Cloudflare MCP Server
by GutMutCode
- src
- utils
* Methods copied from create-cloudflare, same names used where possible
* */
import chalk from 'chalk'
export const { white, gray, dim, hidden, bold, cyanBright, bgCyan } = chalk
const brandColor = chalk.hex('#ffb063')
export const shapes = {
diamond: '◇',
dash: '─',
radioInactive: '○',
radioActive: '●',
backActive: '◀',
backInactive: '◁',
bar: '│',
leftT: '├',
rigthT: '┤',
arrows: {
left: '‹',
right: '›',
corners: {
tl: '╭',
bl: '╰',
tr: '╮',
br: '╯',
// Returns a string containing n non-trimmable spaces
// This is useful for places where clack trims lines of output
// but we need leading spaces
export const space = (n = 1) => {
return hidden('\u200A'.repeat(n))
// Primitive for printing to STDERR. We must use STDERR for human-readable messages
// as MCP uses STDOUT
export const logRaw = (msg: string) => {
// A simple stylized log for use within a prompt
export const log = (msg: string) => {
const lines = msg.split('\n').map((ln) => `${gray(} ${white(ln)}`)
// Strip the ansi color characters out of the line when calculating
// line length, otherwise the padding will be thrown off
// Used from
export const stripAnsi = (str: string) => {
const pattern = [
const regex = RegExp(pattern, 'g')
return str.replace(linkRegex, '$2').replace(regex, '')
// Regular Expression that matches a hyperlink
// e.g. `\u001B]8;;\u001B\\This is a link\u001B]8;;\u001B\`
export const linkRegex =
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
export function createDialog(lines: string[]) {
const screenWidth = process.stdout.columns
const maxLineWidth = Math.max( => stripAnsi(line).length),
60, // Min inner width
const dividerWidth = Math.min(maxLineWidth, screenWidth)
return [gray(shapes.dash).repeat(dividerWidth), ...lines, gray(shapes.dash).repeat(dividerWidth), ''].join('\n')
export const startSection = (heading: string, subheading?: string, printNewLine = true) => {
logRaw(`${gray(} ${brandColor(heading)} ${subheading ? dim(subheading) : ''}`)
if (printNewLine) {
export const newline = () => {
// Log a simple status update with a style similar to the clack spinner
export const updateStatus = (msg: string, printNewLine = true) => {
format(msg, {
firstLinePrefix: gray(shapes.leftT),
linePrefix: gray(,
newlineAfter: printNewLine,
type FormatOptions = {
linePrefix?: string
firstLinePrefix?: string
newlineBefore?: boolean
newlineAfter?: boolean
formatLine?: (line: string) => string
multiline?: boolean
export const format = (
msg: string,
linePrefix = gray(,
firstLinePrefix = linePrefix,
newlineBefore = false,
newlineAfter = false,
formatLine = (line: string) => white(line),
multiline = true,
}: FormatOptions = {},
) => {
const lines = multiline ? msg.split('\n') : [msg]
const formattedLines =, i) => (i === 0 ? firstLinePrefix : linePrefix) + space() + formatLine(line))
if (newlineBefore) {
if (newlineAfter) {
return formattedLines.join('\n')
export const endSection = (heading: string, subheading?: string) => {
logRaw(`${gray(} ${brandColor(heading)} ${subheading ? dim(subheading) : ''}\n`)
// Create a hyperlink in terminal
// It works in iTerm2 and VSCode's terminal, but not macOS built-in terminal app
export const hyperlink = (url: string, label = url) => {
return `\u001B]8;;${url}\u001B\\${label}\u001B]8;;\u001B\\`