
import { z } from "zod"; import { githubRequest } from "../common/utils.js"; import { GitHubIssueAssigneeSchema, GitHubRepositorySchema } from "../common/types.js"; // Schema definitions export const ReleaseAssetSchema = z.object({ url: z.string(), id: z.number(), node_id: z.string(), name: z.string(), label: z.string().nullable(), content_type: z.string(), state: z.string(), size: z.number(), download_count: z.number(), created_at: z.string(), updated_at: z.string(), browser_download_url: z.string(), uploader: GitHubIssueAssigneeSchema.nullable(), }); export const ReleaseSchema = z.object({ url: z.string(), assets_url: z.string(), upload_url: z.string(), html_url: z.string(), id: z.number(), node_id: z.string(), tag_name: z.string(), target_commitish: z.string(), name: z.string().nullable(), draft: z.boolean(), prerelease: z.boolean(), created_at: z.string(), published_at: z.string().nullable(), assets: z.array(ReleaseAssetSchema), tarball_url: z.string().nullable(), zipball_url: z.string().nullable(), body: z.string().nullable(), author: GitHubIssueAssigneeSchema, }); export const TagSchema = z.object({ ref: z.string(), node_id: z.string(), url: z.string(), object: z.object({ sha: z.string(), type: z.string(), url: z.string(), }), }); // Input schemas export const CreateReleaseSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), tag_name: z.string().describe("The name of the tag"), target_commitish: z.string().optional().describe("Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from"), name: z.string().optional().describe("The name of the release"), body: z.string().optional().describe("Text describing the release"), draft: z.boolean().optional().describe("true to create a draft (unpublished) release, false to create a published one"), prerelease: z.boolean().optional().describe("true to identify the release as a prerelease, false to identify it as a full release"), generate_release_notes: z.boolean().optional().describe("Whether to automatically generate the name and body for this release") }); export const _CreateReleaseSchema = CreateReleaseSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); export const ListReleasesSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), per_page: z.number().optional().describe("Results per page (max 100)"), page: z.number().optional().describe("Page number of the results") }); export const _ListReleasesSchema = ListReleasesSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); export const DeleteReleaseSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), release_id: z.number().describe("The ID of the release") }); export const _DeleteReleaseSchema = DeleteReleaseSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); export const GetReleaseAssetSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), asset_id: z.number().describe("The ID of the asset") }); export const _GetReleaseAssetSchema = GetReleaseAssetSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); export const UploadReleaseAssetSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), release_id: z.number().describe("The ID of the release"), name: z.string().describe("The name of the asset"), label: z.string().optional().describe("An alternate short description of the asset"), content: z.string().describe("The content of the asset (base64 encoded)"), content_type: z.string().describe("The content type of the asset") }); export const _UploadReleaseAssetSchema = UploadReleaseAssetSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); export const CreateTagSchema = z.object({ owner: z.string().describe("Repository owner (username or organization)"), repo: z.string().describe("Repository name"), ref: z.string().describe("The name of the fully qualified reference (e.g., refs/tags/v1.0.0)"), sha: z.string().describe("The SHA1 value to set this reference to") }); export const _CreateTagSchema = CreateTagSchema.extend({ github_pat: z.string().describe("GitHub Personal Access Token"), }); // Function implementations export async function createRelease( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, options: Omit<z.infer<typeof CreateReleaseSchema>, "owner" | "repo" | "github_pat"> ): Promise<z.infer<typeof ReleaseSchema>> { const response = await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/releases`, { method: "POST", body: options, } ); return ReleaseSchema.parse(response); } export async function listReleases( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, options: { per_page?: number; page?: number } = {} ): Promise<z.infer<typeof ReleaseSchema>[]> { const url = new URL(`${owner}/${repo}/releases`); if (options.per_page) url.searchParams.append("per_page", options.per_page.toString()); if ( url.searchParams.append("page",; const response = await githubRequest(github_pat, url.toString()); return z.array(ReleaseSchema).parse(response); } export async function deleteRelease( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, release_id: number ): Promise<void> { await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/releases/${release_id}`, { method: "DELETE", } ); } export async function getReleaseAsset( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, asset_id: number ): Promise<z.infer<typeof ReleaseAssetSchema>> { const response = await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/releases/assets/${asset_id}` ); return ReleaseAssetSchema.parse(response); } export async function uploadReleaseAsset( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, release_id: number, name: string, content: string, content_type: string, label?: string ): Promise<z.infer<typeof ReleaseAssetSchema>> { // Get the release to get the upload_url const release = await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/releases/${release_id}` ); const uploadUrl = (release as any).upload_url.replace( "{?name,label}", "" ); const url = new URL(uploadUrl); url.searchParams.append("name", name); if (label) url.searchParams.append("label", label); const response = await githubRequest( github_pat, url.toString(), { method: "POST", body: Buffer.from(content, "base64").toString(), headers: { "Content-Type": content_type, }, } ); return ReleaseAssetSchema.parse(response); } export async function createTag( github_pat: string, owner: string, repo: string, ref: string, sha: string ): Promise<z.infer<typeof TagSchema>> { // Ensure the ref is properly formatted const formattedRef = ref.startsWith("refs/") ? ref : `refs/tags/${ref}`; const response = await githubRequest( github_pat, `${owner}/${repo}/git/refs`, { method: "POST", body: { ref: formattedRef, sha, }, } ); return TagSchema.parse(response); }