Edit File Lines MCP Server
by oakenai
- src
- __tests__
import fs from "fs/promises";
import path from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { EditOperation, MatchNotFoundError } from "../types/editTypes.js";
import { editFile } from "../utils/fileEditor.js";
import { resetFixtures } from "./utils.js";
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
const testMatchesPath = path.join(__dirname, "fixtures", "test-matches.txt");
describe("FileEditor", () => {
// Basic edit operations
describe("Basic Operations", () => {
it("should replace a single line", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: 'const Button = ({ color = "red", size = "md" }) => {'
const { diff, results } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
'-const Button = ({ color = "blue", size = "md" }) => {'
'+const Button = ({ color = "red", size = "md" }) => {'
it("should replace multiple lines", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 7,
endLine: 12,
'export const Card = ({\n title,\n description,\n theme = "dark",\n size = "sm"\n}) => {'
const { diff, results } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain("+ description,");
expect(diff).toContain('+ theme = "dark",');
expect(diff).toContain('+ size = "sm"');
it("should preserve indentation", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 29,
endLine: 32,
'const API_CONFIG = {\n baseUrl: "https://api.newexample.com",\n timeout: 10000\n}'
const { diff } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain("+const API_CONFIG = {");
expect(diff).toContain('+ baseUrl: "https://api.newexample.com",');
expect(diff).toContain("+ timeout: 10000");
it("should handle leading whitespace in string matches", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 16,
endLine: 16,
content: " <div myclass={cardClass}>",
strMatch: " <div className={cardClass}>"
const { diff, results } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain("- <div className={cardClass}>");
expect(diff).toContain("+ <div myclass={cardClass}>");
it("should handle string matches with mixed indentation", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 17,
endLine: 17,
content: " <h2>{title}</h2>",
strMatch: " <h2>{title}</h2>"
const { diff, results } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain("- <h2>{title}</h2>");
expect(diff).toContain("+ <h2>{title}</h2>");
// String matching operations
describe("String Matching", () => {
it("should replace exact string matches", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: '"green"',
strMatch: '"blue"'
const { diff, results } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
'+const Button = ({ color = "green", size = "md" }) => {'
it("should handle flexible whitespace in string matches", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 9,
endLine: 9,
content: 'description = "Custom description"',
strMatch: 'subtitle = "Default subtitle"'
const { diff } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain('+ description = "Custom description"');
it("should throw error for non-matching strings", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new content",
strMatch: "non-existent content"
await expect(editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true)).rejects.toThrow(
// Regex matching operations
describe("Regex Matching", () => {
it("should replace regex matches", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "warning",
regexMatch: '(?<=color = ")[^"]*(?=")'
const { diff } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
'+const Button = ({ color = "warning", size = "md" }) => {'
it("should handle regex with capture groups", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 25,
endLine: 25,
content: "${prefix}White = { bg: ${bg}, text: ${text} }",
const { diff } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain("+ lightWhite = { bg: #ffffff, text: #000000 }");
it("should handle multi-line regex patterns", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 16,
endLine: 19,
' <div className={cardClass}>\n <h2 className="title">{title}</h2>\n <p className="subtitle">{subtitle}</p>\n </div>',
regexMatch: "<div[^>]*>[\\s\\S]*?</div>"
const { diff } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain('+ <h2 className="title">{title}</h2>');
expect(diff).toContain('+ <p className="subtitle">{subtitle}</p>');
it("should throw error for invalid regex patterns", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new content",
regexMatch: "([" // Invalid regex
await expect(editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true)).rejects.toThrow(
/Invalid regex pattern/
// Advanced features and edge cases
describe("Advanced Features", () => {
it("should handle overlapping regex patterns", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "warning",
regexMatch: '(?<=color = ")[^"]*(?=")'
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "danger",
regexMatch: '"[^"]*"'
await expect(editFile(testMatchesPath, edits, true)).rejects.toThrow(
/Overlapping regex patterns/
it("should handle look-ahead and look-behind assertions", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 9,
endLine: 9,
content: "NewDefault",
regexMatch: '(?<="Default )[^"]*(?=")'
const { diff } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toContain('+ subtitle = "Default NewDefault",');
it("should preserve indentation in multi-line replacements", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 13,
endLine: 18,
" const cardStyle = useMemo(() => ({\n backgroundColor: theme === 'light' ? '#fff' : '#000',\n padding: size === 'lg' ? '2rem' : '1rem'\n }), [theme, size]);\n\n return (",
regexMatch: "\\s*const cardClass[\\s\\S]*?return \\("
const { diff } = await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
expect(diff).toMatch(/^\+\s{2}const cardStyle = useMemo/m);
expect(diff).toMatch(/^\+\s{2}\}\), \[theme, size\]\);/m);
// Error handling
describe("Error Handling", () => {
it("should validate line ranges", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 100,
endLine: 101,
content: "invalid line"
await expect(editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true)).rejects.toThrow(
/Invalid line range/
it("should prevent multiple non-regex edits on same line", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new content 1"
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new content 2"
await expect(editFile(testMatchesPath, edits, true)).rejects.toThrow(
/Line 2 is affected by multiple non-regex edits/
it("should validate start line is not greater than end line", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 5,
endLine: 3,
content: "invalid range"
await expect(editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true)).rejects.toThrow(
/start line .* is greater than end line/
// Dry run functionality
describe("Dry Run", () => {
afterEach(async () => {
await resetFixtures();
it("should not modify file in dry run mode", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: 'const Button = ({ color = "red", size = "md" }) => {'
await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], true);
const content = await fs.readFile(testMatchesPath, "utf-8");
const originalContent = await fs.readFile(testMatchesPath, "utf-8");
it("should modify file when dry run is false", async () => {
const edit: EditOperation = {
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: 'const Button = ({ color = "red", size = "md" }) => {'
await editFile(testMatchesPath, [edit], false);
const content = await fs.readFile(testMatchesPath, "utf-8");
expect(content).toContain('color = "red"');