Erick Wendel Contributions MCP
by ErickWendel
- erickwendel-sdk
- runtime
// @ts-nocheck
import type { LinkedField, LinkedType } from './types'
export interface Args {
[arg: string]: any | undefined
export interface Fields {
[field: string]: Request
export type Request = boolean | number | Fields
export interface Variables {
[name: string]: {
value: any
typing: [LinkedType, string]
export interface Context {
root: LinkedType
varCounter: number
variables: Variables
fragmentCounter: number
fragments: string[]
export interface GraphqlOperation {
query: string
variables?: { [name: string]: any }
operationName?: string
const parseRequest = (
request: Request | undefined,
ctx: Context,
path: string[],
): string => {
if (typeof request === 'object' && '__args' in request) {
const args: any = request.__args
let fields: Request | undefined = { ...request }
delete fields.__args
const argNames = Object.keys(args)
if (argNames.length === 0) {
return parseRequest(fields, ctx, path)
const field = getFieldFromPath(ctx.root, path)
const argStrings = => {
const varName = `v${ctx.varCounter}`
const typing = field.args && field.args[argName] // typeMap used here, .args
if (!typing) {
throw new Error(
`no typing defined for argument \`${argName}\` in path \`${path.join(
ctx.variables[varName] = {
value: args[argName],
return `${argName}:$${varName}`
return `(${argStrings})${parseRequest(fields, ctx, path)}`
} else if (typeof request === 'object' && Object.keys(request).length > 0) {
const fields = request
const fieldNames = Object.keys(fields).filter((k) => Boolean(fields[k]))
if (fieldNames.length === 0) {
throw new Error(
`field selection should not be empty: ${path.join('.')}`,
const type =
path.length > 0 ? getFieldFromPath(ctx.root, path).type : ctx.root
const scalarFields = type.scalar
let scalarFieldsFragment: string | undefined
if (fieldNames.includes('__scalar')) {
const falsyFieldNames = new Set(
Object.keys(fields).filter((k) => !Boolean(fields[k])),
if (scalarFields?.length) {
scalarFieldsFragment = `f${ctx.fragmentCounter}`
`fragment ${scalarFieldsFragment} on ${
.filter((f) => !falsyFieldNames.has(f))
const fieldsSelection = fieldNames
.filter((f) => !['__scalar', '__name'].includes(f))
.map((f) => {
const parsed = parseRequest(fields[f], ctx, [...path, f])
if (f.startsWith('on_')) {
const implementationFragment = `f${ctx.fragmentCounter}`
const typeMatch = f.match(/^on_(.+)/)
if (!typeMatch || !typeMatch[1])
throw new Error('match failed')
`fragment ${implementationFragment} on ${typeMatch[1]}${parsed}`,
return `...${implementationFragment}`
} else {
return `${f}${parsed}`
.concat(scalarFieldsFragment ? [`...${scalarFieldsFragment}`] : [])
return `{${fieldsSelection}}`
} else {
return ''
export const generateGraphqlOperation = (
operation: 'query' | 'mutation' | 'subscription',
root: LinkedType,
fields?: Fields,
): GraphqlOperation => {
const ctx: Context = {
root: root,
varCounter: 0,
variables: {},
fragmentCounter: 0,
fragments: [],
const result = parseRequest(fields, ctx, [])
const varNames = Object.keys(ctx.variables)
const varsString =
varNames.length > 0
? `(${ => {
const variableType = ctx.variables[v].typing[1]
return `$${v}:${variableType}`
: ''
const operationName = fields?.__name || ''
return {
query: [
`${operation} ${operationName}${varsString}${result}`,
variables: Object.keys(ctx.variables).reduce<{ [name: string]: any }>(
(r, v) => {
r[v] = ctx.variables[v].value
return r
...(operationName ? { operationName: operationName.toString() } : {}),
export const getFieldFromPath = (
root: LinkedType | undefined,
path: string[],
) => {
let current: LinkedField | undefined
if (!root) throw new Error('root type is not provided')
if (path.length === 0) throw new Error(`path is empty`)
path.forEach((f) => {
const type = current ? current.type : root
if (!type.fields)
throw new Error(`type \`${}\` does not have fields`)
const possibleTypes = Object.keys(type.fields)
.filter((i) => i.startsWith('on_'))
(types, fieldName) => {
const field = type.fields && type.fields[fieldName]
if (field) types.push(field.type)
return types
let field: LinkedField | null = null
possibleTypes.forEach((type) => {
const found = type.fields && type.fields[f]
if (found) field = found
if (!field)
throw new Error(
`type \`${}\` does not have a field \`${f}\``,
current = field
return current as LinkedField