Erick Wendel Contributions MCP

  • test
import { describe, it, after } from 'node:test'; import assert from 'node:assert'; import { createMcpClient } from './setup.ts'; import { TOOL_CONFIG } from '../src/config/api.ts'; import type { McpToolResponse } from './types.ts'; describe('Talks API Tests', async () => { const client = await createMcpClient(); after(async () => { await client.close(); }); it('should get a list of talks with default pagination', async () => { const result = await client.callTool({ name:, arguments: {} }) as McpToolResponse; assert.ok(result.content[0].text.includes('Talks Results')); const data = JSON.parse(result.content[0].text.split('\n\n')[1]); assert.ok(data.totalCount > 0); assert.ok(Array.isArray(data.talks)); assert.equal(data.talks.length, 10); // Default limit }); it('should get a limited number of talks', async () => { const limit = 2; const result = await client.callTool({ name:, arguments: { limit } }) as McpToolResponse; const data = JSON.parse(result.content[0].text.split('\n\n')[1]); assert.equal(data.talks.length, limit); }); it('should filter talks by language', async () => { const result = await client.callTool({ name:, arguments: { language: 'es', limit: 5 } }) as McpToolResponse; const data = JSON.parse(result.content[0].text.split('\n\n')[1]); assert.ok(data.talks.every(talk => talk.language === 'es')); }); // it('should filter talks by country', async () => { // const country = 'Spain'; // const result = await client.callTool({ // name:, // arguments: { // country, // limit: 5 // } // }) as McpToolResponse; // console.log('content', result.content); // const data = JSON.parse(result.content[0].text.split('\n\n')[1]); // assert.ok(data.talks.every(talk => talk.location?.country === country)); // }); // it('should get talk counts by group', async () => { // const result = await client.callTool({ // name:, // arguments: { // count_only: true, // group_by: 'language' // } // }) as McpToolResponse; // assert.ok(result.content[0].text.includes('Total talks:')); // assert.ok(result.content[0].text.includes('Breakdown by language:')); // }); });