Erick Wendel Contributions MCP
by ErickWendel
- src
- services
import { client } from '../config/api.ts';
import type {
} from '../types/index.ts';
import { getLanguageCode } from '../utils/language.ts';
* Fetches talks with optional filtering and pagination
export async function fetchTalks(params: {
id?: string;
title?: string;
language?: string;
city?: string;
country?: string;
skip?: number;
limit?: number;
count_only?: boolean;
}): Promise<TalksResponse> {
const { id, title, language, city, country, skip, limit, count_only } = params;
const languageCode = getLanguageCode(language);
return await client.query({
getTalks: {
__args: {
_id: id,
language: languageCode,
limit: count_only ? 0 : limit,
totalCount: true,
retrieved: true,
processedIn: true,
talks: count_only ? {
language: true,
location: {
country: true,
city: true,
} : {
_id: true,
title: true,
abstract: true,
type: true,
event: {
link: true,
name: true,
slides: true,
video: true,
tags: true,
location: {
country: true,
city: true,
language: true,
date: true,
}) as TalksResponse;
* Fetches all talks for a specific year using pagination
export async function fetchTalksByYear(params: {
id?: string;
title?: string;
language?: string;
city?: string;
country?: string;
year: number;
}): Promise<Talk[]> {
const { id, title, language, city, country, year } = params;
const languageCode = getLanguageCode(language);
const allTalks: Talk[] = [];
let currentSkip = 0;
const BATCH_SIZE = 50;
let shouldContinue = true;
while (shouldContinue) {
const result = await client.query({
getTalks: {
__args: {
_id: id,
language: languageCode,
skip: currentSkip,
limit: BATCH_SIZE,
totalCount: true,
retrieved: true,
processedIn: true,
talks: {
_id: true,
title: true,
abstract: true,
type: true,
event: {
link: true,
name: true,
slides: true,
video: true,
tags: true,
location: {
country: true,
city: true,
language: true,
date: true,
}) as TalksResponse;
if (!result.getTalks?.talks?.length) {
shouldContinue = false;
const talks = result.getTalks.talks;
const foundDifferentYear = talks?.some(talk => {
if (!talk?.date) return false;
const talkYear = new Date(;
return talkYear < year;
// Filter talks for the specific year
const yearFilteredTalks = talks?.filter(talk => {
if (!talk?.date) return false;
const talkYear = new Date(;
return talkYear === year;
}) || [];
if (foundDifferentYear) {
shouldContinue = false;
} else {
currentSkip += BATCH_SIZE;
return allTalks;
* Fetches posts with optional filtering and pagination
export async function fetchPosts(params: {
id?: string;
title?: string;
language?: string;
portal?: string;
skip?: number;
limit?: number;
}): Promise<PostsResponse> {
const { id, title, language, portal, skip, limit } = params;
const languageCode = getLanguageCode(language);
return await client.query({
getPosts: {
__args: {
_id: id,
language: languageCode,
totalCount: true,
retrieved: true,
processedIn: true,
posts: {
_id: true,
title: true,
abstract: true,
type: true,
link: true,
additionalLinks: true,
portal: {
link: true,
name: true,
tags: true,
language: true,
date: true,
}) as PostsResponse;
* Fetches videos with optional filtering and pagination
export async function fetchVideos(params: {
id?: string;
title?: string;
language?: string;
skip?: number;
limit?: number;
}): Promise<VideosResponse> {
const { id, title, language, skip, limit } = params;
const languageCode = getLanguageCode(language);
return await client.query({
getVideos: {
__args: {
_id: id,
language: languageCode,
totalCount: true,
retrieved: true,
processedIn: true,
videos: {
_id: true,
title: true,
abstract: true,
type: true,
link: true,
additionalLinks: true,
tags: true,
language: true,
date: true,
}) as VideosResponse;
* Checks if the API is alive and responding
export async function checkApiStatus(): Promise<StatusResponse> {
return await client.query({
isAlive: true,
}) as StatusResponse;