Super Windows CLI MCP Server
by delorenj
- src
- utils
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import os from 'os';
import { ServerConfig, ShellConfig } from '../types/config.js';
const defaultValidatePathRegex = /^[a-zA-Z]:\\(?:[^<>:"/\\|?*]+\\)*[^<>:"/\\|?*]*$/;
export const DEFAULT_CONFIG: ServerConfig = {
security: {
maxCommandLength: 2000,
blockedCommands: [
'rm', 'del', 'rmdir', 'format',
'shutdown', 'restart',
'reg', 'regedit',
'net', 'netsh',
'takeown', 'icacls'
blockedArguments: [
"--exec", "-e", "/c", "-enc", "-encodedcommand",
"-command", "--interactive", "-i", "--login", "--system"
allowedPaths: [
restrictWorkingDirectory: true,
logCommands: true,
maxHistorySize: 1000,
commandTimeout: 30,
enableInjectionProtection: true
shells: {
powershell: {
enabled: true,
command: 'powershell.exe',
args: ['-NoProfile', '-NonInteractive', '-Command'],
validatePath: (dir: string) => dir.match(defaultValidatePathRegex) !== null,
blockedOperators: ['&', '|', ';', '`']
cmd: {
enabled: true,
command: 'cmd.exe',
args: ['/c'],
validatePath: (dir: string) => dir.match(defaultValidatePathRegex) !== null,
blockedOperators: ['&', '|', ';', '`']
gitbash: {
enabled: true,
command: 'C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe',
args: ['-c'],
validatePath: (dir: string) => dir.match(defaultValidatePathRegex) !== null,
blockedOperators: ['&', '|', ';', '`']
ssh: {
enabled: false,
defaultTimeout: 30,
maxConcurrentSessions: 5,
keepaliveInterval: 10000,
keepaliveCountMax: 3,
readyTimeout: 20000,
connections: {}
export function loadConfig(configPath?: string): ServerConfig {
// If no config path provided, look in default locations
const configLocations = [
path.join(process.cwd(), 'config.json'),
path.join(os.homedir(), '.win-cli-mcp', 'config.json')
let loadedConfig: Partial<ServerConfig> = {};
for (const location of configLocations) {
if (!location) continue;
try {
if (fs.existsSync(location)) {
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(location, 'utf8');
loadedConfig = JSON.parse(fileContent);
console.error(`Loaded config from ${location}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error loading config from ${location}:`, error);
// Use defaults only if no config was loaded
const mergedConfig = Object.keys(loadedConfig).length > 0
? mergeConfigs(DEFAULT_CONFIG, loadedConfig)
// Validate the merged config
return mergedConfig;
function mergeConfigs(defaultConfig: ServerConfig, userConfig: Partial<ServerConfig>): ServerConfig {
const merged: ServerConfig = {
security: {
// If user provided security config, use it entirely, otherwise use default
...( ||
shells: {
// Same for each shell - if user provided config, use it entirely
powershell: userConfig.shells?.powershell || defaultConfig.shells.powershell,
cmd: userConfig.shells?.cmd || defaultConfig.shells.cmd,
gitbash: userConfig.shells?.gitbash || defaultConfig.shells.gitbash
ssh: {
// Merge SSH config
...(userConfig.ssh || {}),
// Ensure connections are merged
connections: {
...(userConfig.ssh?.connections || {})
// Only add validatePath functions and blocked operators if they don't exist
for (const [key, shell] of Object.entries(merged.shells) as [keyof typeof merged.shells, ShellConfig][]) {
if (!shell.validatePath) {
shell.validatePath = defaultConfig.shells[key].validatePath;
if (!shell.blockedOperators) {
shell.blockedOperators = defaultConfig.shells[key].blockedOperators;
return merged;
function validateConfig(config: ServerConfig): void {
// Validate security settings
if ( < 1) {
throw new Error('maxCommandLength must be positive');
if ( < 1) {
throw new Error('maxHistorySize must be positive');
// Validate shell configurations
for (const [shellName, shell] of Object.entries(config.shells)) {
if (shell.enabled && (!shell.command || !shell.args)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid configuration for ${shellName}: missing command or args`);
// Validate timeout (minimum 1 second)
if ( < 1) {
throw new Error('commandTimeout must be at least 1 second');
// Validate SSH configuration
if (config.ssh.enabled) {
if (config.ssh.defaultTimeout < 1) {
throw new Error('SSH defaultTimeout must be at least 1 second');
if (config.ssh.maxConcurrentSessions < 1) {
throw new Error('SSH maxConcurrentSessions must be at least 1');
if (config.ssh.keepaliveInterval < 1000) {
throw new Error('SSH keepaliveInterval must be at least 1000ms');
if (config.ssh.readyTimeout < 1000) {
throw new Error('SSH readyTimeout must be at least 1000ms');
// Validate individual connections
for (const [connId, conn] of Object.entries(config.ssh.connections)) {
if (! || !conn.username || (!conn.password && !conn.privateKeyPath)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid SSH connection config for '${connId}': missing required fields`);
if (conn.port && (conn.port < 1 || conn.port > 65535)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid SSH port for '${connId}': must be between 1 and 65535`);
// Helper function to create a default config file
export function createDefaultConfig(configPath: string): void {
const dirPath = path.dirname(configPath);
if (!fs.existsSync(dirPath)) {
fs.mkdirSync(dirPath, { recursive: true });
// Create a JSON-safe version of the config (excluding functions)
const configForSave = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(DEFAULT_CONFIG));
fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(configForSave, null, 2));