MCP Blockchain Server

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'; import { logger } from '../utils/logger.js'; const prisma = new PrismaClient(); export type Chain = { id: string; name: string; currency: string; rpcUrl: string; explorerUrl: string; isTestnet: boolean; isActive: boolean; }; // Default chains to initialize the database with const defaultChains: Omit<Chain, 'isActive'>[] = [ { id: '1', name: 'Ethereum Mainnet', currency: 'ETH', rpcUrl: `${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`, explorerUrl: '', isTestnet: false, }, { id: '11155111', name: 'Sepolia Testnet', currency: 'ETH', rpcUrl: `${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`, explorerUrl: '', isTestnet: true, }, { id: '137', name: 'Polygon Mainnet', currency: 'MATIC', rpcUrl: `${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`, explorerUrl: '', isTestnet: false, }, { id: '80001', name: 'Polygon Mumbai', currency: 'MATIC', rpcUrl: `${process.env.INFURA_API_KEY}`, explorerUrl: '', isTestnet: true, }, ]; /** * Initialize chains table with default chains if empty */ export async function initializeChains(): Promise<void> { try { const existingChains = await prisma.chain.findMany(); if (existingChains.length === 0) {'Initializing chains table with default chains'); for (const chain of defaultChains) { await prisma.chain.create({ data: { ...chain, isActive: true, }, }); }'Chains initialized successfully'); } else {`Chains table already contains ${existingChains.length} chains`); } } catch (error) { logger.error('Error initializing chains:', error); throw error; } } /** * Get all active chains */ export async function getChains(): Promise<Chain[]> { try { return await prisma.chain.findMany({ where: { isActive: true, }, }); } catch (error) { logger.error('Error fetching chains:', error); throw error; } } /** * Get chain by ID */ export async function getChainById(chainId: string): Promise<Chain | null> { try { return await prisma.chain.findUnique({ where: { id: chainId, }, }); } catch (error) { logger.error(`Error fetching chain with ID ${chainId}:`, error); throw error; } }