privateGPT MCP Server

import json from pathlib import Path from starlette.responses import StreamingResponse from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException from threading import local from agents.OpenAI_Compatible_API_Agent.Python.open_ai_helper import ChatInstance, \ ChatCompletionRequest, CompletionRequest, _resp_sync, _resp_async_generator, models, Message, _resp_async_generator_completions, _resp_sync_completions from .pgpt_api import PrivateGPTAPI from ...AgentInterface.Python.config import Config, ConfigError import uvicorn app = FastAPI(title="OpenAI-compatible API for PrivateGPT") request_context = local() instances = [] # Konfiguration laden try: config_file = Path.absolute(Path(__file__).parent.parent / "pgpt_openai_api_proxy.json") config = Config(config_file=config_file, required_fields=["base_url"]) default_groups = config.get("groups", []) except ConfigError as e: print(f"Configuration Error: {e}") exit(1) @app.middleware("http") async def store_request_headers(request: Request, call_next): request_context.headers = dict(request.headers) response = await call_next(request) return response"/chat/completions") async def chat_completions(request: ChatCompletionRequest): headers = getattr(request_context, "headers", {}) client_api_key = str(headers['authorization']).split(" ")[1] groups = default_groups force_new_session = False if request.groups: groups = request.groups if request.newSession: force_new_session = True print("Groups: " + str(groups)) if request.messages: #Check if this api-key already has a running instance indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(instances) if x.api_key == client_api_key] index = -1 if len(indices) > 0: index = indices[0] if index > -1: # if we already have an instance, just reuse it. No need to open new connection if instances[index].agent.chosen_groups != groups: print("⚠️ New Groups requested, switching to new Chat..") config.set_value("groups", groups) instances[index].agent.chat_id = None elif force_new_session: print("⚠️ New Session Requested, switching to new Chat..") config.set_value("groups", groups) instances[index].agent.chat_id = None pgpt = instances[index].agent else: #otherwise connect via api-key config.set_value("groups", groups) pgpt = PrivateGPTAPI(config, client_api_key=client_api_key) # remember that we already have an instance for the api key instance = ChatInstance(client_api_key, pgpt) instances.append(instance) if pgpt.logged_in: response = pgpt.respond_with_context(request.messages, request.response_format, if response is not None: if "answer" not in response: response["answer"] = "No Response received" if response is None or ("answer" in response and response["answer"] == "error"): pgpt.login() else: response = { "chatId": "0", "answer": "API Key not valid", } else: response = { "chatId": "0", "answer": "No Input given", } if return StreamingResponse( _resp_async_generator(response, request), media_type="application/x-ndjson" ) else: return _resp_sync(response, request) # legacy completions API"/completions") async def completions(request: CompletionRequest): headers = getattr(request_context, "headers", {}) client_api_key = str(headers['authorization']).split(" ")[1] groups = default_groups if request.groups: groups = request.groups print("Groups: " + str(groups)) if request.prompt: #otherwise connect via api-key config.set_value("groups", groups) pgpt = PrivateGPTAPI(config, client_api_key=client_api_key) # remember that we already have an instance for the api key if pgpt.logged_in: response = pgpt.respond_with_context([Message(role="user", content=request.prompt)], request.response_format, if "answer" not in response: response["answer"] = "No Response received" if "answer" in response and response["answer"] == "error": if pgpt.login(): pgpt.create_chat() else: response = { "chatId": "0", "answer": "API Key not valid", } else: response = { "chatId": "0", "answer": "No Input given", } if : return StreamingResponse( _resp_async_generator_completions(response, request), media_type="application/x-ndjson" ) else: return _resp_sync_completions(response, request) @app.get("/models") def return_models(): return { "object": "list", "data": models } @app.get('/models/{model_id}') async def get_model(model_id: str): filtered_entries = list(filter(lambda item: item["id"] == model_id, models)) entry = filtered_entries[0] if filtered_entries else None print(entry) if entry is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Model not found") return entry if __name__ == "__main__": api_ip = config.get("api_ip", "") api_port = config.get("api_port", 8002), host=api_ip, port=int(api_port))