Cloudflare MCP Server

remote-capable server

The server can be hosted and run remotely because it primarily relies on remote services or has no dependency on the local environment.


  • Enables management of Cloudflare resources including Workers, KV Store, R2 Storage, D1 Databases, and Analytics. Supports creating, updating, and deploying Workers, managing key-value pairs, handling object storage, executing SQL queries, and retrieving analytics data for domains.

Cloudflare MCP Server for IDE

Model Context Protocol (MCP) is a new, standardized protocol for managing context between large language models (LLMs) and external systems. In this repository, we provide an installer as well as an MCP Server for Cloudflare's API.

This lets you use Claude Desktop, and IDE like VSCode (Cline) and Windsurf or any MCP Client, to use natural language to accomplish things on your Cloudflare account, e.g.:

  • Please deploy me a new Worker with an example durable object.
  • Can you tell me about the data in my D1 database named '...'?
  • Can you copy all the entries from my KV namespace '...' into my R2 bucket '...'?



  1. Run npx @gutmutcode/mcp-server-cloudflare init
  1. Restart Claude Desktop, you should see a small 🔨 icon that shows the following tools available for use:
  1. Check out the Cline configuration file, you should see a cloudflare section with your Cloudflare account ID.
  1. Check out your Windsurf MCP configuration file, you should see a cloudflare section either. Windsurf has limitation on the use of MCP tools, so you can't use too many tools at the same time. (Unlike Cline and Claude)


KV Store Management

  • get_kvs: List all KV namespaces in your account
  • kv_get: Get a value from a KV namespace
  • kv_put: Store a value in a KV namespace
  • kv_list: List keys in a KV namespace
  • kv_delete: Delete a key from a KV namespace

R2 Storage Management

  • r2_list_buckets: List all R2 buckets in your account
  • r2_create_bucket: Create a new R2 bucket
  • r2_delete_bucket: Delete an R2 bucket
  • r2_list_objects: List objects in an R2 bucket
  • r2_get_object: Get an object from an R2 bucket
  • r2_put_object: Put an object into an R2 bucket
  • r2_delete_object: Delete an object from an R2 bucket

D1 Database Management

  • d1_list_databases: List all D1 databases in your account
  • d1_create_database: Create a new D1 database
  • d1_delete_database: Delete a D1 database
  • d1_query: Execute a SQL query against a D1 database

Workers Management

  • worker_list: List all Workers in your account
  • worker_get: Get a Worker's script content
  • worker_put: Create or update a Worker script
  • worker_delete: Delete a Worker script


  • analytics_get: Retrieve analytics data for your domain
    • Includes metrics like requests, bandwidth, threats, and page views
    • Supports date range filtering


In the current project folder, run:

pnpm install pnpm build:watch

Then, in a second terminal:

node dist/index.js init

This will link Claude Desktop against your locally-installed version for you to test.

Usage outside of Claude

To run the server locally, run node dist/index run <account-id>.

If you're using an alternative MCP Client, or testing things locally, emit the tools/list command to get an up-to-date list of all available tools. Then you can call these directly using the tools/call command.


// List workers worker_list() // Get worker code worker_get({ name: "my-worker" }) // Update worker worker_put({ name: "my-worker", script: "export default { async fetch(request, env, ctx) { ... }}", bindings: [ { type: "kv_namespace", name: "MY_KV", namespace_id: "abcd1234" }, { type: "r2_bucket", name: "MY_BUCKET", bucket_name: "my-files" } ], compatibility_date: "2024-01-01", compatibility_flags: ["nodejs_compat"] }) // Delete worker worker_delete({ name: "my-worker" })

KV Store

// List KV namespaces get_kvs() // Get value kv_get({ namespaceId: "your_namespace_id", key: "myKey" }) // Store value kv_put({ namespaceId: "your_namespace_id", key: "myKey", value: "myValue", expirationTtl: 3600 // optional, in seconds }) // List keys kv_list({ namespaceId: "your_namespace_id", prefix: "app_", // optional limit: 10 // optional }) // Delete key kv_delete({ namespaceId: "your_namespace_id", key: "myKey" })

R2 Storage

// List buckets r2_list_buckets() // Create bucket r2_create_bucket({ name: "my-bucket" }) // Delete bucket r2_delete_bucket({ name: "my-bucket" }) // List objects in bucket r2_list_objects({ bucket: "my-bucket", prefix: "folder/", // optional delimiter: "/", // optional limit: 1000 // optional }) // Get object r2_get_object({ bucket: "my-bucket", key: "folder/file.txt" }) // Put object r2_put_object({ bucket: "my-bucket", key: "folder/file.txt", content: "Hello, World!", contentType: "text/plain" // optional }) // Delete object r2_delete_object({ bucket: "my-bucket", key: "folder/file.txt" })

D1 Database

// List databases d1_list_databases() // Create database d1_create_database({ name: "my-database" }) // Delete database d1_delete_database({ databaseId: "your_database_id" }) // Execute a single query d1_query({ databaseId: "your_database_id", query: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > ?", params: ["25"] // optional }) // Create a table d1_query({ databaseId: "your_database_id", query: ` CREATE TABLE users ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, email TEXT UNIQUE, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) ` })


// Get today's analytics analytics_get({ zoneId: "your_zone_id", since: "2024-11-26T00:00:00Z", until: "2024-11-26T23:59:59Z" })


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

security - not tested
license - permissive license
quality - not tested

An MCP server that allows using natural language to manage Cloudflare resources (Workers, KV, R2, D1) through Claude Desktop, VSCode, and other MCP clients.

  1. Demo
    1. Setup
      1. Features
        1. KV Store Management
          1. R2 Storage Management
            1. D1 Database Management
              1. Workers Management
                1. Analytics
                2. Developing
                  1. Usage outside of Claude
                    1. Workers
                      1. KV Store
                        1. R2 Storage
                          1. D1 Database
                            1. Analytics
                            2. Contributing