Edit File Lines MCP Server
by oakenai
- src
- __tests__
import fs from "fs/promises";
import { dirname, join } from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { EditOperation } from "../types/editTypes.js";
import { approveEdit } from "../utils/approveEdit.js";
import { StateManager } from "../utils/stateManager.js";
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
const FIXTURES_DIR = join(__dirname, "fixtures");
describe("approveEdit", () => {
let stateManager: StateManager;
let tempFilePath: string;
let content: string;
// Helper to create a temporary file for testing
async function createTempFile(fileContent: string): Promise<string> {
const path = join(
`temp-${Date.now()}-${Math.round(1000000 * Math.random())}.txt`
await fs.writeFile(path, fileContent);
return path;
// Helper to clean up all temp files
async function cleanupTempFiles() {
try {
const files = await fs.readdir(FIXTURES_DIR);
await Promise.all(
.filter((file) => file.startsWith("temp-"))
.map((file) =>
fs.unlink(join(FIXTURES_DIR, file)).catch((error) => {
console.error(`Failed to delete ${file}:`, error);
// to ensure the file is created after the cleanup
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error during cleanup:", error);
beforeEach(async () => {
stateManager = new StateManager();
content = "line 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n";
tempFilePath = await createTempFile(content);
afterEach(async () => {
await cleanupTempFiles();
it("should successfully apply valid edit", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "modified line"
const stateId = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits);
const result = await approveEdit(stateId, stateManager);
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
expect(newContent).toBe("line 1\nmodified line\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n");
expect(result).toContain("-line 2");
expect(result).toContain("+modified line");
it("should apply edit with string match", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new",
strMatch: "line 2"
const stateId = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits);
await approveEdit(stateId, stateManager);
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
expect(newContent).toBe("line 1\nnew\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n");
it("should apply edit with regex match", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new line ${num}",
regexMatch: "line (?<num>\\d+)"
const stateId = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits);
await approveEdit(stateId, stateManager);
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
expect(newContent).toBe("line 1\nnew line 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n");
it("should handle non-existent state ID", async () => {
await expect(approveEdit("non-existent-id", stateManager)).rejects.toThrow(
"Invalid or expired state ID"
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
it("should preserve state if edit fails", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 999,
endLine: 999,
content: "invalid line"
const stateId = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits);
await expect(approveEdit(stateId, stateManager)).rejects.toThrow();
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
it("should preserve state if string match fails", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new content",
strMatch: "non-existent content"
const stateId = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits);
await expect(approveEdit(stateId, stateManager)).rejects.toThrow();
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
it("should preserve state if regex match fails", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "new content",
regexMatch: "non-existent-\\d+"
const stateId = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits);
await expect(approveEdit(stateId, stateManager)).rejects.toThrow();
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
it("should handle multiple approvals in sequence", async () => {
const edits1: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 1,
endLine: 1,
content: "first edit"
const edits2: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 3,
endLine: 3,
content: "second edit"
const stateId1 = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits1);
const stateId2 = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits2);
await approveEdit(stateId1, stateManager);
let newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
expect(newContent).toBe("first edit\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4\nline 5\n");
await approveEdit(stateId2, stateManager);
newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");
"first edit\nline 2\nsecond edit\nline 4\nline 5\n"
it("should clean up state even if file is unchanged", async () => {
const edits: EditOperation[] = [
startLine: 2,
endLine: 2,
content: "line 2"
const stateId = stateManager.saveState(tempFilePath, edits);
await approveEdit(stateId, stateManager);
const newContent = await fs.readFile(tempFilePath, "utf-8");