Super Windows CLI MCP Server
by delorenj
- src
- utils
import path from 'path';
import { exec } from 'child_process';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import type { ShellConfig } from '../types/config.js';
const execAsync = promisify(exec);
export async function resolveCommandPath(command: string): Promise<string | null> {
try {
const { stdout } = await execAsync(`where "${command}"`, { encoding: 'utf8' });
return stdout.split('\n')[0].trim();
} catch {
return null;
export function extractCommandName(command: string): string {
// Remove any path components
const basename = path.basename(command);
// Remove extension
return basename.replace(/\.(exe|cmd|bat)$/i, '');
export function isCommandBlocked(command: string, blockedCommands: string[]): boolean {
const commandName = extractCommandName(command.toLowerCase());
return blockedCommands.some(blocked =>
commandName === blocked.toLowerCase() ||
commandName === `${blocked.toLowerCase()}.exe` ||
commandName === `${blocked.toLowerCase()}.cmd` ||
commandName === `${blocked.toLowerCase()}.bat`
export function isArgumentBlocked(args: string[], blockedArguments: string[]): boolean {
return args.some(arg =>
blockedArguments.some(blocked =>
new RegExp(`^${blocked}$`, 'i').test(arg)
* Validates a command for a specific shell, checking for shell-specific blocked operators
export function validateShellOperators(command: string, shellConfig: ShellConfig): void {
// Skip validation if shell doesn't specify blocked operators
if (!shellConfig.blockedOperators?.length) {
// Create regex pattern from blocked operators
const operatorPattern = shellConfig.blockedOperators
.map(op => op.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')) // Escape regex special chars
const regex = new RegExp(operatorPattern);
if (regex.test(command)) {
throw new Error(`Command contains blocked operators for this shell: ${shellConfig.blockedOperators.join(', ')}`);
* Parse a command string into command and arguments, properly handling paths with spaces and quotes
export function parseCommand(fullCommand: string): { command: string; args: string[] } {
fullCommand = fullCommand.trim();
if (!fullCommand) {
return { command: '', args: [] };
const tokens: string[] = [];
let current = '';
let inQuotes = false;
let quoteChar = '';
// Parse into tokens, preserving quoted strings
for (let i = 0; i < fullCommand.length; i++) {
const char = fullCommand[i];
// Handle quotes
if ((char === '"' || char === "'") && (!inQuotes || char === quoteChar)) {
if (inQuotes) {
current = '';
inQuotes = !inQuotes;
quoteChar = inQuotes ? char : '';
// Handle spaces outside quotes
if (char === ' ' && !inQuotes) {
if (current) {
current = '';
current += char;
// Add any remaining token
if (current) {
// Handle empty input
if (tokens.length === 0) {
return { command: '', args: [] };
// First, check if this is a single-token command
if (!tokens[0].includes(' ') && !tokens[0].includes('\\')) {
return {
command: tokens[0],
args: tokens.slice(1)
// Special handling for Windows paths with spaces
let commandTokens: string[] = [];
let i = 0;
// Keep processing tokens until we find a complete command path
while (i < tokens.length) {
const potentialCommand = commandTokens.join(' ');
// Check if this could be a complete command path
if (/\.(exe|cmd|bat)$/i.test(potentialCommand) ||
(!potentialCommand.includes('\\') && commandTokens.length === 1)) {
return {
command: potentialCommand,
args: tokens.slice(i + 1)
// If this is part of a path, keep looking
if (potentialCommand.includes('\\')) {
// If we get here, treat the first token as the command
return {
command: tokens[0],
args: tokens.slice(1)
// If we get here, use all collected tokens as the command
return {
command: commandTokens.join(' '),
args: tokens.slice(commandTokens.length)
export function isPathAllowed(testPath: string, allowedPaths: string[]): boolean {
const normalizedPath = path.normalize(testPath).toLowerCase();
return allowedPaths.some(allowedPath => {
const normalizedAllowedPath = path.normalize(allowedPath).toLowerCase();
return normalizedPath.startsWith(normalizedAllowedPath);
export function validateWorkingDirectory(dir: string, allowedPaths: string[]): void {
if (!path.isAbsolute(dir)) {
throw new Error('Working directory must be an absolute path');
if (!isPathAllowed(dir, allowedPaths)) {
const allowedPathsStr = allowedPaths.join(', ');
throw new Error(
`Working directory must be within allowed paths: ${allowedPathsStr}`
export function normalizeWindowsPath(inputPath: string): string {
// Convert forward slashes to backslashes
let normalized = inputPath.replace(/\//g, '\\');
// Handle Windows drive letter
if (/^[a-zA-Z]:\\.+/.test(normalized)) {
// Already in correct form
return path.normalize(normalized);
// Handle paths without drive letter
if (normalized.startsWith('\\')) {
// Assume C: drive if not specified
normalized = `C:${normalized}`;
return path.normalize(normalized);