Upstash MCP Server

  • src
/* eslint-disable unicorn/prefer-node-protocol */ import path from "path"; import os from "os"; import fs from "fs"; import chalk from "chalk"; import { log } from "./log"; import { config } from "./config"; const claudeConfigPath = path.join( os.homedir(), "Library", "Application Support", "Claude", "claude_desktop_config.json" ); const UPSTASH_MCP_KEY = "upstash"; export async function init({ executablePath }: { executablePath: string }) { const isLocal = executablePath.includes("dist/index.js"); const upstashConfig = isLocal ? { command: "node", args: [executablePath, "run",, config.apiKey], } : { command: "npx", args: ["-y", "@upstash/mcp-server", "run",, config.apiKey], }; const configDir = path.dirname(claudeConfigPath); if (!fs.existsSync(configDir)) { log("Creating Claude config directory...")); fs.mkdirSync(configDir, { recursive: true }); } const existingConfig = fs.existsSync(claudeConfigPath) ? (JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(claudeConfigPath, "utf8")) as { mcpServers?: Record<string, unknown>; }) : { mcpServers: {} }; if (UPSTASH_MCP_KEY in (existingConfig?.mcpServers || {})) { log(chalk.yellow("Upstash entry already exists. Overriding it.")); } if (isLocal) { log( chalk.yellow( "Local executable detected. Using 'node' and absolute path instead of 'npx' for development." ) ); } const newConfig = { ...existingConfig, mcpServers: { ...existingConfig.mcpServers, [UPSTASH_MCP_KEY]: upstashConfig, }, }; fs.writeFileSync(claudeConfigPath, JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, 2)); log( "\n" + JSON.stringify( { [UPSTASH_MCP_KEY]: upstashConfig, }, null, 2 ).replaceAll(config.apiKey, "********") ) ); log(`Config written to: "${claudeConfigPath.replace(os.homedir(), "~")}"`)); }