL (Everything64.dll).

Everything Search MCP Server

An MCP server that provides fast file searching capabilities using the Everything SDK.



Search for files and folders using Everything SDK.


  • query (required): Search query string. Supports wildcards (* and ?) and more. See the search syntax guide for more details.
  • max_results (optional): Maximum number of results to return (default: 100, max: 1000)
  • match_path (optional): Match against full path instead of filename only (default: false)
  • match_case (optional): Enable case-sensitive search (default: false)
  • match_whole_word (optional): Match whole words only (default: false)
  • match_regex (optional): Enable regex search (default: false)
  • sort_by (optional): Sort order for results (default: 1). Available options:
- 1: Sort by filename (A to Z) - 2: Sort by filename (Z to A) - 3: Sort by path (A to Z) - 4: Sort by path (Z to A) - 5: Sort by size (smallest first) - 6: Sort by size (largest first) - 7: Sort by extension (A to Z) - 8: Sort by extension (Z to A) - 11: Sort by creation date (oldest first) - 12: Sort by creation date (newest first) - 13: Sort by modification date (oldest first) - 14: Sort by modification date (newest first)


{ "query": "*.py", "max_results": 50, "sort_by": 6 }
{ "query": "ext:py datemodified:today", "max_results": 10 }

Response includes:

  • File/folder path
  • File size in bytes
  • Last modified date

Search Syntax Guide

<details> <summary>Advanced Search Queries</summary>

Basic Operators

  • space: AND operator
  • |: OR operator
  • !: NOT operator
  • < >: Grouping
  • " ": Search for an exact phrase


  • *: Matches zero or more characters
  • ?: Matches exactly one character

Note: Wildcards match the whole filename by default. Disable Match whole filename to match wildcards anywhere.


Size and Count

  • size:<size>[kb|mb|gb]: Search by file size
  • count:<max>: Limit number of results
  • childcount:<count>: Folders with specific number of children
  • childfilecount:<count>: Folders with specific number of files
  • childfoldercount:<count>: Folders with specific number of subfolders
  • len:<length>: Match filename length


  • datemodified:<date>, dm:<date>: Modified date
  • dateaccessed:<date>, da:<date>: Access date
  • datecreated:<date>, dc:<date>: Creation date
  • daterun:<date>, dr:<date>: Last run date
  • recentchange:<date>, rc:<date>: Recently changed date

Date formats: YYYY[-MM[-DD[Thh[:mm[:ss[.sss]]]]]] or today, yesterday, lastweek, etc.

File Attributes and Types

  • attrib:<attributes>, attributes:<attributes>: Search by file attributes (A:Archive, H:Hidden, S:System, etc.)
  • type:<type>: Search by file type
  • ext:<list>: Search by semicolon-separated extensions

Path and Name

  • path:<path>: Search in specific path
  • parent:<path>, infolder:<path>, nosubfolders:<path>: Search in path excluding subfolders
  • startwith:<text>: Files starting with text
  • endwith:<text>: Files ending with text
  • child:<filename>: Folders containing specific child
  • depth:<count>, parents:<count>: Files at specific folder depth
  • root: Files with no parent folder
  • shell:<name>: Search in known shell folders

Duplicates and Lists

  • dupe, namepartdupe, attribdupe, dadupe, dcdupe, dmdupe, sizedupe: Find duplicates
  • filelist:<list>: Search pipe-separated (|) file list
  • filelistfilename:<filename>: Search files from list file
  • frn:<frnlist>: Search by File Reference Numbers
  • fsi:<index>: Search by file system index
  • empty: Find empty folders

Function Syntax

  • function:value: Equal to value
  • function:<=value: Less than or equal
  • function:<value: Less than
  • function:=value: Equal to
  • function:>value: Greater than
  • function:>=value: Greater than or equal
  • function:start..end: Range of values
  • function:start-end: Range of values


  • `case:, nocase:: Enable/disable case sensitivity
  • `file:, folder:: Match only files or folders
  • `path:, nopath:: Match full path or filename only
  • `regex:, noregex:: Enable/disable regex
  • `wfn:, nowfn:: Match whole filename or anywhere
  • `wholeword:, ww:: Match whole words only
  • `wildcards:, nowildcards:: Enable/disable wildcards


  1. Find Python files modified today: ext:py datemodified:today
  2. Find large video files: ext:mp4|mkv|avi size:>1gb
  3. Find files in specific folder: path:C:\Projects *.js


  1. Windows operating system (required - this server only works on Windows)
  2. Everything search utility:
  3. Everything SDK:


Using uv (recommended)

When using uv no specific installation is needed. We will use uvx to directly run mcp-server-everything-search.

Using PIP

Alternatively you can install mcp-server-everything-search via pip:

pip install mcp-server-everything-search

After installation, you can run it as a script using:

python -m mcp_server_everything_search


The server requires the Everything SDK DLL to be available:

Environment variable:


Usage with Claude Desktop

Add this to your claude_desktop_config.json:

<details> <summary>Using uvx</summary>
"mcpServers": { "everything-search": { "command": "uvx", "args": ["mcp-server-everything-search"], "env": { "EVERYTHING_SDK_PATH": "path/to/Everything-SDK/dll/Everything64.dll" } } }
</details> <details> <summary>Using pip installation</summary>
"mcpServers": { "everything-search": { "command": "python", "args": ["-m", "mcp_server_everything_search"], "env": { "EVERYTHING_SDK_PATH": "path/to/Everything-SDK/dll/Everything64.dll" } } }


You can use the MCP inspector to debug the server. For uvx installations:

npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uvx mcp-server-everything-search

Or if you've installed the package in a specific directory or are developing on it:

git clone cd mcp-everything-search/src/mcp_server_everything_search npx @modelcontextprotocol/inspector uv run mcp-server-everything-search

Using PowerShell, running Get-Content -Path "$env:APPDATA\Claude\logs\mcp*.log" -Tail 20 -Wait will show the logs from the server and may help you debug any issues.


If you are doing local development, there are two ways to test your changes:

  1. Run the MCP inspector to test your changes. See Debugging for run instructions.
  2. Test using the Claude desktop app. Add the following to your claude_desktop_config.json:
"everything-search": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path/to/mcp-everything-search/src/mcp_server_everything_search", "run", "mcp-server-everything-search" ], "env": { "EVERYTHING_SDK_PATH": "path/to/Everything-SDK/dll/Everything64.dll" } }


This MCP server is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT License. For more details, please see the LICENSE file in the project repository.


This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by voidtools (the creators of Everything search utility). This is an independent project that utilizes the publicly available Everything SDK.

GitHub Badge

Glama performs regular codebase and documentation scans to:

  • Confirm that the MCP server is working as expected.
  • Confirm that there are no obvious security issues with dependencies of the server.
  • Extract server characteristics such as tools, resources, prompts, and required parameters.

Our directory badge helps users to quickly asses that the MCP server is safe, server capabilities, and instructions for installing the server.

Copy the following code to your file:

Alternative MCP servers

  • A
    Server to search PubMed (PubMed is a free, online database that allows users to search for biomedical and life sciences literature). I have created on a day MCP came out but was on vacation, I saw someone post similar server in your DB, but figured to post mine.
    • Apple
  • A
    An MCP server implementation that integrates the Brave Search API, providing both web and local search capabilities.