Specif-ai MCP Server

{ "features": [ { "id": "US1", "name": "Real-Time Account Synchronization Across Devices", "description": "Ability to synchronize account activity in real-time across devices. In order to provide a consistent experience regardless of platform. As a user, I want my activities, settings, and preferences to reflect immediately across all platforms. Acceptance Criteria: - Any changes to user data or settings on one device must propagate to all other devices instantly. - All devices must display up-to-date account information upon login. - Synchronization conflicts must notify users with options to resolve them. - Synchronization errors must display contextual error messages with retry options.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Implement real-time synchronization API endpoint in Golang", "acceptance": "Develop a Golang API endpoint to handle updates to account activity, settings, and preferences. Input: User ID and specific changes. Output: Broadcast user data changes to other devices. Validate that the endpoint propagates changes through a real-time mechanism (e.g., websockets). Ensure updates are logged for auditing. Acceptance Criteria: Endpoint successfully broadcasts changes to all devices. Supports JSON payload validation. Logs changes in the backend. Ensures minimal latency for propagation.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Integrate WebSockets for real-time communication", "acceptance": "Set up WebSocket connection in the Golang backend to push updates to connected devices. Input: Modified user data. Output: Real-time data streaming via WebSockets. Ensure reconnection logic for disrupted WebSocket sessions. Validate that all connected devices receive broadcast updates. Acceptance Criteria: Devices receive updates in real-time without noticeable delay. Handles connection drops with automatic reconnection. Pushes updated JSON payloads accurately.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Create React component to handle real-time update notifications", "acceptance": "Develop a React UI component to listen for real-time updates from the WebSocket connection and reflect changes in the user interface. Input: Pushed data from WebSocket. Output: Updated UI to show latest account activity, settings, or preferences. Perform data validation and transform before rendering. Acceptance Criteria: UI updates instantly upon receiving WebSocket data. Ensure React component rerenders only when there are data changes. Displays accurate and up-to-date information without UI lag.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Implement synchronization conflict resolution logic in Golang", "acceptance": "Develop backend conflict detection for simultaneous data changes from multiple devices. Input: Conflicting data updates. Output: Conflict notification sent to affected devices via WebSockets, along with options for resolution (Merge, Overwrite, Ignore). Acceptance Criteria: Detection logic identifies conflicts accurately and sends appropriate resolution options. Users are informed only of valid conflicts with actionable resolution choices. Conflict resolution updates propagate correctly to all devices.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Display synchronization conflict notification in React UI", "acceptance": "Create a React modal or notification component to display conflict details and resolution options (Merge, Overwrite, Ignore) received from the backend. Input: Conflict data from WebSocket. Output: Interactive UI for resolving conflicts. Ensure error handling for invalid or timed-out responses. Validate that the correct user selection is sent back to the backend. Acceptance Criteria: Modal displays detailed conflict information. Allows users to select resolution options. Updates backend and all devices based on user choice.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Implement error message handling in WebSocket communication", "acceptance": "Add error-handling logic in Golang WebSocket implementation to send contextual error messages to the client. Input: Backend error information. Output: JSON error payload to frontend. Must include error details and retry suggestions. Acceptance Criteria: Devices receive descriptive error messages from WebSocket on synchronization failures. Error messages include error code, context, and retry instructions. Backend handles invalid retry requests gracefully.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Display synchronization errors with retry option in React UI", "acceptance": "Develop a React component to handle error messages received from the WebSocket connection. Input: Error message from WebSocket. Output: Notification or modal showing error details with a 'Retry' button. Validate user actions and prevent redundant retries. Acceptance Criteria: UI displays context-specific error messages. Retry button triggers consolidation with the WebSocket backend for reattempting failed operations. Handles multiple retry attempts without breaking the UI state.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Ensure up-to-date account information is fetched on login", "acceptance": "Enhance the Golang login API endpoint to send the latest account activity, settings, and preferences to the client upon login. Input: User ID during login. Output: Complete account information in JSON format. Validate if the data fetched from the backend is consistent and up-to-date. Acceptance Criteria: On login, devices render the most recent account information. Ensures settings and preferences match the latest backend state. Handles cache invalidation properly to avoid stale data.", "id": "TASK8" } ] }, { "id": "US2", "name": "Platform-Specific User Experiences", "description": "Ability to deliver tailored user interfaces optimized for each platform. In order to enhance usability and accessibility. As a user, I want the app experience to align with the capabilities of my current device. Acceptance Criteria: - Desktop must utilize larger screens with expanded menus and multitasking features. - Mobile must include touch-friendly interactions and responsive layouts. - Web must support major browsers with responsive design adapting to varying screen sizes. - Each platform must maintain a unified style while providing tailored interactions for its specific capabilities. - The UI must allow streamlined access to core functionalities across all platforms.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Create a React component for Desktop-specific UI layout", "acceptance": "Implement a React component tailored for desktop users that includes larger screen support, expanded menus, and multitasking features. The component must align with React's functional component standards. Acceptance Criteria: The UI must render properly on desktop, dynamically adapting to increase available screen space, and provide expanded menu access and multitasking support.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Implement a React component for Mobile-specific UI layout", "acceptance": "Develop a React component that provides touch-friendly interactions and a responsive layout optimized for phone and tablet screens. The component must implement responsive behavior using CSS media queries or equivalent React styling libraries. Acceptance Criteria: The UI must respond to touch inputs seamlessly and maintain responsive behavior across different screen sizes.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Develop a React component for Web platform UI layout", "acceptance": "Implement a web-based React component that supports major browsers with responsive design patterns to adapt to varying screen sizes. Include cross-browser compatibility validation for at least Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Acceptance Criteria: The component should dynamically adjust its layout based on screen size and render consistently across the specified browsers.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Abstract shared UI styles into a base theme for React components", "acceptance": "Create a unified stylesheet or theme file using CSS Modules or styled-components library to ensure consistent design across Desktop, Mobile, and Web components. Acceptance Criteria: All platform-specific components must load the shared styles and retain a visually consistent appearance while offering platform-specific variations.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Implement input validation for shared functionality", "acceptance": "Include necessary validations for UI interactions across all platforms. Ensure invalid inputs are flagged with appropriate error messages visible on each platform's UI component. Acceptance Criteria: Any invalid action on core functionality triggers a user-friendly error message irrespective of the platform and does not impact application stability.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Ensure navigation between core app functionalities is streamlined", "acceptance": "Implement navigation logic using React Router to allow seamless transitions between core functionalities on all platforms. Include React Route Guards where necessary. Acceptance Criteria: Navigation must perform optimally and consistently across Desktop, Mobile, and Web components, without broken links or delays.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Test and optimize platform-specific UI performance", "acceptance": "Test the rendering time and responsiveness of all platform-specific components using browser developer tools or suitable React performance profiling tools. Optimize any areas where performance lags, ensuring a smooth user experience. Acceptance Criteria: All components must render within acceptable performance timelines (<100ms interaction delay).", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Integrate feature-specific AWS hosting for responsive components", "acceptance": "Deploy the shared platform-specific components on AWS infrastructure and verify rendering across Desktop, Mobile, and Web. Acceptance Criteria: All components should be accessible on their designated platforms through AWS-hosted URLs with no rendering errors.", "id": "TASK8" }, { "list": "Write and execute platform-specific unit tests for UI components", "acceptance": "Develop unit tests for each platform-specific React component using a testing framework such as Jest. Ensure that all platform-specific functionalities meet acceptance criteria. Acceptance Criteria: Achieve 90%+ test coverage on all platform-specific React components, and all tests should pass without errors.", "id": "TASK9" }, { "list": "Implement error logging mechanism for UI interactions", "acceptance": "Integrate an error logging library such as Sentry to capture and report any runtime errors across platform-specific components. Ensure logs provide clear details like error type, platform, and stack trace. Acceptance Criteria: Logs are successfully generated and stored for any UI interaction error, categorized by platform.", "id": "TASK10" } ] }, { "id": "US3", "name": "Community Browsing and Interaction Management", "description": "Ability to access and interact with communities across platforms. In order to participate in social and group activities seamlessly. As a user, I want to browse, join, and engage with communities with ease. Acceptance Criteria: - Users must be able to view a comprehensive list of their communities. - Joining a community must include necessary validations (e.g., invite-only restrictions). - Communities must support core functionalities like posts, discussions, and events. - Community-specific data and activities must synchronize across all devices. - Errors in community actions (e.g., failing to join) must display clear messaging.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Implement API endpoint to fetch the list of communities a user belongs to", "acceptance": "Create a RESTful GET endpoint in Golang to fetch and return a list of communities associated with the authenticated user. Input must include the user ID derived from the authentication token. Response must be a JSON array containing community details (ID, name, type, membership status). Handle errors such as userID not found or database connectivity issues. Acceptance Criteria: API returns accurate community data for the user. Handle and return proper HTTP error codes with descriptive messages in case of failure. Include unit tests covering success and failure scenarios.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Design and implement UI to display user's list of communities in React", "acceptance": "Create a React component to display the list of communities in a responsive grid layout. Fetch data from the API (TASK1) and render the response. Include a loading state, handle errors, and display appropriate messaging (e.g., 'No communities found' or 'Failed to load communities'). Include unit tests to verify rendering logic and API integration. Acceptance Criteria: Component correctly renders the community list. Displays meaningful feedback during loading or on API error.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Implement API endpoint for joining a community with validations", "acceptance": "Create a RESTful POST endpoint in Golang to handle community joining requests. Input must include community ID and user authentication token. Validate if the community is invite-only (and check for valid invite if applicable). Update database to reflect the user's new membership status. Handle errors such as invalid community ID, unauthorized access, or failed database updates. Response must include success status and updated membership status. Acceptance Criteria: Endpoint validates inputs and joins the user to the community if requirements are met. Returns appropriate error messages and status codes for all failure scenarios. Include unit tests for success and error cases.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Add 'Join Community' CTA and interaction flow to community UI in React", "acceptance": "Enhance the community list UI in React with a 'Join Community' button for each community where applicable (non-members). Integrate with the joining API (TASK3) to allow users to join selected communities. Show appropriate feedback (e.g., 'Joined successfully' or 'Failed to join'). Include loading and error states. Acceptance Criteria: The UI accurately reflects the membership changes based on API responses. Provides meaningful messaging on API error or success.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Implement centralized error handling for community API responses", "acceptance": "Implement reusable error handling middleware in the Golang server to capture and format errors from community-related API endpoints. Ensure consistent error structure and logging for debugging. Integrate it with all new community-related endpoints. Acceptance Criteria: Errors in all API endpoints return clear and descriptive JSON messages. Log errors in a structured format for easier debugging.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Sync community-specific data and activities across devices", "acceptance": "Implement a mechanism in Golang to ensure community membership and activity data dynamically sync across devices by associating changes with user sessions. Include backend checks whenever a user joins, engages, or fetches communities. Ensure changes propagate in near-real-time (e.g., leveraging websockets if supported by architecture). Acceptance Criteria: Membership and activity updates reflect across different devices for the same user in under 2 seconds. Sync process is fault-tolerant and logs errors for debugging.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Develop endpoint for creating posts, discussions, and events in a community", "acceptance": "Create dedicated RESTful POST endpoints in Golang for creating posts, discussions, and events within a community. Inputs must include community ID, user authentication token, and specific content details. Validate user permissions for each action and ensure the community exists. Save created data to the database with proper associations to the community and user. Handle permissions errors and data validation issues. Acceptance Criteria: Endpoints validate inputs and allow authorized users to create posts, discussions, and events. Return appropriate responses for success or failure. Unit tests cover all scenarios.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Implement frontend components for creating posts, discussions, and events in React", "acceptance": "Create React forms and interactive components for users to create posts, discussions, and events. Validate inputs before submission. Integrate forms with the backend APIs (TASK7) and display appropriate error or success messages. Acceptance Criteria: UI components allow users to submit valid posts, discussions, and events successfully. Provide clear feedback and input validation. Unit tests ensure correct interaction with APIs.", "id": "TASK8" } ] }, { "id": "US4", "name": "Cross-Device Login and Secure Session Management", "description": "Ability to securely log in and maintain sessions across all devices. In order to avoid repetitive reauthentication while ensuring security. As a user, I want to log in once and preserve my session across various platforms. Acceptance Criteria: - Login must support traditional credentials and alternative authentication (e.g., SSO). - Sessions must persist unless explicitly logged out or expired. - Users logged out from one device should be able to reauthenticate seamlessly on another. - Session expiry must notify users and offer reauthentication options. - Any login errors (e.g., invalid credentials) must display clear messages with retry options.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Implement API endpoint for traditional login with credentials", "acceptance": "Create a POST /login API endpoint in Golang to handle traditional credential-based logins. Validate inputs for username and password. Use appropriate hashing and verification mechanisms to authenticate users. Return a secure session identifier or token upon successful authentication. Return error responses with clear error messages, such as 'Invalid Credentials', for failed attempts. Session details should be logged in accordance with security best practices.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Implement API endpoint for Single Sign-On (SSO) login", "acceptance": "Create a dedicated API endpoint POST /sso-login in Golang to handle Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication. Integrate the endpoint with suitable SSO providers. Ensure the integration follows the SSO provider’s protocols (e.g., OAuth2, OpenID Connect). Validate and parse the SSO token. Return a secure session identifier or token upon successful authentication. Return clear error responses for invalid SSO tokens or integration issues.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Design and implement session management functions", "acceptance": "In Golang, implement session management functions to create, verify, and invalidate session tokens. Ensure the session tokens are compliant with security best practices, such as using JWT with secure claims. Tokens should include user-specific information and expiration metadata. Include functions to track session expiration and support secure reauthentication. Ensure tokens are securely stored or transmitted.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Implement functionality to handle session persistence across devices", "acceptance": "Design a mechanism in Golang to persist session tokens across multiple devices. Implement a secure and device-specific storage mechanism (e.g., browser cookies or secure local storage on frontend) for session tokens. Validate sessions on server-side using token metadata for integrity and expiration. Develop logout mechanisms to immediately invalidate tokens for all devices if log out is performed.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Build the reauthentication flow for session expiration", "acceptance": "Develop a reauthentication flow in Golang and React for expired sessions. Notify users of session expiration via frontend React components. Implement logic to display reauthentication options, such as a popup or redirect to login page. Ensure smooth retrieval of session tokens post reauthentication without disrupting ongoing activity.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Display clear error messages during login attempts on the frontend", "acceptance": "Create a component in React to display error messages from API responses for login attempts, such as 'Invalid credentials' or 'SSO token invalid'. Ensure error messages update dynamically based on API response. Provide a retry button and ensure it triggers another API call. Validate inputs (e.g., empty fields) and display appropriate client-side validation messages.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "UI implementation for session expiration warning and options", "acceptance": "Design and create React UI components to handle session expiration warnings. Notify users before session expiry with countdown timer. Include options to extend sessions or explicitly log out. Ensure these warnings are triggered by real-time feedback from session token checks.", "id": "TASK7" }, { "list": "Implement cross-device logout functionality", "acceptance": "Create an API endpoint POST /logout in Golang to handle user logout requests. Invalidate the session token used in the request and propagate the change across all active devices. Ensure logged-out devices prompt reauthentication upon further interaction. Provide a clear response to confirm successful logout for the initiating device.", "id": "TASK8" }, { "list": "Integrate AWS Cognito (or suitable AWS service) for session and user management", "acceptance": "Integrate with AWS Cognito (or another AWS session management service) for handling user authentication and session persistence. Use Golang SDK to connect to the AWS service. Leverage AWS Cognito's built-in functionality for SSO, token management, and session expiration. Ensure secure handling of user data and alignment with session validation requirements described in the user story.", "id": "TASK9" }, { "list": "Unit and integration testing for login and session management flows", "acceptance": "Write unit tests in Golang for all login and session management functions. Validate inputs, error handling conditions, and session token generation logic. Develop integration tests to simulate end-to-end login flows, including successful login, error scenarios, and session expiration/revalidation. Ensure 100% test coverage and include all acceptance criteria validations from the user story.", "id": "TASK10" } ] }, { "id": "US5", "name": "Unified Account Settings Management", "description": "Ability to update and synchronize account settings across devices. In order to customize and personalize the app experience. As a user, I want to manage my profile, preferences, and notification settings seamlessly. Acceptance Criteria: - Users must be able to edit personal details like name and email. - Notification preferences must be adjustable per channel (e.g., mobile push or email). - Changes in settings must synchronize immediately across all platforms. - Validations (e.g., invalid email) must display contextual messages before saving. - Successful updates must display confirmation notifications.", "tasks": [ { "list": "Implement backend API to update user personal details (name, email)", "acceptance": "Create a REST API endpoint in Golang (e.g., PUT /api/v1/user/details) to accept user personal details (name, email) in JSON format and update them in the database. Add validation for email format and return a 400 error with a contextual error message if invalid. Return a success response (e.g., 200 OK) upon successful update. Ensure API response mentions success explicitly.", "id": "TASK1" }, { "list": "Implement backend API to update notification preferences", "acceptance": "Create a REST API endpoint in Golang (e.g., PUT /api/v1/user/notifications) to accept notification preferences (e.g., mobile_push, email) and update them in the database. Validate the input structure, such as ensuring valid notification channels. Return a 400 error for invalid input with a meaningful error message and a success response (e.g., 200 OK) for successful updates.", "id": "TASK2" }, { "list": "Implement settings synchronization across devices", "acceptance": "Use AWS services to publish account settings changes to a message topic (e.g., SNS or SQS) after any successful updates in the database. Update the backend logic to publish events with updated user settings data (e.g., user_id, modified fields) to the synchronization mechanism. Verify updates are sent and processed by listening devices.", "id": "TASK3" }, { "list": "Create React components for the user settings management UI", "acceptance": "Develop React components for 'Personal Details' and 'Notification Preferences' sections of the UI. Use form elements for input fields (e.g., name, email, notification channels). Ensure components make API calls (e.g., PUT /api/v1/user/details and PUT /api/v1/user/notifications) to send user changes.", "id": "TASK4" }, { "list": "Add email validation in React UI for personal details form", "acceptance": "Include client-side validation for the email input field in the React form. Display contextual error messages (e.g., 'Invalid email format') next to the input field if invalid data is entered. Prevent the submit button from triggering an API call for invalid input.", "id": "TASK5" }, { "list": "Show success confirmation notifications in React UI", "acceptance": "After successful API responses for personal details and notification preferences updates, display a confirmation notification (e.g., 'Your changes have been saved successfully'). Ensure the notification is dismissible and disappears after a reasonable timeout.", "id": "TASK6" }, { "list": "Add contextual error messages in React UI for API validation responses", "acceptance": "Handle 400 error responses from the backend APIs in the UI. Display specific error messages provided by the backend (e.g., 'Invalid email format') inline next to the associated input field. Ensure the UI reflects error states clearly for failed updates.", "id": "TASK7" } ] } ] }