Cloudflare MCP Server

  • src
// Shell out to `npx wrangler@latest whoami` import { exec } from 'child_process' import { promisify } from 'util' import { AccountInfo, fetchInternal, FetchResult, getAuthTokens, isAccessTokenExpired, isDirectory, refreshToken, } from './utils/wrangler' import chalk from 'chalk' import os from 'node:os' import path from 'node:path' import fs from 'node:fs' import { fileURLToPath } from 'url' import { createDialog, endSection, logRaw, startSection, updateStatus } from './utils/c3' import { mcpCloudflareVersion } from './utils/helpers' import which from 'which' const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url) const execAsync = promisify(exec) export async function init(accountTag: string | undefined) { logRaw( createDialog([ `๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome to ${chalk.yellow('mcp-server-cloudflare')} v${mcpCloudflareVersion}!`, `๐Ÿ’โ€โ™€๏ธ This ${"'init'")} process will ensure you're connected to the Cloudflare API`, ` and install the Cloudflare MCP Server into Claude, Cline, Windsurf and Cursor (${'')})`, `โ„น๏ธ For more information, visit ${'')}`, `๐Ÿงก Let's get started.`, ]), ) startSection(`Checking for existing Wrangler auth info`, `Step 1 of 3`) updateStatus(chalk.gray(`If anything goes wrong, try running 'npx wrangler@latest login' manually and retrying.`)) try { getAuthTokens() } catch (e: any) { updateStatus(`${'Warning:')} ${chalk.gray(e.message)}`, false) updateStatus(`Running '${chalk.yellow('npx wrangler login')}' and retrying...`, false) const { stderr, stdout } = await execAsync('npx wrangler@latest login') if (stderr) updateStatus(chalk.gray(stderr)) getAuthTokens() } updateStatus(`Wrangler auth info loaded!`) if (isAccessTokenExpired()) { updateStatus(`Access token expired, refreshing...`, false) if (await refreshToken()) { updateStatus('Successfully refreshed access token') } else { throw new Error('Failed to refresh access token') } } endSection('Done') startSection(`Fetching account info`, `Step 2 of 3`) const { result: accounts } = await fetchInternal<FetchResult<AccountInfo[]>>('/accounts') let account: string switch (accounts.length) { case 0: throw new Error(`No accounts found. Run 'wrangler whoami' for more info.`) case 1: if (accountTag && accountTag !== accounts[0].id) { throw new Error(`You don't have access to account ${accountTag}. Leave blank to use ${accounts[0].id}.`) } account = accounts[0].id break default: if (!accountTag) { throw new Error( `${'Multiple accounts found.')}\nUse ${chalk.yellow('npx @gutmutcode/mcp-server-cloudflare init [account_id]')} to specify which account to use.\nYou have access to:\n${ => ` โ€ข ${} โ€” ${}`).join('\n')}`, ) } account = accountTag break } updateStatus(`Using account: ${chalk.yellow(account)}`) endSection('Done') startSection(`Configuring MCP Clients`, `Step 3 of 3`) const configPaths = { cline: path.join( os.homedir(), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Code', 'User', 'globalStorage', 'saoudrizwan.claude-dev', 'settings', 'cline_mcp_settings.json', ), claude: path.join(os.homedir(), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Claude', 'claude_desktop_config.json'), windsurf: path.join(os.homedir(), '.codeium', 'windsurf', 'mcp_config.json'), cursor: path.join(os.homedir(), '.cursor', 'mcp.json'), } // Define the valid client names type ClientName = 'cline' | 'claude' | 'windsurf' | 'cursor' const cloudflareConfig = { cline: { command: (await which('node')).trim(), args: [__filename, 'run', account], disabled: false, autoApprove: [], }, claude: { command: (await which('node')).trim(), args: [__filename, 'run', account], }, windsurf: { command: (await which('node')).trim(), args: [__filename, 'run', account], }, cursor: { command: (await which('node')).trim(), args: [__filename, 'run', account], }, } async function writeConfig(clientName: string, configPath: string) { try { updateStatus(`Configuring ${chalk.yellow(clientName)}...`) const configDir = path.dirname(configPath) if (!isDirectory(configDir)) { updateStatus(`${chalk.yellow(clientName)} config directory not found at: ${chalk.gray(configDir)}`, false) return false } const existingConfig = fs.existsSync(configPath) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8')) : { mcpServers: {} } if ('cloudflare' in (existingConfig?.mcpServers || {})) { updateStatus( `${'Note:')} Replacing existing Cloudflare MCP config in ${clientName}:\n${chalk.gray(JSON.stringify(existingConfig.mcpServers.cloudflare))}`, false, ) } const newConfig = { ...existingConfig, mcpServers: { ...existingConfig.mcpServers, cloudflare: cloudflareConfig[clientName as ClientName] || cloudflareConfig.cline, // Type-safe access }, } fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(newConfig, null, 2)) updateStatus(`Successfully configured ${chalk.yellow(clientName)}!`, false) updateStatus(`Config written to: ${chalk.gray(configPath)}`, false) return true } catch (error: any) { updateStatus(`${'Error')} configuring ${clientName}: ${error.message}`, false) return false } } let successCount = 0 for (const [clientName, configPath] of Object.entries(configPaths)) { if (await writeConfig(clientName, configPath)) { successCount++ } } if (successCount > 0) { updateStatus(`\nSuccessfully configured ${successCount} client(s)!`)) updateStatus(`Try asking any configured client to "tell me which Workers I have on my account" to get started!`), ) } else { updateStatus(chalk.yellow('\nNo clients were configured. You may need to configure them manually.')) updateStatus( `Manual configuration example:\n${chalk.gray(JSON.stringify({ mcpServers: { cloudflare: cloudflareConfig } }, null, 2))}`, ) } endSection('Done') }