Upstash MCP Server

  • src
import type { UpstashRequest } from "./http"; type Middleware = (req: UpstashRequest, next: () => Promise<unknown>) => Promise<unknown>; const formatCreationTime = (obj: unknown) => { if ( obj && typeof obj === "object" && "creation_time" in obj && typeof obj.creation_time === "number" && obj.creation_time > 0 ) { obj.creation_time = new Date(obj.creation_time * 1000).toLocaleString(); } }; const middlewares: Middleware[] = [ // Middleware to format creation_time field to human readable format async (req, next) => { const res = await next(); if (Array.isArray(res)) { for (const element of res) { formatCreationTime(element); } } else { formatCreationTime(res); } return res; }, ]; export const applyMiddlewares = async ( req: UpstashRequest, func: (req: UpstashRequest) => Promise<unknown> ) => { let next = async () => func(req); for (const middleware of middlewares.reverse()) { const prevNext = next; next = async () => middleware(req, prevNext); } return next(); };