Specif-ai MCP Server

{ "features": [ { "id": "US1", "name": "Enable Theme Toggle in Appearance Settings", "description": "Ability to toggle between light and dark themes in appearance settings. In order to customize the app's look for comfort and accessibility. As a user, I want to switch between light and dark themes in a seamless and intuitive way. Acceptance Criteria: The appearance settings must include an intuitive toggle (e.g., switch or dropdown) for theme selection. The selected theme must update all app components instantaneously without page reload. The theme selection must persist across user sessions. Users must be shown an error notification if a theme fails to load or apply.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Create a theme toggle component in React", "acceptance": "Develop a reusable React component (e.g., ToggleSwitch.js) that renders an intuitive toggle switch for theme selection. Acceptance Criteria: The toggle switch must visually update between 'light' and 'dark' states upon user interaction. Ensure the component is accessible with appropriate ARIA roles and labels.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Implement theme state management in the React application", "acceptance": "Add a centralized state using React Context or state management library to handle the theme. Acceptance Criteria: The state must default to 'light' theme and update dynamically when the toggle component is used. Ensure all components can consume theme changes seamlessly without reloading the page.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Apply dynamic theming to React components", "acceptance": "Update existing React components to consume the centralized theme state and dynamically switch styles between light and dark themes. Acceptance Criteria: All visible UI components must reflect the current theme. Ensure visual consistency across all components when switching themes.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Persist theme selection across user sessions", "acceptance": "Implement localStorage in the React application to save and retrieve the user's theme preference. Acceptance Criteria: The theme must be persisted across page reloads and browser sessions, defaulting to the user's last selected theme.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Create an API endpoint in Golang to fetch default theme (if available)", "acceptance": "Develop a GET API endpoint in Golang within the backend that returns the default theme. Acceptance Criteria: The API must return a JSON object containing the default theme setting ('light' or 'dark'). Ensure proper error handling for API failures.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Integrate theme API endpoint in React application", "acceptance": "Fetch the default theme from the Golang API endpoint during the React app initialization. Acceptance Criteria: The app must initialize the theme state with the API response if available, otherwise fallback to a default 'light' theme. Ensure smooth rendering with no UI flicker during the async operation.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Implement error handling for failed theme application", "acceptance": "Add error handling logic in React to show a notification when a theme fails to load or apply. Acceptance Criteria: A notification must clearly inform the user of the error while the app reverts to a safe fallback (e.g., 'light' theme). Use a styled notification component for consistent error communication.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Write unit tests for theme toggle component", "acceptance": "Write Jest or React Testing Library tests for the theme toggle component. Acceptance Criteria: The tests must validate the toggle's functionality, ensuring correct updates to the theme state. Test keyboard and screen reader accessibility compliance.", "id": "TASK8" }, { "list": "Write unit and integration tests for theme state management", "acceptance": "Develop unit tests for the centralized theme state logic and integration tests for overall app behavior during theme switching. Acceptance Criteria: Tests must verify that all components dynamically update and localStorage persists the theme. Include edge cases such as missing data in localStorage.", "id": "TASK9" }, { "list": "Write API tests for the theme endpoint", "acceptance": "Develop tests for the Golang API endpoint to validate its functionality and error handling. Acceptance Criteria: Tests must ensure correct JSON response for the default theme, handle invalid requests, and verify behavior under failure scenarios.", "id": "TASK10" } ] }, { "id": "US2", "name": "Provide Live Theme Preview in Settings", "description": "Ability to preview the selected theme in real-time before confirming changes. In order to evaluate the appearance of a chosen theme. As a user, I want to see how the app looks with a chosen theme before committing to it. Acceptance Criteria: While selecting a theme, the interface must display a live preview of the chosen theme either in the settings page or across the app. A 'Confirm' button must apply the selected theme, while a 'Cancel' button reverts the app to its prior state. The system must notify the user if the preview fails to render correctly.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Add a Theme Selection Dropdown Component in React Settings Page", "acceptance": "Implement a dropdown menu in the settings React component for users to select themes. The component must dynamically list available themes. Acceptance Criteria: The dropdown should display a list of themes fetched from a predefined React state or API. Selecting an option should trigger a callback function passing the selected theme as an argument.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Implement Live Theme Preview Logic in React", "acceptance": "Implement a useEffect/pattern-based mechanism in the React component to apply the selected theme styles in real-time across the app. Logic should dynamically load the associated CSS or styles for the selected theme. Acceptance Criteria: Verify that selecting a theme from the dropdown applies the relevant styles both within the settings page and across the app. Live theme changes should reflect seamlessly without requiring a reload.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Add 'Confirm' Button to Persist Theme Change", "acceptance": "Add a 'Confirm' button to the React settings component. Clicking on it should invoke an API call to persist the selected theme. Acceptance Criteria: The 'Confirm' button must trigger an API POST/PUT request via React to update the user's theme preference. Verify that the state's current theme aligns with the selection upon successful submission.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Add 'Cancel' Button to Revert to Previous Theme", "acceptance": "Add a 'Cancel' button to the React settings component that reverts the theme back to the prior theme state when clicked. Acceptance Criteria: Clicking 'Cancel' should reset the theme styles in the app to match the last saved theme. Ensure no API calls are made and state reverts correctly to the original theme upon cancellation.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Create an API Endpoint in Golang to Handle Theme Save Request", "acceptance": "Develop a Golang API endpoint (e.g., POST /api/theme or PUT /api/theme) to receive and store the selected theme preference. Acceptance Criteria: The API should accept a theme identifier as input and persist it in the database or session. Return HTTP 200 on success, and an error JSON response on failure. Verify that invalid theme identifiers return a 400 HTTP status with an appropriate error message.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Add Error Handling for Theme Preview Failures", "acceptance": "Implement error handling in both React and Golang to address cases where the theme preview fails. In React, capture errors during style application and display a user-friendly notification (e.g., 'Failed to apply theme preview'). In Golang, handle any API errors gracefully. Acceptance Criteria: Ensure that any errors during preview correctly trigger a notification in the UI, and backend errors provide precise error messages in the API response.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Write Unit Tests for React Theme Preview and Controls", "acceptance": "Create unit tests for the React component to validate theme application logic, dropdown behavior, and the functionality of 'Confirm' and 'Cancel' buttons. Acceptance Criteria: Tests should cover theme preview application, button actions, and state management. Write tests to validate error handling when incorrect or incompatible themes are selected.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Write Unit Tests for Golang Theme API Endpoint", "acceptance": "Develop unit tests for the Golang API endpoint to verify theme persistence logic and error handling. Acceptance Criteria: Tests should cover successful theme saving, input validation errors (e.g., invalid theme ID), and server-side failures. Validate error messages and HTTP response codes as per specifications.", "id": "TASK8" } ] }, { "id": "US3", "name": "Automatically Detect System Default Theme", "description": "Ability to auto-detect and match the app theme to the user's system preferences. In order to provide a consistent default visual experience. As a user, I want the app to reflect my device's appearance settings when I first use it. Acceptance Criteria: During the first interaction, the app must detect the user's system theme (light/dark) and apply it automatically if no prior manual selection exists. A notification must inform users of the detected default theme with a link to change preferences. If detection fails, the default theme must be set to light and users should be prompted to customize settings.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Implement function to detect system theme on startup (Golang backend)", "acceptance": "Create a function in the backend to detect the user's system theme (light/dark) during the app's first interaction. The function must detect system preferences via a predefined API or library, return the current theme setting, and handle errors if the detection fails. Acceptance Criteria: The function must return 'light' or 'dark' as output on successful detection. If detection fails, return 'light' as the default theme while logging the error for troubleshooting.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Develop API endpoint to retrieve detected system theme (Golang backend)", "acceptance": "Create a REST API endpoint '/api/theme/detect' that invokes the system theme detection function and returns the detected theme as a JSON response. Handle error scenarios by returning 'light' as a fallback theme and responding with an appropriate HTTP status code. Acceptance Criteria: The endpoint must return a JSON object containing the detected theme (e.g., { \"theme\": \"dark\" }). Ensure proper error handling and return HTTP 200 on success or HTTP 500 if an internal error occurs.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Implement Redux action and reducer to store theme settings (React frontend)", "acceptance": "Create a Redux action and reducer to store the detected theme in the global state. The action should handle both theme values ('light' and 'dark') and a default fallback theme ('light'). Acceptance Criteria: The Redux state must update with the detected theme upon receiving the action payload. The fallback theme must be 'light' if no valid theme is provided.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Add frontend component to fetch and apply detected theme (React frontend)", "acceptance": "Develop a React component that invokes the '/api/theme/detect' endpoint on the initial app load, retrieves the detected theme, and dispatches it to the Redux store. Ensure the component applies the theme to the app's CSS root variables for immediate visual updates. Acceptance Criteria: The application must match the detected system theme or fallback to 'light' on detection failure. Verify functionality by checking updates to the CSS root variables and Redux state upon component load.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Display notification about detected theme with link to preferences (React frontend)", "acceptance": "Implement a user notification system in the React app that displays a message informing users of the detected theme during the initial interaction. Include a link in the message to navigate to the preferences page for manual changes. Acceptance Criteria: The notification must display the correct theme ('light' or 'dark') detected by the system. The link must redirect users to the theme customization settings. Verify that the notification only appears during the initial app load.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Create fallback logic to use light theme if detection fails (React frontend)", "acceptance": "Implement fallback logic in the React app to apply the 'light' theme if the theme detection endpoint returns an error or fails. Ensure the logic integrates with the Redux store and applies the fallback theme to the app's CSS root variables. Acceptance Criteria: The application must apply the 'light' theme reliably if the API fails. Testing must simulate detection failure to confirm that the fallback operates correctly and updates both global state and UI.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Develop preferences page to allow manual theme selection (React frontend)", "acceptance": "Build a preferences page in the React app where users can manually select between 'light' and 'dark' themes. Store the selected theme in the Redux store and apply it to the app's CSS root variables immediately. Acceptance Criteria: The preferences page must allow users to switch between themes ('light' and 'dark'). The selected theme must persist in the Redux store and display accurately in the UI upon selection.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Write unit tests for theme detection function (Golang backend)", "acceptance": "Develop unit tests for the system theme detection function to ensure that it returns the correct values ('light' or 'dark') based on the system settings. Test cases must also cover fallback scenarios where detection fails, verifying that 'light' is returned as the default. Acceptance Criteria: All tests must pass, with coverage for both successful detection and error handling scenarios.", "id": "TASK8" }, { "list": "Write unit tests for Redux action and reducer (React frontend)", "acceptance": "Create unit tests to validate the Redux action and reducer for storing theme settings. Tests should confirm that the reducer correctly updates the state based on the action payload and handles default fallback themes when no payload is provided. Acceptance Criteria: Ensure all tests pass and cover normal, edge, and fallback scenarios for theme updates.", "id": "TASK9" }, { "list": "Write integration tests for theme detection and application workflow", "acceptance": "Implement integration tests to validate end-to-end functionality for theme detection and application. Tests must cover the initial detection, Redux state updates, CSS variable changes, and notification display. Simulate failure cases to verify fallback logic. Acceptance Criteria: All tests should pass, confirming that the app correctly detects, applies, and notifies the user of the system theme. Ensure fallback logic is validated for detection failure scenarios.", "id": "TASK10" } ] }, { "id": "US4", "name": "Persist Theme Settings Across Devices", "description": "Ability to sync and apply theme preferences across multiple devices. In order to maintain a consistent experience. As a user, I want my theme changes to reflect dynamically on all devices tied to my account. Acceptance Criteria: Upon login, the app must retrieve the user's saved theme preferences from the database and apply them. Changes made to the theme on one device must update in real-time on active sessions of other devices. Syncing errors must prompt a retry mechanism and notify users of potential inconsistencies. If unresolved conflicts exist, the most recent change must take precedence.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Create API endpoint to fetch user theme preferences from the database", "acceptance": "Develop a Golang API endpoint `/api/v1/theme/preferences` to retrieve the logged-in user's theme preferences using their account ID. Acceptance Criteria: The endpoint must accept a user token or session data, validate the user, and query the database for saved preferences. The response must return the theme settings in JSON format. If the user’s preferences are not found, return a default theme. Handle database errors and return an error response with appropriate HTTP status codes.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Create API endpoint to save updated theme preferences to the database", "acceptance": "Develop a Golang API endpoint `/api/v1/theme/preferences` to save or update theme preferences. Acceptance Criteria: The endpoint must accept a JSON payload containing the updated theme configuration, validate it, and save the new preferences to the database using the user’s account ID. Ensure the most recent change's timestamp is recorded. Handle invalid inputs with HTTP 400 and retry mechanisms in case of transient database errors.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Integrate theme retrieval API call on React app during login", "acceptance": "On user login, send a request from the React app to `/api/v1/theme/preferences` to fetch the saved theme preferences. Acceptance Criteria: The theme settings must be successfully retrieved and applied to update the React app UI dynamically. If the API fails, apply a default theme and display an error notification to the user.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Implement UI to allow theme customization in the React app", "acceptance": "Create a theme customization component in React that allows the user to select and modify themes. Acceptance Criteria: Changes made in the UI must update the local state and prepare the JSON payload to save preferences. Provide validation to ensure valid theme settings are selected. If a user selects invalid configurations, display a notification detailing the issue.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Integrate theme update API call from React app upon theme changes", "acceptance": "Send updated theme preferences from React to `/api/v1/theme/preferences` when a user makes changes. Acceptance Criteria: The API call must be triggered immediately upon a change. Display appropriate success or error messages based on the response. Implement a retry mechanism in case of transient errors and ensure the most recent change is saved to the database.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Implement real-time theme synchronization across active devices", "acceptance": "Integrate a mechanism for real-time synchronization of theme preferences using WebSocket or AWS SNS/SQS in both the Golang backend and React frontend. Acceptance Criteria: On every theme update, the backend must notify all active devices of the user’s account. The React app must listen for notifications, fetch the new preferences, and apply them dynamically. Handle WebSocket/SNS errors gracefully and fall back to a retry mechanism.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Resolve conflicts by applying the most recent theme change", "acceptance": "Implement logic in the Golang backend to resolve synchronization conflicts. Acceptance Criteria: When conflicting preferences are detected, compare timestamps and store the most recent change. Notify the user in case of unresolved inconsistency scenarios, detailing the chosen preference. Unit tests must validate that the most recent change takes precedence.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Add unit tests for API endpoints handling theme preferences", "acceptance": "Develop unit tests for `/api/v1/theme/preferences` GET and POST endpoints in Golang. Acceptance Criteria: Tests must verify correct retrieval and update of theme preferences, proper error handling, validation of inputs, and correct handling of retry mechanisms for database errors. Tests must achieve 100% code coverage for these endpoints.", "id": "TASK8" }, { "list": "Add UI tests for theme synchronization and dynamic updates", "acceptance": "Develop UI tests to validate that theme changes are dynamically applied and synchronized across active devices in the React frontend. Acceptance Criteria: Tests must verify that theme changes are fetched and applied on login, updates are sent to the backend correctly, and incoming notifications dynamically update the UI on other devices. Include scenarios for error handling and retry mechanisms.", "id": "TASK9" } ] }, { "id": "US5", "name": "Reset Theme to Default Settings", "description": "Ability to reset theme settings to their default state. In order to revert the app to its original design. As a user, I want to reset my theme preferences to the app's default settings effortlessly. Acceptance Criteria: The settings page must include a 'Reset to Default' button. Resetting should immediately apply the default theme (e.g., light theme) and remove any stored preferences. A confirmation prompt must ask for user confirmation before completing the reset. The system must show a success message upon a successful reset or an error message if the reset fails.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Create the 'Reset to Default' button on the settings page", "acceptance": "Add a new button labeled 'Reset to Default' on the settings page using React. The button must be visually styled in accordance with the app's current design guidelines. Acceptance Criteria: The settings page displays a 'Reset to Default' button. The button can be identified using a specific selector for testing purposes.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Implement confirmation prompt on 'Reset to Default' button click", "acceptance": "When the 'Reset to Default' button is clicked, trigger a confirmation prompt using a modal or standard alert dialog in React. The prompt must ask the user to confirm or cancel the reset operation. Acceptance Criteria: Clicking the 'Reset to Default' button displays a confirmation modal with 'Confirm' and 'Cancel' options. Clicking 'Cancel' closes the prompt and does not perform any further action. Clicking 'Confirm' triggers the reset logic.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Create API endpoint in Golang for resetting theme preferences", "acceptance": "Develop a new API endpoint in Golang to handle theme preference resetting. The endpoint must delete stored theme preferences for the user and return a success or error response. Ensure preferences are deleted from the data store. Acceptance Criteria: The API endpoint correctly deletes stored theme preferences and sets the default theme (e.g., light theme). Returns HTTP 200 with a success message on reset completion. Returns appropriate HTTP error codes if the operation fails.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Integrate API call in frontend for theme reset", "acceptance": "On confirmation of the reset action, make an HTTP request from the React frontend to the newly created API endpoint. Handle the API response to reflect success or error on the frontend. Acceptance Criteria: The frontend sends a valid API request upon confirmation, removes any stored theme preferences locally, and applies the default theme immediately. Displays a success message on successful reset or an error message if the API call fails.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Show success or error messages after reset action", "acceptance": "Add logic to display feedback to the user about the status of the reset operation. Use a toast or inline message component to show success on a successful reset or error on failure. Acceptance Criteria: A success message is displayed using the React frontend if the reset operation completes successfully. An error message is displayed if the backend returns an error.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Update theme context/state management in React after reset", "acceptance": "Ensure that resetting the theme updates the application's current theme context/state to the default theme (e.g., light theme) using React state management. Acceptance Criteria: After the reset operation, the theme context/state updates to reflect the default theme immediately. Any relevant UI elements re-render with the applied default theme.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Add unit tests for the Reset to Default feature in Golang API", "acceptance": "Write unit tests for the newly added API endpoint in Golang. Cover success and error scenarios, including database operation failures. Acceptance Criteria: Unit tests verify that the API endpoint successfully resets theme preferences to their default state. Tests cover error scenarios such as data store failures, ensuring appropriate error codes are returned.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Add unit tests for Reset to Default functionality in React", "acceptance": "Write unit tests for the React Reset to Default functionality. Mock API responses to simulate success and error conditions. Acceptance Criteria: Tests verify that the confirmation prompt displays when the button is clicked. Tests validate API requests are made correctly and responses are handled appropriately. Tests ensure success and error messages render under the correct conditions.", "id": "TASK8" } ] } ] }