Erick Wendel Contributions MCP
by ErickWendel
Alternative MCP servers
- -securityAlicense-qualityEunomia MCP Server is an extension of the Eunomiaframework that connects Eunomia instruments with servers. It provides a simple way to orchestrate data governance policies (like PII detection or user access control) and seamlessly integrate them with external serve5PythonApache 2.0
- AsecurityAlicenseAqualityProvides Discord integration capabilities to MCP clients like Claude Desktop.1231PythonMIT License
- AsecurityAlicenseAqualitySend requests to OpenAI, MistralAI, Anthropic, xAI, or Google AI using MCP protocol via tool or predefined prompts. Vendor API key required. Both STDIO and SSE transport mechanisms are supported via arguments.168TypeScriptMIT License
- hannesrudolphVerifiedAsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server implementation that provides tools for retrieving and processing documentation through vector search, enabling AI assistants to augment their responses with relevant documentation context74570TypeScriptMIT License
- AsecurityAlicenseAqualityAn MCP server that provides access to PubMed articles through the Entrez API.219PythonMIT License