MCP Chat Analysis Server
- src
#!/usr/bin/env node
import process from 'process';
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
const originalConsoleLog = console.log;
console.log = (message, ...args) => {
if (!message.startsWith("Warning: ")) {
originalConsoleLog(message, ...args);
import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js";
import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js";
import {
} from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js";
import { BoxClient, BoxDeveloperTokenAuth, BoxJwtAuth, JwtConfig } from "box-typescript-sdk-gen";
import * as pdfjsLib from "pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.mjs";
import * as mammoth from "mammoth";
console.log = originalConsoleLog;
// Initialize Box client based on auth method
let auth: BoxDeveloperTokenAuth | BoxJwtAuth;
if (process.env.BOX_DEV_TOKEN) {
auth = new BoxDeveloperTokenAuth({ token: process.env.BOX_DEV_TOKEN });
} else if (process.env.BOX_JWT_CONFIG_PATH && process.env.BOX_USER_ID) {
const jwtConfig = JwtConfig.fromConfigFile(process.env.BOX_JWT_CONFIG_PATH);
const jwtAuth = new BoxJwtAuth({ config: jwtConfig });
const userAuth = jwtAuth.withUserSubject(process.env.BOX_USER_ID);
auth = userAuth;
} else if (process.env.BOX_JWT && process.env.BOX_USER_ID) {
const jwtConfig = JwtConfig.fromConfigJsonString(process.env.BOX_JWT);
const jwtAuth = new BoxJwtAuth({ config: jwtConfig });
const userAuth = jwtAuth.withUserSubject(process.env.BOX_USER_ID);
auth = userAuth;
} else if (process.env.BOX_JWT_BASE64 && process.env.BOX_USER_ID) {
const decodedJwt = Buffer.from(process.env.BOX_JWT_BASE64, "base64").toString("utf-8");
const jwtConfig = JwtConfig.fromConfigJsonString(decodedJwt);
const jwtAuth = new BoxJwtAuth({ config: jwtConfig });
const userAuth = jwtAuth.withUserSubject(process.env.BOX_USER_ID);
auth = userAuth;
} else {
throw new Error("BOX_DEV_TOKEN or BOX_USER_ID && (BOX_JWT || BOX_JWT_CONFIG_PATH) must be set as environment variable(s)");
const client = new BoxClient({ auth });
// Shared file reading functionality
async function readBoxFile(fileId: string) {
// Get file info to check type
const fileInfo = await client.files.getFileById(fileId);
const fileType =".").pop()?.toLowerCase();
if (!fileType) {
throw new Error("Failed to determine file type");
// Download file content
const fileContentStream = await client.downloads.downloadFile(fileId);
if (!fileContentStream) {
throw new Error("Failed to download file content");
const fileContent = await new Promise<Buffer>((resolve, reject) => {
const chunks: Buffer[] = [];
fileContentStream.on("data", (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk));
fileContentStream.on("end", () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)));
fileContentStream.on("error", reject);
let textContent;
// Process based on file type
switch (fileType) {
case "pdf":
// Load PDF document
const loadingTask = pdfjsLib.getDocument({
data: new Uint8Array(fileContent.buffer),
useSystemFonts: true,
verbosity: 0,
const pdfDocument = await loadingTask.promise;
// Extract text from all pages
let extractedPages = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.numPages; i++) {
const page = await pdfDocument.getPage(i);
const content = await page.getTextContent();
const pageText = content.items
.map((item) => ("str" in item ? item.str : ""))
.join(" ");
textContent = extractedPages.join("\n\n");
case "doc":
case "docx":
const result = await mammoth.extractRawText({
buffer: Buffer.from(fileContent.buffer),
textContent = result.value;
case "txt":
case "md":
case "json":
case "csv":
// For text files, convert buffer to string
textContent = fileContent.toString();
throw new Error(`Unsupported file type: ${fileType}`);
return textContent;
// Initialize the MCP server
const server = new Server(
name: 'box-mcp-server',
version: '0.3.1',
capabilities: {
resources: {},
tools: {},
// List available resources
server.setRequestHandler(ListResourcesRequestSchema, async () => {
try {
const rootFolder = await client.folders.getFolderItems("0");
const resources =
rootFolder.entries?.map((entry) => ({
uri: `box://${entry.type}/${}`,
name: || "Untitled",
entry.type === "folder"
? `Box folder - use this URI to list contents`
: `Box file - use this URI to read contents`,
mimeType: entry.type === "file" ? "text/plain" : undefined,
})) || [];
return {
"Shows items in Box root folder. Use folder URIs to traverse deeper, or use the search tool to find specific items.",
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error listing resources:", error);
throw error;
// Read resource content
server.setRequestHandler(ReadResourceRequestSchema, async (request) => {
const uri = request.params.uri as string;
// Validate URI format
if (!uri.startsWith("box://file/")) {
throw new Error(
"Invalid URI format. Must start with box://file/ but was " + uri
// Extract file ID from URI
const fileId = uri.replace("box://file/", "");
try {
const textContent = await readBoxFile(fileId);
return {
contents: [
type: "text",
text: textContent,
uri: request.params.uri,
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error reading file:", error);
throw error;
// Add search tool listing
server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => {
return {
tools: [
name: "search",
"Search for files and folders across all of Box (not limited to root folder). Returns URIs that can be used with resource commands.",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
query: {
type: "string",
"Search query - finds items anywhere in Box, not just root folder",
required: ["query"],
name: "read",
description: "Read the content of a Box file directly",
inputSchema: {
type: "object",
properties: {
uri: {
type: "string",
"Box resource URI of the file to read (must start with box://file/)",
required: ["uri"],
// Add tool handlers
server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => {
// read tool
if ( === "read") {
const uri = request.params.arguments?.uri as string;
// Validate URI format
if (!uri.startsWith("box://file/")) {
throw new Error(
"Invalid URI format. Must start with box://file/ but was " + uri
// Extract file ID from URI
const fileId = uri.replace("box://file/", "");
try {
const textContent = await readBoxFile(fileId);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: textContent,
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error reading file:", error);
throw error;
// search tool
if ( === "search") {
const query = request.params.arguments?.query as string;
try {
const searchResults = await{
limit: 20,
const resources =
(acc, entry) => {
if ("id" in entry && "type" in entry) {
uri: `box://${entry.type}/${}`,
name: || `Untitled ${entry.type}`,
description: `Box ${entry.type}`,
mimeType: entry.type === "file" ? "text/plain" : undefined,
return acc;
[] as Array<{
uri: string;
name: string;
description: string;
mimeType?: string;
) || [];
// Format the results as text and include resource URIs
const formattedResults = resources
.map((resource) => `- ${} (${resource.uri})`)
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Found ${resources.length} items matching "${query}":\n\n${formattedResults}`,
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error performing search:", error);
return {
content: [
type: "text",
text: `Error performing search: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Unknown error"}`,
throw new Error(`Unknown tool: ${}`);
const transport = new StdioServerTransport();
await server.connect(transport);