Linear MCP Server

  • src
#!/usr/bin/env node import { dirname, join } from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { config } from "dotenv"; // Load .env file from the project root const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); config({ path: join(__dirname, "..", ".env") }); import { Server } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/index.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import type { Request } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { CallToolRequestSchema, ErrorCode, ListToolsRequestSchema, McpError, } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/types.js"; import { LinearClient } from "@linear/sdk"; const API_KEY = process.env.LINEAR_API_KEY || process.env.LINEARAPIKEY; if (!API_KEY) { console.error("Error: LINEAR_API_KEY environment variable is required"); console.error(""); console.error("To use this tool, run it with your Linear API key:"); console.error("LINEAR_API_KEY=your-api-key npx @ibraheem4/linear-mcp"); console.error(""); console.error("Or set it in your environment:"); console.error("export LINEAR_API_KEY=your-api-key"); console.error("npx @ibraheem4/linear-mcp"); process.exit(1); } const linearClient = new LinearClient({ apiKey: API_KEY, }); const server = new Server( { name: "linear-mcp", version: "37.0.0", // Match Linear SDK version }, { capabilities: { tools: { create_issue: true, list_issues: true, update_issue: true, list_teams: true, list_projects: true, search_issues: true, get_issue: true, }, }, } ); server.setRequestHandler(ListToolsRequestSchema, async () => ({ tools: [ { name: "create_issue", description: "Create a new issue in Linear", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { title: { type: "string", description: "Issue title", }, description: { type: "string", description: "Issue description (markdown supported)", }, teamId: { type: "string", description: "Team ID", }, assigneeId: { type: "string", description: "Assignee user ID (optional)", }, priority: { type: "number", description: "Priority (0-4, optional)", minimum: 0, maximum: 4, }, labels: { type: "array", items: { type: "string", }, description: "Label IDs to apply (optional)", }, }, required: ["title", "teamId"], }, }, { name: "list_issues", description: "List issues with optional filters", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { teamId: { type: "string", description: "Filter by team ID (optional)", }, assigneeId: { type: "string", description: "Filter by assignee ID (optional)", }, status: { type: "string", description: "Filter by status (optional)", }, first: { type: "number", description: "Number of issues to return (default: 50)", }, }, }, }, { name: "update_issue", description: "Update an existing issue", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { issueId: { type: "string", description: "Issue ID", }, title: { type: "string", description: "New title (optional)", }, description: { type: "string", description: "New description (optional)", }, status: { type: "string", description: "New status (optional)", }, assigneeId: { type: "string", description: "New assignee ID (optional)", }, priority: { type: "number", description: "New priority (0-4, optional)", minimum: 0, maximum: 4, }, }, required: ["issueId"], }, }, { name: "list_teams", description: "List all teams in the workspace", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: {}, }, }, { name: "list_projects", description: "List all projects", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { teamId: { type: "string", description: "Filter by team ID (optional)", }, first: { type: "number", description: "Number of projects to return (default: 50)", }, }, }, }, { name: "search_issues", description: "Search for issues using a text query", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { query: { type: "string", description: "Search query text", }, first: { type: "number", description: "Number of results to return (default: 50)", }, }, required: ["query"], }, }, { name: "get_issue", description: "Get detailed information about a specific issue", inputSchema: { type: "object", properties: { issueId: { type: "string", description: "Issue ID", }, }, required: ["issueId"], }, }, ], })); type CreateIssueArgs = { title: string; description?: string; teamId: string; assigneeId?: string; priority?: number; labels?: string[]; }; type ListIssuesArgs = { teamId?: string; assigneeId?: string; status?: string; first?: number; }; type UpdateIssueArgs = { issueId: string; title?: string; description?: string; status?: string; assigneeId?: string; priority?: number; }; type ListProjectsArgs = { teamId?: string; first?: number; }; type SearchIssuesArgs = { query: string; first?: number; }; type GetIssueArgs = { issueId: string; }; server.setRequestHandler(CallToolRequestSchema, async (request) => { try { switch ( { case "create_issue": { const args = request.params.arguments as unknown as CreateIssueArgs; if (!args?.title || !args?.teamId) { throw new Error("Title and teamId are required"); } const issue = await linearClient.createIssue({ title: args.title, description: args.description, teamId: args.teamId, assigneeId: args.assigneeId, priority: args.priority, labelIds: args.labels, }); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(issue, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "list_issues": { const args = request.params.arguments as unknown as ListIssuesArgs; const filter: Record<string, any> = {}; if (args?.teamId) = { id: { eq: args.teamId } }; if (args?.assigneeId) filter.assignee = { id: { eq: args.assigneeId } }; if (args?.status) filter.state = { name: { eq: args.status } }; const issues = await linearClient.issues({ first: args?.first ?? 50, filter, }); const formattedIssues = await Promise.all( (issue) => { const state = await issue.state; const assignee = await issue.assignee; return { id:, title: issue.title, status: state ? await : "Unknown", assignee: assignee ? : "Unassigned", priority: issue.priority, url: issue.url, }; }) ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(formattedIssues, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "update_issue": { const args = request.params.arguments as unknown as UpdateIssueArgs; if (!args?.issueId) { throw new Error("Issue ID is required"); } const issue = await linearClient.issue(args.issueId); if (!issue) { throw new Error(`Issue ${args.issueId} not found`); } const updatedIssue = await issue.update({ title: args.title, description: args.description, stateId: args.status, assigneeId: args.assigneeId, priority: args.priority, }); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(updatedIssue, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "list_teams": { const query = await linearClient.teams(); const teams = await Promise.all( (query as any) (team: any) => ({ id:, name:, key: team.key, description: team.description, })) ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(teams, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "list_projects": { const args = request.params.arguments as unknown as ListProjectsArgs; const filter: Record<string, any> = {}; if (args?.teamId) = { id: { eq: args.teamId } }; const query = await linearClient.projects({ first: args?.first ?? 50, filter, }); const projects = await Promise.all( (query as any) (project: any) => { const teamsConnection = await project.teams; const teams = teamsConnection ? (teamsConnection as any).nodes : []; return { id:, name:, description: project.description, state: project.state, teamIds: any) =>, }; }) ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(projects, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "search_issues": { const args = request.params.arguments as unknown as SearchIssuesArgs; if (!args?.query) { throw new Error("Search query is required"); } const searchResults = await linearClient.searchIssues(args.query, { first: args?.first ?? 50, }); const formattedResults = await Promise.all( (result) => { const state = await result.state; const assignee = await result.assignee; return { id:, title: result.title, status: state ? await : "Unknown", assignee: assignee ? : "Unassigned", priority: result.priority, url: result.url, metadata: result.metadata, }; }) ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(formattedResults, null, 2), }, ], }; } case "get_issue": { const args = request.params.arguments as unknown as GetIssueArgs; if (!args?.issueId) { throw new Error("Issue ID is required"); } const issue = await linearClient.issue(args.issueId); if (!issue) { throw new Error(`Issue ${args.issueId} not found`); } try { const [ state, assignee, creator, team, project, parent, cycle, labels, comments, attachments, ] = await Promise.all([ issue.state, issue.assignee, issue.creator,, issue.project, issue.parent, issue.cycle, issue.labels(), issue.comments(), issue.attachments(), ]); const issueDetails: { id: string; identifier: string; title: string; description: string | undefined; priority: number; priorityLabel: string; status: string; url: string; createdAt: Date; updatedAt: Date; startedAt: Date | null; completedAt: Date | null; canceledAt: Date | null; dueDate: string | null; assignee: { id: string; name: string; email: string } | null; creator: { id: string; name: string; email: string } | null; team: { id: string; name: string; key: string } | null; project: { id: string; name: string; state: string } | null; parent: { id: string; title: string; identifier: string } | null; cycle: { id: string; name: string; number: number } | null; labels: Array<{ id: string; name: string; color: string }>; comments: Array<{ id: string; body: string; createdAt: Date }>; attachments: Array<{ id: string; title: string; url: string }>; embeddedImages: Array<{ url: string; analysis: string }>; estimate: number | null; customerTicketCount: number; previousIdentifiers: string[]; branchName: string; archivedAt: Date | null; autoArchivedAt: Date | null; autoClosedAt: Date | null; trashed: boolean; } = { id:, identifier: issue.identifier, title: issue.title, description: issue.description, priority: issue.priority, priorityLabel: issue.priorityLabel, status: state ? await : "Unknown", url: issue.url, createdAt: issue.createdAt, updatedAt: issue.updatedAt, startedAt: issue.startedAt || null, completedAt: issue.completedAt || null, canceledAt: issue.canceledAt || null, dueDate: issue.dueDate, assignee: assignee ? { id:, name:, email:, } : null, creator: creator ? { id:, name:, email:, } : null, team: team ? { id:, name:, key: team.key, } : null, project: project ? { id:, name:, state: project.state, } : null, parent: parent ? { id:, title: parent.title, identifier: parent.identifier, } : null, cycle: cycle && ? { id:, name:, number: cycle.number, } : null, labels: await Promise.all( (label: any) => ({ id:, name:, color: label.color, })) ), comments: await Promise.all( (comment: any) => ({ id:, body: comment.body, createdAt: comment.createdAt, })) ), attachments: await Promise.all( (attachment: any) => ({ id:, title: attachment.title, url: attachment.url, })) ), embeddedImages: [], estimate: issue.estimate || null, customerTicketCount: issue.customerTicketCount || 0, previousIdentifiers: issue.previousIdentifiers || [], branchName: issue.branchName || "", archivedAt: issue.archivedAt || null, autoArchivedAt: issue.autoArchivedAt || null, autoClosedAt: issue.autoClosedAt || null, trashed: issue.trashed || false, }; // Extract embedded images from description const imageMatches = issue.description?.match(/!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)/g) || []; if (imageMatches.length > 0) { issueDetails.embeddedImages = => { const url = (match as string).match(/\((.*?)\)/)?.[1] || ""; return { url, analysis: "Image analysis would go here", // Replace with actual image analysis if available }; }); } // Add image analysis for attachments if they are images issueDetails.attachments = await Promise.all( attachments.nodes .filter((attachment: any) => attachment.url.match(/\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|webp)$/i) ) .map(async (attachment: any) => ({ id:, title: attachment.title, url: attachment.url, analysis: "Image analysis would go here", // Replace with actual image analysis if available })) ); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(issueDetails, null, 2), }, ], }; } catch (error: any) { console.error("Error processing issue details:", error); throw new Error(`Failed to process issue details: ${error.message}`); } } default: throw new McpError( ErrorCode.MethodNotFound, `Unknown tool: ${}` ); } } catch (error: any) { console.error("Linear API Error:", error); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Linear API error: ${error.message}`, }, ], isError: true, }; } }); async function main() { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport); console.error("Linear MCP server running on stdio"); } main().catch((error) => { console.error("Server error:", error); process.exit(1); });