Wanaku MCP Server

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import { ToastNotification, Modal, TextInput, Select, SelectItem, TextArea, } from "@carbon/react"; import { useTools } from "../../hooks/api/use-tools"; import { ToolReference } from "../../models"; import { ToolsTable } from "./ToolsTable"; export const ToolsPage: React.FC = () => { const [fetchedData, setFetchedData] = useState<ToolReference[]>([]); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true); const [isAddModalOpen, setIsAddModalOpen] = useState(false); const [isImportModalOpen, setIsImportModalOpen] = useState(false); const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage] = useState<string | null>(null); const { listTools, addTool, removeTool } = useTools(); useEffect(() => { listTools().then((result) => { setFetchedData(result.data.data!); setIsLoading(false); }); }, [listTools]); useEffect(() => { if (errorMessage) { const timer = setTimeout(() => { setErrorMessage(null); }, 10000); return () => clearTimeout(timer); } }, [errorMessage]); if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>; const handleAddTool = async (newTool: ToolReference) => { try { await addTool(newTool); setIsAddModalOpen(false); setErrorMessage(null); listTools().then((result) => { setFetchedData(result.data.data!); }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error adding tool:", error); setIsAddModalOpen(false); setErrorMessage("Error adding tool: The tool name must be unique"); } }; const handleImportToolset = async (tools: ToolReference[]) => { setErrorMessage(null); for (const tool of tools) { try { await addTool(tool); } catch (error) { console.error("Error adding tool:", error); setErrorMessage(`Failed to add tool: ${tool.name}`); } } setIsImportModalOpen(false); listTools().then((result) => { setFetchedData(result.data.data!); }); }; const handleDeleteTool = async (toolName?: string) => { try { await removeTool({ tool: toolName }); listTools().then((result) => { setFetchedData(result.data.data!); }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error deleting tool:", error); setErrorMessage(`Failed to delete tool: ${toolName}`); } }; return ( <div> {errorMessage && ( <ToastNotification kind="error" title="Error" subtitle={errorMessage} onCloseButtonClick={() => setErrorMessage(null)} timeout={10000} style={{ float: "right" }} /> )} <h1 className="title">Tools</h1> <p className="description"> A tool enables LLMs to execute tasks beyond their inherent capabilities by utilizing these tools. Each tool is uniquely identified by a name and defined with an input schema outlining the expected parameters. </p> {fetchedData && ( <ToolsTable fetchedData={fetchedData} onDelete={handleDeleteTool} onImport={() => setIsImportModalOpen(true)} onAdd={() => setIsAddModalOpen(true)} /> )} {isAddModalOpen && ( <AddToolModal onRequestClose={() => setIsAddModalOpen(false)} onSubmit={handleAddTool} /> )} {isImportModalOpen && ( <ImportToolsetModal onRequestClose={() => setIsImportModalOpen(false)} onSubmit={handleImportToolset} /> )} </div> ); }; interface AddToolModalProps { onRequestClose: () => void; onSubmit: (newTool: ToolReference) => void; } const AddToolModal: React.FC<AddToolModalProps> = ({ onRequestClose, onSubmit, }) => { const [toolName, setToolName] = useState(""); const [description, setDescription] = useState(""); const [uri, setUri] = useState(""); const [toolType, setToolType] = useState("http"); const [inputSchema, setInputSchema] = useState(""); const handleSubmit = () => { try { const schema = JSON.parse(inputSchema); onSubmit({ name: toolName, description, uri, type: toolType, inputSchema: schema, }); } catch (error) { console.error("Invalid JSON in input schema:", error); } }; return ( <Modal open={true} modalHeading="Add a Tool" primaryButtonText="Add" secondaryButtonText="Cancel" onRequestClose={onRequestClose} onRequestSubmit={handleSubmit} > <TextInput id="tool-name" labelText="Tool Name" placeholder="e.g. meow-facts" value={toolName} onChange={(e) => setToolName(e.target.value)} /> <TextInput id="tool-description" labelText="Description" placeholder="e.g. Retrieve random facts about cats" value={description} onChange={(e) => setDescription(e.target.value)} /> <TextInput id="tool-uri" labelText="URI" placeholder="e.g. https://meowfacts.herokuapp.com?count={count}" value={uri} onChange={(e) => setUri(e.target.value)} /> <Select id="tool-type" labelText="Type" defaultValue="http" value={toolType} onChange={(e) => setToolType(e.target.value)} > <SelectItem value="http" text="HTTP" /> <SelectItem value="kafka" text="Kafka" /> <SelectItem value="camel-route" text="Camel Route (for prototyping)" /> </Select> <TextInput id="input-schema" labelText="Input Schema" placeholder='e.g. {"type": "object", "properties": {"count": {"type": "int", "description": "The count of facts to retrieve"}}, "required": ["count"]}' value={inputSchema} onChange={(e) => setInputSchema(e.target.value)} /> </Modal> ); }; interface ImportToolsetModalProps { onRequestClose: () => void; onSubmit: (tools: ToolReference[]) => void; } export const ImportToolsetModal: React.FC<ImportToolsetModalProps> = ({ onRequestClose, onSubmit, }) => { const [toolsetJson, setToolsetJson] = useState(""); const handleSubmit = () => { try { const tools = JSON.parse(toolsetJson); onSubmit(tools); } catch (error) { console.error("Invalid JSON for toolset:", error); } }; return ( <Modal open={true} modalHeading="Import Toolset" primaryButtonText="Import" secondaryButtonText="Cancel" onRequestClose={onRequestClose} onRequestSubmit={handleSubmit} > <TextArea id="toolset-json" labelText="Toolset JSON" placeholder="Paste your JSON array here" rows={10} value={toolsetJson} onChange={(e) => setToolsetJson(e.target.value)} /> </Modal> ); };