Cloudflare MCP Server

import { config, log } from '../utils/helpers' import { fetch } from 'undici' import { ToolHandlers } from '../utils/types' import { Tool } from '@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js' interface CloudflareListResponse { result: Array<{ name: string expiration?: number }> success: boolean errors: any[] messages: any[] } // Add the new KV list namespaces tool definition const GET_KVS_TOOL: Tool = { name: 'get_kvs', description: 'List KV namespaces in your account', inputSchema: { type: 'object', properties: {}, }, } // Modify existing KV tool definitions to include namespaceId const KV_GET_TOOL: Tool = { name: 'kv_get', description: 'Get a value from Cloudflare KV store', inputSchema: { type: 'object', properties: { namespaceId: { type: 'string', description: 'The KV namespace ID', }, key: { type: 'string', description: 'The key to retrieve', }, }, required: ['namespaceId', 'key'], }, } const KV_PUT_TOOL: Tool = { name: 'kv_put', description: 'Put a value into Cloudflare KV store', inputSchema: { type: 'object', properties: { namespaceId: { type: 'string', description: 'The KV namespace ID', }, key: { type: 'string', description: 'The key to store', }, value: { type: 'string', description: 'The value to store', }, expirationTtl: { type: 'number', description: 'Optional expiration time in seconds', }, }, required: ['namespaceId', 'key', 'value'], }, } const KV_DELETE_TOOL: Tool = { name: 'kv_delete', description: 'Delete a key from Cloudflare KV store', inputSchema: { type: 'object', properties: { namespaceId: { type: 'string', description: 'The KV namespace ID', }, key: { type: 'string', description: 'The key to delete', }, }, required: ['namespaceId', 'key'], }, } const KV_LIST_TOOL: Tool = { name: 'kv_list', description: 'List keys in Cloudflare KV store', inputSchema: { type: 'object', properties: { namespaceId: { type: 'string', description: 'The KV namespace ID', }, prefix: { type: 'string', description: 'Optional prefix to filter keys', }, limit: { type: 'number', description: 'Maximum number of keys to return', }, }, required: ['namespaceId'], }, } export const KV_TOOLS = [GET_KVS_TOOL, KV_GET_TOOL, KV_PUT_TOOL, KV_DELETE_TOOL, KV_LIST_TOOL] // Add interface for KV namespace response interface CloudflareKVNamespacesResponse { result: Array<{ id: string title: string supports_url_encoding?: boolean }> success: boolean errors: any[] messages: any[] } // Add handler for getting KV namespaces export async function handleGetKVs() { log('Executing get_kvs') const url = `${config.accountId}/storage/kv/namespaces` const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.apiToken}` }, }) log('KV namespaces response status:', response.status) if (!response.ok) { const error = await response.text() log('KV namespaces error:', error) throw new Error(`Failed to list KV namespaces: ${error}`) } const data = (await response.json()) as CloudflareKVNamespacesResponse log('KV namespaces success:', data) return data.result } // Modify existing handlers to accept namespaceId export async function handleGet(namespaceId: string, key: string) { log('Executing kv_get for key:', key, 'in namespace:', namespaceId) const url = `${config.accountId}/storage/kv/namespaces/${namespaceId}/values/${key}` const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.apiToken}` }, }) log('KV get response status:', response.status) if (!response.ok) { const error = await response.text() log('KV get error:', error) throw new Error(`Failed to get value: ${error}`) } const value = await response.text() log('KV get success:', value) return value } export async function handlePut(namespaceId: string, key: string, value: string, expirationTtl?: number) { log('Executing kv_put for key:', key, 'in namespace:', namespaceId) const url = `${config.accountId}/storage/kv/namespaces/${namespaceId}/values/${key}` const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'PUT', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.apiToken}`, 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }, body: value, ...(expirationTtl ? { query: { expiration_ttl: expirationTtl } } : {}), }) log('KV put response status:', response.status) if (!response.ok) { const error = await response.text() log('KV put error:', error) throw new Error(`Failed to put value: ${error}`) } return 'Success' } export async function handleDelete(namespaceId: string, key: string) { log('Executing kv_delete for key:', key, 'in namespace:', namespaceId) const url = `${config.accountId}/storage/kv/namespaces/${namespaceId}/values/${key}` const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'DELETE', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.apiToken}` }, }) log('KV delete response status:', response.status) if (!response.ok) { const error = await response.text() log('KV delete error:', error) throw new Error(`Failed to delete key: ${error}`) } return 'Success' } export async function handleList(namespaceId: string, prefix?: string, limit?: number) { log('Executing kv_list in namespace:', namespaceId) const params = new URLSearchParams() if (prefix) params.append('prefix', prefix) if (limit) params.append('limit', limit.toString()) const url = `${config.accountId}/storage/kv/namespaces/${namespaceId}/keys?${params}` const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${config.apiToken}` }, }) log('KV list response status:', response.status) if (!response.ok) { const error = await response.text() log('KV list error:', error) throw new Error(`Failed to list keys: ${error}`) } const data = (await response.json()) as CloudflareListResponse log('KV list success:', data) return data.result } export const KV_HANDLERS: ToolHandlers = { get_kvs: async (request) => { const results = await handleGetKVs() return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(results, null, 2), }, ], } }, kv_get: async (request) => { const { namespaceId, key } = request.params.arguments as { namespaceId: string; key: string } const value = await handleGet(namespaceId, key) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: value, }, ], } }, kv_put: async (request) => { const { namespaceId, key, value, expirationTtl } = request.params.arguments as { namespaceId: string key: string value: string expirationTtl?: number } await handlePut(namespaceId, key, value, expirationTtl) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: `Successfully stored value for key: ${key}`, }, ], } }, kv_delete: async (request) => { const { namespaceId, key } = request.params.arguments as { namespaceId: string; key: string } await handleDelete(namespaceId, key) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: `Successfully deleted key: ${key}`, }, ], } }, kv_list: async (request) => { const { namespaceId, prefix, limit } = request.params.arguments as { namespaceId: string prefix?: string limit?: number } const results = await handleList(namespaceId, prefix, limit) return { content: [ { type: 'text', text: JSON.stringify(results, null, 2), }, ], } }, }