privateGPT MCP Server

import json import re from pathlib import Path import requests import urllib3 import base64 from ...AgentInterface.Python.config import Config urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) def initialize_session(proxy_user, proxy_password, access_header): """Set up the session with proxy authentication.""" session = requests.Session() session.verify = False headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } if access_header is not None: headers['X-Custom-Header'] = access_header elif proxy_user is not None and proxy_password is not None: auth = base64.b64encode(f"{proxy_user}:{proxy_password}".encode()).decode() headers['Authorization'] = f'Basic {auth}' session.headers.update(headers) return session class PrivateGPTAPI: def __init__(self, config, client_api_key=None): """Initialize the chat client with proxy authentication.""" self.token = None self.chat_id = None self.base_url = config.get("base_url") self.proxy_user = config.get("proxy_user", None) if self.proxy_user == "": self.proxy_user = None self.proxy_password = config.get("proxy_password", None) if self.proxy_password == "": self.proxy_password = None self.access_header = config.get("access_header", None) if self.access_header == "": self.access_header = None self.chosen_groups =["groups"] or [] self.language = config.get("language", "en") self.use_public = config.get("use_public", True) self.whitelist_keys = config.get("whitelist_keys", []) self.logged_in = False if client_api_key is not None:, self.password = decrypt_api_key(client_api_key) if len(self.whitelist_keys) > 0: if client_api_key not in self.whitelist_keys: print("not authorized") self.session = initialize_session(self.proxy_user, self.proxy_password, self.access_header) if self.login(): self.logged_in = True def login(self): """Authenticate the user and retrieve the token.""" url = f"{self.base_url}/login" payload = {"email":, "password": self.password} try: response =, json=payload) print(response.content) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() self.token = data['data']['token'] # PrΓΌfen, ob der Header bereits existiert if 'Authorization' in self.session.headers: self.session.headers['Authorization'] += f', Bearer {self.token}' else: self.session.headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {self.token}' self.chat_id = None print("βœ… Login successful.") return True except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"❌ Login failed: {e}") return False def create_chat(self, user_input): """Start a new chat session. This method sends a POST request to the '/chats' endpoint with the provided parameters. It initializes a new chat session and stores the chat ID for future use. """ url = f"{self.base_url}/chats" payload = { "language": self.language, "question": user_input, # Initial question to start the chat "usePublic": self.use_public, "groups": self.chosen_groups } try: response =, json=payload) response.raise_for_status() # Raise an exception if the response was not successful data = response.json() self.chat_id = data['data']['chatId'] # Store the chat ID for future use print("βœ… Chat initialized.") resp = response.json() try: answer = resp.get('data', None).get('answer', "error") except: print(response.json()) resp = {"data": {"answer": "error"} } answer = "error" if answer.startswith("{\"role\":"): answerj = json.loads(answer) resp["data"]["answer"] = answerj["content"] resp["data"]["chatId"] = "0" print(f"πŸ’‘ Response: {answer}") return resp except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # It seems we get disconnections from time to time.. # print(f"⚠️ Failed to get response on first try, trying again..: {e}") try: response = self.session.patch(url, json=payload) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() answer = data.get('data', {}).get('answer', "No answer provided.") print(f"πŸ’‘ Response: {answer}") return data except: print(f"❌ Failed to get response: {e}") return {"error": f"❌ Failed to get response: {e}"} def query_private_gpt(self, user_input) -> json: """Send a question to the chat and retrieve the response.""" if not self.chat_id: print("❌ Chat session not initialized.") return False url = f"{self.base_url}/chats/{self.chat_id}" payload = {"question": user_input} try: response = self.session.patch(url, json=payload) #response.raise_for_status() resp = response.json() try: answer = resp.get('data', None).get('answer', "error") except: print(response.json()) resp = {"data" : {"answer": "error"} } answer = "error" if answer.startswith("{\"role\":"): answerj = json.loads(answer) resp["data"]["answer"] = answerj["content"] resp["data"]["chatId"] = "0" print(f"πŸ’‘ Response: {answer}") return resp except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # It seems we get disconnections from time to time.. #print(f"⚠️ Failed to get response on first try, trying again..: {e}") try: response = self.session.patch(url, json=payload) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() answer = data.get('data', {}).get('answer', "No answer provided.") print(f"πŸ’‘ Response: {answer}") return data except: print(f"❌ Failed to get response: {e}") return {"error": f"❌ Failed to get response: {e}"} def get_document_info(self, source_id): """Send a source id to retrieve details. Working with version 1.3.3 and newer""" url = f"{self.base_url}/sources/{source_id}" try: response = self.session.get(url) data = response.json() info = data.get('data', {}) print(f"πŸ’‘ Response: {str(info)}") return data except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"❌ Failed to get response: {e}") return {"error": f"❌ Failed to get response: {e}"} def respond_with_context(self, messages, response_format=None, request_tools=None): last_user_message = next((p for p in reversed(messages) if p.role == "user"), None) user_input = "" for message in messages: if message.role == "system": user_input = str(message) + "\n" if last_user_message is not None: user_input += last_user_message.content last_assistant_message = next((p for p in reversed(messages) if p.role == "assistant"), None) last_tool_message = next((p for p in reversed(messages) if p.role == "tool"), None) hastoolresult = False if last_tool_message is not None and last_assistant_message is not None and last_assistant_message.tool_calls is not None and len(last_assistant_message.tool_calls) > 0: user_input += "\nYou called the tool: " + str(last_assistant_message.tool_calls[0]) + ". The result was: " + last_tool_message.content hastoolresult = True print(f"πŸ’ Request: " + user_input) # PGPT manages history and context itself so we don't need to forward the history. add_context = False if add_context: messages.pop() user_input += "\nHere is some context about the previous conversation:\n" for message in messages: user_input += f"{message.role}: {message.content}\n" if response_format is not None: print("Response format: " + str(response_format)) user_input += add_response_format(response_format) if request_tools is not None and not hastoolresult: user_input += add_tools(request_tools, last_tool_message) if not self.logged_in: self.login() else: if self.chat_id is None: result = self.create_chat(user_input) else: result = self.query_private_gpt(user_input) if 'data' in result: response_data = result.get("data") if request_tools is not None and not hastoolresult and is_json(clean_response(response_data.get("answer"))): response_data["tool_call"] = clean_response(response_data.get("answer", "")) return response_data elif 'error' in result: # Try to login again and send the query once more on error. if self.login(): if self.chat_id is None: result = self.create_chat(user_input) else: result = self.query_private_gpt(user_input) if 'data' in result: return result['data'] else: return result else: return result def is_json(myjson): try: json.loads(myjson) except ValueError as e: return False return True def add_response_format(response_format): #prompt = "\nPlease fill in the following template with realistic and appropriate information. Be creative. The field 'type' defines the output format. In your reply, only return the generated json\n" prompt = "\nPlease fill in the following json template with realistic and appropriate information. In your reply, only return the generated json. If you can't answer return an empty json.\n" prompt += json.dumps(response_format) return prompt def add_tools(response_tools, last_tool_message): prompt = "\nPlease select the fitting provided tool to create your answer. Only return the generated result of the tool. Do not describe what you are doing, just return the json.\n" index = 1 for tool in response_tools: prompt += "\n" + json.dumps(tool) + "\n" index += 1 return prompt def clean_response(response): # Remove artefacts from reply here response = response.replace("[TOOL_CALLS]", "") return response def decrypt_api_key(api_key): """ This is PoC code and methods should be replaced with a more secure way to deal with credentials (e.g. in a db) """ try: base64_bytes = api_key.encode("ascii") decoded_string_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_bytes) decoded_key = decoded_string_bytes.decode("ascii") except Exception as e: print(e) decoded_key = "invalid:invalid" return decoded_key.split(":")[0], decoded_key.split(":")[1] def main(): """Main function to run the chat application.""" config_file = Path.absolute(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "pgpt_openai_api_proxy.json") config = Config(config_file=config_file, required_fields=["base_url"]) chat = PrivateGPTAPI(config) print("Type your questions below. Type 'quit' to exit.") while True: try: question = input("❓ Question: ").strip() if question.lower() == 'quit': break if question: chat.query_private_gpt(question) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nExiting chat...") break except Exception as e: print(f"❌ Error: {str(e)}") break if __name__ == "__main__": main()