Claude Desktop Commander MCP
by wonderwhy-er
import { homedir, platform } from 'os';
import { join } from 'path';
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync, appendFileSync } from 'fs';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { dirname } from 'path';
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
// Determine OS and set appropriate config path and command
const isWindows = platform() === 'win32';
const claudeConfigPath = isWindows
? join(process.env.APPDATA, 'Claude', 'claude_desktop_config.json')
: join(homedir(), 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Claude', 'claude_desktop_config.json');
// Setup logging
const LOG_FILE = join(__dirname, 'setup.log');
function logToFile(message, isError = false) {
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
const logMessage = `${timestamp} - ${isError ? 'ERROR: ' : ''}${message}\n`;
try {
appendFileSync(LOG_FILE, logMessage);
// For setup script, we'll still output to console but in JSON format
const jsonOutput = {
type: isError ? 'error' : 'info',
process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(jsonOutput) + '\n');
} catch (err) {
// Last resort error handling
type: 'error',
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
message: `Failed to write to log file: ${err.message}`
}) + '\n');
// Check if config file exists and create default if not
if (!existsSync(claudeConfigPath)) {
logToFile(`Claude config file not found at: ${claudeConfigPath}`);
logToFile('Creating default config file...');
// Create the directory if it doesn't exist
const configDir = dirname(claudeConfigPath);
if (!existsSync(configDir)) {
import('fs').then(fs => fs.mkdirSync(configDir, { recursive: true }));
// Create default config
const defaultConfig = {
"serverConfig": isWindows
? {
"command": "cmd.exe",
"args": ["/c"]
: {
"command": "/bin/sh",
"args": ["-c"]
writeFileSync(claudeConfigPath, JSON.stringify(defaultConfig, null, 2));
logToFile('Default config file created. Please update it with your Claude API credentials.');
try {
// Read existing config
const configData = readFileSync(claudeConfigPath, 'utf8');
const config = JSON.parse(configData);
// Prepare the new server config based on OS
// Determine if running through npx or locally
const isNpx = import.meta.url.endsWith('dist/setup-claude-server.js');
const serverConfig = isNpx ? {
"command": "npx",
"args": [
} : {
"command": "node",
"args": [
join(__dirname, 'dist', 'index.js')
// Add or update the terminal server config
if (!config.mcpServers) {
config.mcpServers = {};
config.mcpServers.desktopCommander = serverConfig;
// Add puppeteer server if not present
/*if (!config.mcpServers.puppeteer) {
config.mcpServers.puppeteer = {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-puppeteer"]
// Write the updated config back
writeFileSync(claudeConfigPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), 'utf8');
logToFile('Successfully added MCP servers to Claude configuration!');
logToFile(`Configuration location: ${claudeConfigPath}`);
logToFile('\nTo use the servers:\n1. Restart Claude if it\'s currently running\n2. The servers will be available in Claude\'s MCP server list');
} catch (error) {
logToFile(`Error updating Claude configuration: ${error}`, true);