
by phil65
site_name: "mcp-server-llmling" site_description: "MCP (Model context protocol) server with LLMling backend" repo_url: "" site_url: site_author: "Philipp Temminghoff" copyright: Copyright © 2024 Philipp Temminghoff theme: name: material custom_dir: overrides icon: logo: material/graph-outline palette: # Palette toggle for automatic mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme)" toggle: icon: material/brightness-auto name: Switch to light mode # Palette toggle for light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: red toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode # Palette toggle for dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: red toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to system preference features: - announce.dismiss - content.action.edit - content.code.copy - - content.code.annotate - content.tooltips # - - navigation.tracking # update URL based on current item in TOC - navigation.path # shows breadcrumbs - navigation.tabs # make top level tabs - navigation.indexes # documents can be directly attached to sections (overview pages) - navigation.footer # next/previous page buttons in footer - # adds back-to-top button # - navigation.sections # top-level sections are rendered as groups # - navigation.expand # expand all subsections in left sidebar by default - toc.follow # makes toc follow scrolling # - toc.integrate # integrates toc into left menu - search.highlight - search.suggest # - search.share plugins: - search - autorefs - mknodes - mkdocstrings: default_handler: python handlers: python: import: - url: domains: [std, py] options: # enable_inventory: !ENV [CI, false] show_signature_annotations: true show_symbol_type_toc: true show_symbol_type_heading: true show_root_toc_entry: false # merge_init_into_class: true ignore_init_summary: true inherited_members: false signature_crossrefs: true separate_signature: true line_length: 90 markdown_extensions: - attr_list - pymdownx.emoji - toc: permalink: true extra: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/python link: