
import { describe, it, expect, vi, beforeEach } from 'vitest'; import { typeText, pressKey, pressKeyCombination, holdKey } from './keyboard.js'; import type { KeyboardInput, KeyCombination, KeyHoldOperation } from '../types/common.js'; // Mock libnut module vi.mock('@nut-tree/libnut', () => ({ default: { typeString: vi.fn(), keyTap: vi.fn(), keyToggle: vi.fn() } })); // Import the mocked module import libnut from '@nut-tree/libnut'; describe('Keyboard Tools', () => { beforeEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('typeText', () => { it('should successfully type text', async () => { const input: KeyboardInput = { text: 'Hello World' }; const result = await typeText(input); expect(libnut.typeString).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Hello World'); expect(result).toEqual({ success: true, message: 'Typed text successfully' }); }); it('should handle errors when typing text fails', async () => { const error = new Error('Typing failed'); vi.mocked(libnut.typeString).mockRejectedValueOnce(error); const input: KeyboardInput = { text: 'Hello World' }; const result = await typeText(input); expect(result).toEqual({ success: false, message: 'Failed to type text: Typing failed' }); }); }); describe('pressKey', () => { it('should successfully press a single key', async () => { const result = await pressKey('a'); expect(libnut.keyTap).toHaveBeenCalledWith('a'); expect(result).toEqual({ success: true, message: 'Pressed key: a' }); }); it('should handle errors when pressing key fails', async () => { const error = new Error('Key press failed'); vi.mocked(libnut.keyTap).mockRejectedValueOnce(error); const result = await pressKey('a'); expect(result).toEqual({ success: false, message: 'Failed to press key: Key press failed' }); }); }); describe('pressKeyCombination', () => { it('should successfully press a key combination', async () => { const combination: KeyCombination = { keys: ['control', 'c'] }; const result = await pressKeyCombination(combination); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4); // 2 downs + 2 ups expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'control', 'down'); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'c', 'down'); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, 'c', 'up'); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(4, 'control', 'up'); expect(result).toEqual({ success: true, message: 'Pressed key combination: control+c' }); }); it('should attempt cleanup when key combination fails', async () => { const error = new Error('Key combination failed'); vi.mocked(libnut.keyToggle).mockRejectedValueOnce(error); const combination: KeyCombination = { keys: ['control', 'c'] }; const result = await pressKeyCombination(combination); expect(result).toEqual({ success: false, message: 'Failed to press key combination: Key combination failed' }); }); }); describe('holdKey', () => { beforeEach(() => { vi.useFakeTimers(); }); it('should successfully hold and release a key', async () => { const operation: KeyHoldOperation = { key: 'shift', duration: 1000, state: 'down' }; const holdPromise = holdKey(operation); // Fast-forward through the duration await vi.runAllTimersAsync(); const result = await holdPromise; expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, 'shift', 'down'); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'shift', 'up'); expect(result).toEqual({ success: true, message: 'Key shift held successfully for 1000ms' }); }); it('should handle just releasing a key', async () => { const operation: KeyHoldOperation = { key: 'shift', duration: 0, state: 'up' }; const result = await holdKey(operation); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(libnut.keyToggle).toHaveBeenCalledWith('shift', 'up'); expect(result).toEqual({ success: true, message: 'Key shift released successfully' }); }); it('should attempt cleanup when hold operation fails', async () => { const error = new Error('Hold operation failed'); vi.mocked(libnut.keyToggle).mockRejectedValueOnce(error); const operation: KeyHoldOperation = { key: 'shift', duration: 1000, state: 'down' }; const result = await holdKey(operation); expect(result).toEqual({ success: false, message: 'Failed to down key shift: Hold operation failed' }); }); }); });