MCP Blockchain Server

import { ethers } from "ethers"; import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"; import { getProvider } from "../utils/blockchain.js"; import { logger } from "../utils/logger.js"; import axios from "axios"; const prisma = new PrismaClient(); /** * Fetch contract ABI from Etherscan (or similar explorer) */ async function fetchContractABI(chainId: string, address: string): Promise<string | null> { try { // Different explorers for different chains let apiUrl; let apiKey = process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY; switch (chainId) { case "1": // Ethereum Mainnet apiUrl = `${address}&apikey=${apiKey}`; break; case "11155111": // Sepolia Testnet apiUrl = `${address}&apikey=${apiKey}`; break; case "137": // Polygon Mainnet apiUrl = `${address}&apikey=${apiKey}`; break; case "80001": // Polygon Mumbai apiUrl = `${address}&apikey=${apiKey}`; break; default: logger.warn(`No explorer API configured for chain ID ${chainId}`); return null; } const response = await axios.get(apiUrl); if ( === "1" && { return; } logger.warn(`Could not fetch ABI: ${ || "Unknown error"}`); return null; } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error fetching ABI for contract ${address} on chain ${chainId}:`, error); return null; } } /** * Get contract ABI from database or fetch it from explorer */ async function getContractABI(chainId: string, address: string): Promise<any[]> { // Try to get from database first let contract = await prisma.contract.findUnique({ where: { address_chainId: { address: address.toLowerCase(), chainId, }, }, }); // If not found in DB, fetch from explorer if (!contract || !contract.abi) { const abiString = await fetchContractABI(chainId, address); if (!abiString) { throw new Error(`Could not fetch ABI for contract ${address} on chain ${chainId}`); } try { const abiJson = JSON.parse(abiString); // Save to database contract = await prisma.contract.upsert({ where: { address_chainId: { address: address.toLowerCase(), chainId, }, }, update: { abi: abiJson, }, create: { address: address.toLowerCase(), chainId, abi: abiJson, }, }); return abiJson; } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error parsing ABI for contract ${address}:`, error); throw new Error(`Invalid ABI format for contract ${address}`); } } return contract.abi as any[]; } /** * Read data from a smart contract */ export async function readContract( chainId: string, address: string, method: string, args: any[] = [] ): Promise<any> { try { // Validate address if (!ethers.isAddress(address)) { throw new Error(`Invalid address: ${address}`); } // Get provider const provider = getProvider(chainId); // Get ABI const abi = await getContractABI(chainId, address); // Create contract instance const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, abi, provider); // Check if method exists if (typeof contract[method] !== "function") { throw new Error(`Method ${method} not found in contract ${address}`); } // Call method const result = await contract[method](...args); // Format result for better readability return formatContractResult(result); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error reading contract ${address} method ${method}:`, error); throw error; } } /** * Format contract result for better readability */ function formatContractResult(result: any): any { if (ethers.isAddress(result)) { return result; // Return address as is } if (typeof result === "bigint") { // Try to format as ether, but return as string if it's too big try { return ethers.formatEther(result); } catch (error) { return result.toString(); } } if (Array.isArray(result)) { return => formatContractResult(item)); } if (typeof result === "object" && result !== null) { const formatted: Record<string, any> = {}; for (const key in result) { // Skip numeric and symbol keys if (isNaN(Number(key)) && typeof key !== "symbol") { formatted[key] = formatContractResult(result[key]); } } return formatted; } return result; }