Linear MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.

Linear MCP Server

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server implementation that provides access to Linear's issue tracking system through a standardized interface.


  • Create new issues and subissues with label support
  • Retrieve the list of linear projects
  • Retrieve the project updates
  • Update existing issues with full field modification
  • Delete issue with validation
  • Self-assign issues using 'me' keyword
  • Advanced search with Linear's powerful filtering capabilities
  • Add comments to issues with markdown support
  • Query Linear issues by ID or key with optional relationships
  • Search issues using custom queries with enhanced metadata
  • Type-safe operations using Linear's official SDK
  • Comprehensive error handling
  • Rate limit handling
  • Clean data transformation
  • Parent/child relationship tracking with team inheritance
  • Label management and synchronization


  • Bun runtime (v1.0.0 or higher)
  • Linear account with API access

Environment Variables

LINEAR_API_KEY=your_api_key # Your Linear API token

Installation & Setup

1. Clone the repository:

git clone [repository-url] cd linear-mcp

2. Install dependencies and build:

bun install bun run build

3. Configure the MCP server:

Edit the appropriate configuration file:


  • Cline: ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json
  • Claude Desktop: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json


  • Cline: %APPDATA%\Code\User\globalStorage\saoudrizwan.claude-dev\settings\cline_mcp_settings.json
  • Claude Desktop: %APPDATA%\Claude Desktop\claude_desktop_config.json


  • Cline: ~/.config/Code/User/globalStorage/saoudrizwan.claude-dev/settings/cline_mcp_settings.json
  • Claude Desktop: sadly doesn't exist yet

Add the following configuration under the mcpServers object:

{ "mcpServers": { "linear": { "command": "node", "args": ["/absolute/path/to/linear-mcp/build/index.js"], "env": { "LINEAR_API_KEY": "your_api_key" } } } }

4. Restart the MCP server.

Within Cline's MCP settings, restart the MCP server. Restart Claude Desktop to load the new MCP server.


Run development server:

bun run dev

Build project:

bun run build

Available MCP Tools


Create a new Linear issue or subissue.

Input Schema:

{ "teamId": "string", "title": "string", "description": "string", "parentId": "string", "status": "string", "priority": "number", "assigneeId": "string | 'me'", "labelIds": ["string"] }

Example creating a new issue:

{ "teamId": "team-123", "title": "New Feature Request" }

Example creating a self-assigned issue:

{ "teamId": "team-123", "title": "My Task", "assigneeId": "me" }

Example creating a subissue:

{ "parentId": "ISSUE-123", "title": "Subtask" }


Update an existing Linear issue.

Input Schema:

{ "issueId": "string", "title": "string", "description": "string", "status": "string", "priority": "number", "assigneeId": "string | 'me'", "labelIds": ["string"] }

Example self-assigning an issue:

{ "issueId": "ISSUE-123", "assigneeId": "me" }


Get detailed information about a specific Linear issue with optional relationships.

Input Schema:

{ "issueId": "string", "includeRelationships": "boolean" }


Search for Linear issues using a query string and advanced filters. Supports Linear's powerful filtering capabilities.

Input Schema:

{ "query": "string", "includeRelationships": "boolean", "filter": { "title": { "contains": "string", "eq": "string", ... }, "description": { "contains": "string", "eq": "string", ... }, "priority": { "gte": "number", "lt": "number", ... }, "estimate": { "eq": "number", "in": ["number"], ... }, "dueDate": { "lt": "string", "gt": "string", ... }, "createdAt": { "gt": "P2W", "lt": "2024-01-01", ... }, "updatedAt": { "gt": "P1M", ... }, "completedAt": { "null": true, ... }, "assignee": { "id": { "eq": "string" }, "name": { "contains": "string" } }, "creator": { "id": { "eq": "string" }, "name": { "contains": "string" } }, "team": { "id": { "eq": "string" }, "key": { "eq": "string" } }, "state": { "type": { "eq": "started" }, "name": { "eq": "string" } }, "labels": { "name": { "in": ["string"] }, "every": { "name": { "eq": "string" } } }, "project": { "id": { "eq": "string" }, "name": { "contains": "string" } }, "and": [{ /* filters */ }], "or": [{ /* filters */ }], "assignedTo": "string | 'me'", "createdBy": "string | 'me'" }, "projectId": "string", "projectName": "string" }

Supported Comparators:

  • String fields: eq, neq, in, nin, contains, startsWith, endsWith (plus case-insensitive variants)
  • Number fields: eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, in, nin
  • Date fields: eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte (supports ISO 8601 durations)


Basic search:

{ "query": "bug" }

High priority issues:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "priority": { "gte": 2 } } }

Issues due soon:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "dueDate": { "lt": "P2W" } } }

Issues with specific labels:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "labels": { "name": { "in": ["Bug", "Critical"] } } } }

Complex filters:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "and": [ { "priority": { "gte": 2 } }, { "state": { "type": { "eq": "started" } } } ], "or": [ { "assignee": { "id": { "eq": "me" } } }, { "creator": { "id": { "eq": "me" } } } ] } }

Issues in a project:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "project": { "id": { "eq": "project-id" } } } }

Issues by state type:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "state": { "type": { "eq": "started" } } } }

Backward compatibility examples:

Self-assigned issues:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "assignedTo": "me" } }

Issues created by you:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "createdBy": "me" } }

Issues assigned to a specific user:

{ "query": "", "filter": { "assignedTo": "user-id-123" } }

Issues in a specific project:

{ "query": "bug", "projectId": "project-123" }

Issues by project name:

{ "query": "feature", "projectName": "Website Redesign" }


Get a list of Linear teams with optional name/key filtering.

Input Schema:

{ "nameFilter": "string" }


Delete an existing Linear issue.

Input Schema:

{ "issueId": "string" }


Create a new comment on a Linear issue.

Input Schema:

{ "issueId": "string", "body": "string" }


Get a list of Linear projects with optional name filtering and pagination.

Input Schema:

{ "nameFilter": "string", "includeArchived": "boolean", "first": "number", "after": "string" }

Example fetching all projects:


Example searching for projects by name:

{ "nameFilter": "Website" }

Example with pagination:

{ "first": 10, "after": "cursor-from-previous-response" }


Get project updates for a given project ID with optional filtering parameters.

Input Schema:

{ "projectId": "string", "includeArchived": "boolean", "first": "number", "after": "string", "createdAfter": "string", "createdBefore": "string", "userId": "string | 'me'", "health": "string" }

Example fetching updates for a project:

{ "projectId": "project-123" }

Example filtering by date range:

{ "projectId": "project-123", "createdAfter": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createdBefore": "2023-12-31T23:59:59Z" }

Example filtering by creator (self):

{ "projectId": "project-123", "userId": "me" }

Example filtering by health status:

{ "projectId": "project-123", "health": "atRisk" }

Technical Details

  • Built with TypeScript in strict mode
  • Uses Linear's official SDK (@linear/sdk)
  • Uses MCP SDK (@modelcontextprotocol/sdk 1.4.0)
  • Authentication via API tokens
  • Comprehensive error handling
  • Rate limiting considerations
  • Bun runtime for improved performance
  • ESM modules throughout
  • Vite build system
  • Type-safe operations
  • Data cleaning features:
    • Issue mention extraction (ABC-123 format)
    • User mention extraction (@username format)
    • Markdown content cleaning
    • Content optimization for AI context
  • Self-assignment support:
    • Automatic current user resolution
    • 'me' keyword support in create/update operations
    • Efficient user ID caching
  • Advanced search capabilities:
    • Comprehensive filtering with Linear's API
    • Support for all field comparators
    • Relationship filtering
    • Logical operators (and, or)
    • Relative date filtering
    • Filter by assignee/creator (including self)
    • Support for specific user IDs
    • Project filtering by ID or name
    • Efficient query optimization

Error Handling

The server implements a comprehensive error handling strategy:

  • Network error detection and appropriate messaging
  • HTTP status code handling
  • Detailed error messages with status codes
  • Error details logging to console
  • Input validation for all parameters
  • Label validation and synchronization
  • Safe error propagation through MCP protocol
  • Rate limit detection and handling
  • Authentication error handling
  • Invalid query handling
  • Team inheritance validation for subissues
  • User resolution validation
  • Search filter validation


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENCE file for details.

You must be authenticated.

security – no known vulnerabilities
license - permissive license
quality - confirmed to work

Provides a Model Context Protocol interface for accessing Linear's issue tracking system, enabling users to query and search issues with TypeScript type safety and robust error handling.

  1. Features
    1. Prerequisites
      1. Environment Variables
        1. Installation & Setup
          1. 1. Clone the repository:
            1. 2. Install dependencies and build:
              1. 3. Configure the MCP server:
                1. 4. Restart the MCP server.
                2. Development
                  1. Available MCP Tools
                    1. create_issue
                      1. update_issue
                        1. get_issue
                          1. search_issues
                            1. get_teams
                              1. delete_issue
                                1. create_comment
                                  1. get_projects
                                    1. get_project_updates
                                    2. Technical Details
                                      1. Error Handling
                                        1. LICENCE