EOL MCP Server

by ducthinh993
  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { Server, ServerOptions } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { ListResourcesRequestSchema, ReadResourceRequestSchema, ListToolsRequestSchema, CallToolRequestSchema, ListPromptsRequestSchema, GetPromptRequestSchema, ErrorCode, McpError, Implementation, ServerCapabilities } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import axios, { AxiosInstance } from "axios"; import { EOLCycle, ProductInfo, CheckVersionArgs, isValidCheckVersionArgs, CachedQuery, isValidListProductsArgs, CVECheckArgs, isValidCVECheckArgs, CVEDetails, CompareVersionsArgs, isValidCompareVersionsArgs, ValidationResult, VersionValidation, ValidationsResult, GetAllDetailsArgs, isValidGetAllDetailsArgs } from "./types.js"; const API_CONFIG = { BASE_URL: 'https://endoflife.date/api', CVE_BASE_URL: 'https://www.cvedetails.com/json-feed.php', MAX_CACHED_QUERIES: 5, ENDPOINTS: { ALL_PRODUCTS: '/all.json' } } as const; class EOLServer { private server: Server; private axiosInstance: AxiosInstance; private cveAxiosInstance: AxiosInstance; private recentQueries: CachedQuery[] = []; private availableProducts: string[] = []; private static readonly PROMPTS = { "check_software_status": { name: "check_software_status", description: "Check if software versions are supported and get EOL dates", arguments: [ { name: "product", description: "Software product name (e.g., python, nodejs, ubuntu)", required: true }, { name: "version", description: "Specific version to check (optional)", required: false } ] }, "compare_versions": { name: "compare_versions", description: "Compare versions and analyze upgrade recommendations", arguments: [ { name: "product", description: "Software product name (e.g., python, nodejs)", required: true }, { name: "version", description: "Current version being used", required: true } ] }, "analyze_security": { name: "analyze_security", description: "Comprehensive security analysis including EOL status and vulnerabilities", arguments: [ { name: "product", description: "Software product name", required: true }, { name: "version", description: "Version to analyze", required: true } ] }, "natural_language_query": { name: "natural_language_query", description: "Process natural language queries about software lifecycle", arguments: [ { name: "query", description: "Natural language question about software versions, support, or security", required: true } ] }, "validate_version": { name: "validate_version", description: "Validate version recommendations before responding", arguments: [ { name: "product", description: "Software product name", required: true }, { name: "versions", description: "List of versions to validate", required: true } ] } } as const; private static readonly PROMPT_TEMPLATES = { VERSION_VALIDATION: (currentDate: string) => [ "2. VERSION VALIDATION:", " a. Get All Versions:", " [Using get_all_details]", " - Get complete version history", " - Check all EOL dates", " - Verify support status", "", " b. Version Analysis:", " [Using check_version]", " - Validate specific version", " - Check latest patches", " - Verify LTS status", "", " c. Security Check:", " [Using check_cve]", " - Check vulnerabilities", " - Verify security patches", " - Validate support" ].join("\n"), RESPONSE_HEADER: (currentDate: string) => [ "VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS:", `1. Current date: ${currentDate}`, "" ].join("\n"), RESPONSE_FORMAT: (currentDate: string) => [ "3. RESPONSE FORMAT:", " ```", ` Current date: ${currentDate}`, "", " Version Analysis:", " 1. Current Version:", " - EOL Check: YYYY-MM-DD ({valid|invalid}, {+/-N} days)", " - Support: {active|inactive}", " - Security: {supported|unsupported}", "", " 2. Latest Available:", " - Version: X.Y.Z", " - EOL Date: YYYY-MM-DD", " - Support: {active|inactive}", " - LTS: {yes|no}", "", " Recommendation:", " - Upgrade Status: {required|optional|none}", " - Urgency: {critical|high|medium|low}", " - Timeline: {immediate|planned|none}", " ```" ].join("\n") } as const; constructor() { const serverInfo: Implementation = { name: "eol-mcp-server", version: "0.1.0" }; const options = { capabilities: { experimental: {}, logging: {}, prompts: { listChanged: false }, resources: {}, tools: {} } }; this.server = new Server(serverInfo, options); this.axiosInstance = axios.create({ baseURL: API_CONFIG.BASE_URL, headers: { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json' } }); this.cveAxiosInstance = axios.create({ baseURL: API_CONFIG.CVE_BASE_URL, headers: { 'accept': 'application/json', 'content-type': 'application/json' } }); this.setupHandlers(); this.setupErrorHandling(); this.loadAvailableProducts().catch(console.error); } private setupHandlers(): void { this.setupResourceHandlers(); this.setupToolHandlers(); this.setupPromptHandlers(); } private setupResourceHandlers(): void { this.server.setRequestHandler( ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => ({ resources: this.recentQueries.map((query, index) => ({ uri: `eol://queries/${index}`, name: `Recent query: ${query.product}${query.version ? ` v${query.version}` : ''}`, mimeType: "application/json", description: `EOL status for ${query.product} (${query.timestamp})` })) }) ); this.server.setRequestHandler( ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request) => { const match = request.params.uri.match(/^eol:\/\/queries\/(\d+)$/); if (!match) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Unknown resource: ${request.params.uri}` ); } const index = parseInt(match[1]); const query = this.recentQueries[index]; if (!query) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Query result not found: ${index}` ); } return { contents: [{ uri: request.params.uri, mimeType: "application/json", text: JSON.stringify(query.response, null, 2) }] }; } ); } private setupToolHandlers(): void { this.server.setRequestHandler( ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({ tools: [ { name: "check_version", description: "Check EOL status and support information for software versions", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { product: { type: "string", description: "Software product name (e.g., python, nodejs, ubuntu)", examples: ["python", "nodejs", "ubuntu"] }, version: { type: "string", description: "Specific version to check (e.g., 3.8, 16, 20.04)", examples: ["3.8", "16", "20.04"] } }, required: ["product"] } }, { name: "check_cve", description: "Scan for known security vulnerabilities and support status", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { product: { type: "string", description: "Software product name", examples: ["python", "nodejs"] }, version: { type: "string", description: "Version to check for vulnerabilities", examples: ["3.8.0", "16.13.0"] }, vendor: { type: "string", description: "Software vendor (optional)", examples: ["canonical", "redhat"] } }, required: ["product", "version"] } }, { name: "list_products", description: "Browse or search available software products", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { filter: { type: "string", description: "Optional search term to filter products", examples: ["python", "linux", "database"] } } } }, { name: "compare_versions", description: "Compare versions and get detailed upgrade analysis", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { product: { type: "string", description: "Software product name (e.g., python, nodejs)", examples: ["python", "nodejs"] }, version: { type: "string", description: "Current version being used", examples: ["3.8", "16"] } }, required: ["product", "version"] } }, { name: "get_all_details", description: "Get comprehensive lifecycle details for all versions of a product", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { product: { type: "string", description: "Software product name (e.g., python, nodejs)", examples: ["python", "nodejs"] } }, required: ["product"] } } ] }) ); this.server.setRequestHandler( CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => { const toolName = request.params.name; const args = request.params.arguments || {}; switch (toolName) { case "check_version": if (!isValidCheckVersionArgs(args)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid version check arguments" ); } return this.handleCheckVersion(args); case "check_cve": if (!isValidCVECheckArgs(args)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid CVE check arguments" ); } return this.handleCheckCVE(args); case "list_products": if (!isValidListProductsArgs(args)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid list products arguments" ); } return this.handleListProducts(args); case "compare_versions": { if (!isValidCompareVersionsArgs(args)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid version comparison arguments" ); } return this.handleCompareVersions(args); } case "get_all_details": { if (!isValidGetAllDetailsArgs(args)) { throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidParams, "Invalid get all details arguments" ); } return this.handleGetAllDetails(args); } default: throw new McpError( ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Unknown tool: ${toolName}` ); } } ); } private setupPromptHandlers(): void { this.server.setRequestHandler( ListPromptsRequestSchema, async () => ({ prompts: Object.values(EOLServer.PROMPTS) }) ); this.server.setRequestHandler( GetPromptRequestSchema, async (request) => { const promptName = request.params.name; const args = request.params.arguments || {}; const currentDate = new Date().toISOString(); switch (promptName) { case "check_software_status": { const { product, version } = args; return { messages: [{ role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: [ `I'll analyze the software lifecycle status for ${product}${version ? ` version ${version}` : ''}.`, "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_HEADER(currentDate), EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.VERSION_VALIDATION(currentDate), "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_FORMAT(currentDate), "", "Let me validate the version status..." ].join("\n") } }] }; } case "compare_versions": { const { product, version } = args; return { messages: [{ role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: [ `I'll analyze ${product} version ${version} and provide upgrade recommendations.`, "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_HEADER(currentDate), EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.VERSION_VALIDATION(currentDate), "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_FORMAT(currentDate), "", "Let me analyze the versions..." ].join("\n") } }] }; } case "analyze_security": { const { product, version } = args; return { messages: [{ role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: [ `I'll analyze security status for ${product} version ${version}.`, "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_HEADER(currentDate), EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.VERSION_VALIDATION(currentDate), "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_FORMAT(currentDate), "", "Let me analyze the security status..." ].join("\n") } }] }; } case "validate_version": { const { product, versions } = args; return { messages: [{ role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: [ `I'll validate ${product} versions: ${Array.isArray(versions) ? versions.join(", ") : versions}`, "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_HEADER(currentDate), EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.VERSION_VALIDATION(currentDate), "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_FORMAT(currentDate), "", "Let me validate each version..." ].join("\n") } }] }; } case "natural_language_query": { const { query } = args; return { messages: [{ role: "user", content: { type: "text", text: [ `I'll help analyze software lifecycle information. Here's what I found about: ${query}`, "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_HEADER(currentDate), EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.VERSION_VALIDATION(currentDate), "", EOLServer.PROMPT_TEMPLATES.RESPONSE_FORMAT(currentDate), "", "Let me analyze your query..." ].join("\n") } }] }; } default: throw new McpError( ErrorCode.InvalidRequest, `Unknown prompt: ${promptName}` ); } } ); } private async loadAvailableProducts(): Promise<void> { try { const response = await this.axiosInstance.get(API_CONFIG.ENDPOINTS.ALL_PRODUCTS); this.availableProducts = response.data as string[]; } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to load available products:', error); this.availableProducts = []; } } private setupErrorHandling(): void { this.server.onerror = (error) => { console.error("[MCP Error]", error); }; process.on('SIGINT', async () => { await this.server.close(); process.exit(0); }); } public async start(): Promise<void> { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await this.server.connect(transport); console.error("EOL MCP server running on stdio"); } private async handleCheckVersion(args: CheckVersionArgs) { const { product, version } = args; // Validate product exists if (!this.availableProducts.includes(product)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Invalid product: ${product}. Use list_products tool to see available products.` }], isError: true }; } try { const response = await this.axiosInstance.get(`/${product}.json`); const cycles = response.data as EOLCycle[]; const filteredCycles = version ? cycles.filter(cycle => cycle.cycle.startsWith(version)) : cycles; this.recentQueries.unshift({ product, version, response: filteredCycles, timestamp: new Date().toISOString() }); if (this.recentQueries.length > API_CONFIG.MAX_CACHED_QUERIES) { this.recentQueries.pop(); } return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(filteredCycles, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `EOL API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true }; } throw error; } } private async handleListProducts(args: { filter?: string }) { const { filter } = args; let products = this.availableProducts; if (filter) { products = products.filter(p => p.toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase()) ); } return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(products, null, 2) }] }; } private async handleCheckCVE(args: CVECheckArgs) { const { product, version, vendor } = args; try { const response = await this.axiosInstance.get(`/${product}.json`); const cycles = response.data as EOLCycle[]; const matchingCycle = cycles.find(cycle => cycle.cycle.startsWith(version)); if (!matchingCycle) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Version ${version} not found for ${product}` }], isError: true }; } // For now, return basic EOL info since we removed Snyk return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ product, version, vendor, cycle: matchingCycle, securityStatus: matchingCycle.support ? 'supported' : 'unsupported' }, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true }; } throw error; } } private async handleCompareVersions(args: CompareVersionsArgs) { const { product, version } = args; // Validate product exists if (!this.availableProducts.includes(product)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Invalid product: ${product}. Use list_products tool to see available products.` }], isError: true }; } try { const cycles = await this.getProductDetails(product); const currentDate = new Date(); // Validate current version const currentCycle = cycles.find(c => c?.cycle?.startsWith(version)); if (!currentCycle) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Version ${version} not found for ${product}` }], isError: true }; } // Find and validate latest supported version const latestSupportedCycle = cycles.find(c => { const validation = this.validateVersion(c, currentDate); return validation.isValid && validation.isSupported; }) || cycles[0]; // Validate both versions const currentValidation = this.validateVersion(currentCycle, currentDate); const latestValidation = this.validateVersion(latestSupportedCycle, currentDate); // Cache the query this.recentQueries.unshift({ product, version, response: [currentCycle, latestSupportedCycle], timestamp: currentDate.toISOString() }); if (this.recentQueries.length > API_CONFIG.MAX_CACHED_QUERIES) { this.recentQueries.pop(); } const response = { current_date: currentDate.toISOString(), validations: { current: this.formatVersionValidation(currentCycle, currentValidation), latest: this.formatVersionValidation(latestSupportedCycle, latestValidation) }, recommendation: { needs_update: !currentValidation.isValid || !currentValidation.isSupported, urgency: this.getUpgradeUrgency(currentValidation.daysToEol), message: this.getRecommendationMessage(currentValidation) } }; return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(response, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true }; } throw error; } } private formatVersionValidation(cycle: EOLCycle, validation: ValidationResult) { return { version: cycle.cycle, eol_check: { date: cycle.eol, valid: validation.isValid, days_remaining: validation.daysToEol, message: validation.validationMessage }, support: { status: validation.isSupported ? "supported" : "not supported", lts: this.isValueTruthy(cycle.lts) ? "LTS" : "not LTS" } }; } private getUpgradeUrgency(daysToEol: number): string { if (daysToEol < 0) return "critical"; if (daysToEol < 30) return "high"; if (daysToEol < 90) return "medium"; return "low"; } private getRecommendationMessage(validation: ValidationResult): string { return validation.isSupported && validation.isValid ? "Current version is supported, but consider upgrading to latest for security updates" : "Current version needs urgent upgrade - use a supported version"; } // Helper function to check if a value is truthy private isValueTruthy(value: string | boolean | undefined): boolean { if (typeof value === "boolean") return value; if (typeof value === "string") { const lowered = value.toLowerCase(); return lowered === "true" || lowered === "yes"; } return false; } private async getProductDetails(product: string): Promise<EOLCycle[]> { const response = await this.axiosInstance.get(`/${product}.json`); return response.data as EOLCycle[]; } private validateVersion(cycle: EOLCycle | undefined, currentDate: Date = new Date()): ValidationResult { if (!cycle?.eol) { return { isValid: false, daysToEol: 0, isSupported: false, validationMessage: `Invalid cycle data for version ${cycle?.cycle ?? 'unknown'}` }; } const eolDate = new Date(cycle.eol); const daysToEol = Math.floor((eolDate.getTime() - currentDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); const isSupported = this.isValueTruthy(cycle.support); return { isValid: daysToEol > 0, daysToEol, isSupported, validationMessage: `Version ${cycle.cycle} EOL date ${cycle.eol} is ${daysToEol > 0 ? 'valid' : 'invalid'}, ${daysToEol > 0 ? '+' : ''}${daysToEol} days from now` }; } private async validateVersions(product: string, versions: string[]): Promise<ValidationsResult> { const cycles = await this.getProductDetails(product); const currentDate = new Date(); const validations: Record<string, VersionValidation> = {}; const validVersions: string[] = []; for (const version of versions) { const cycle = cycles.find(c => c?.cycle?.startsWith(version)); if (!cycle) continue; const validation = this.validateVersion(cycle, currentDate); const securityCheck = await this.handleCheckCVE({ product, version }); validations[version] = { eol: { date: cycle.eol, valid: validation.isValid, daysRemaining: validation.daysToEol, message: validation.validationMessage }, support: { isSupported: validation.isSupported, message: `Version ${version} support status: ${validation.isSupported ? 'active' : 'inactive'}` }, security: { isSupported: !cycle.eol || new Date(cycle.eol) > currentDate, message: `Version ${version} security status: ${!cycle.eol || new Date(cycle.eol) > currentDate ? 'supported' : 'unsupported'}` } }; if (validation.isValid && validation.isSupported) { validVersions.push(version); } } return { validations, validVersions }; } private async handleGetAllDetails(args: GetAllDetailsArgs) { const { product } = args; if (!this.availableProducts.includes(product)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `Invalid product: ${product}. Use list_products tool to see available products.` }], isError: true }; } try { const cycles = await this.getProductDetails(product); const currentDate = new Date(); // Add validation results for each cycle const detailedCycles = cycles.map(cycle => { const validation = this.validateVersion(cycle, currentDate); return { ...cycle, validation: { is_valid: validation.isValid, days_to_eol: validation.daysToEol, is_supported: validation.isSupported, message: validation.validationMessage } }; }); return { content: [{ type: "text", text: JSON.stringify({ product, current_date: currentDate.toISOString(), cycles: detailedCycles }, null, 2) }] }; } catch (error) { if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) { return { content: [{ type: "text", text: `API error: ${error.response?.data?.message ?? error.message}` }], isError: true }; } throw error; } } } const server = new EOLServer(); server.start().catch(console.error);