
import { z } from "zod"; import { githubRequest } from "../common/utils.js"; import { GitHubIssueAssigneeSchema } from "../common/types.js"; // Schema definitions export const CommitStatusSchema = z.object({ url: z.string(), id: z.number(), node_id: z.string(), state: z.enum(["error", "failure", "pending", "success"]), description: z.string().nullable(), target_url: z.string().nullable(), context: z.string(), created_at: z.string(), updated_at: z.string(), creator: GitHubIssueAssigneeSchema.nullable(), }); // Input schemas export const CreateCommitStatusSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), sha: z.string().describe("The SHA of the commit to create a status for"), state: z.enum(["error", "failure", "pending", "success"]).describe("The state of the status"), target_url: z.string().optional().describe("The target URL to associate with this status"), description: z.string().optional().describe("A short description of the status"), context: z.string().optional().describe("A string label to differentiate this status from others") }); export const _CreateCommitStatusSchema = CreateCommitStatusSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); export const GetCommitStatusesSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), ref: z.string().describe("The ref (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to get statuses for") }); export const _GetCommitStatusesSchema = GetCommitStatusesSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); export const GetCombinedStatusSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), ref: z.string().describe("The ref (SHA, branch name, or tag name) to get the combined status for") }); export const _GetCombinedStatusSchema = GetCombinedStatusSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); // Function implementations export async function createCommitStatus( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, sha: string, state: "error" | "failure" | "pending" | "success", options: { target_url?: string; description?: string; context?: string; } = {} ): Promise<z.infer<typeof CommitStatusSchema>> { const response = await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/statuses/${sha}`, { method: "POST", body: { state, ...options, }, } ); return CommitStatusSchema.parse(response); } export async function getCommitStatuses( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, ref: string ): Promise<z.infer<typeof CommitStatusSchema>[]> { const response = await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/commits/${ref}/statuses` ); return z.array(CommitStatusSchema).parse(response); } export const CombinedStatusResponseSchema = z.object({ state: z.string(), statuses: z.array(CommitStatusSchema), sha: z.string(), total_count: z.number(), repository: z.object({ id: z.number(), name: z.string(), full_name: z.string(), owner: z.any(), }), }); export async function getCombinedStatus( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, ref: string ): Promise<z.infer<typeof CombinedStatusResponseSchema>> { const response = await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/commits/${ref}/status` ); return CombinedStatusResponseSchema.parse(response); }