Linear MCP Server
by cosmix
Get project updates for a given project ID with optional filtering parameters
Input Schema
Name | Required | Description | Default |
after | No | Cursor for pagination. Use the endCursor from a previous response to fetch the next page | |
createdAfter | No | ISO date string. Only return updates created after this date | |
createdBefore | No | ISO date string. Only return updates created before this date | |
first | No | Number of items to return (default: 50, max: 100) | |
health | No | Filter updates by health status (e.g., "onTrack", "atRisk", "offTrack") | |
includeArchived | No | Whether to include archived updates (default: true) | |
projectId | Yes | ID of the project to get updates for | |
userId | No | Filter updates by creator. Use "me" to find updates created by the current user, or a specific user ID |