by RyanCardin15
- node_modules
- ts-node
- dist
- transpilers
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.createSwcOptions = exports.targetMapping = exports.create = void 0;
const ts_internals_1 = require("../ts-internals");
function create(createOptions) {
const { swc, service: { config, projectLocalResolveHelper }, transpilerConfigLocalResolveHelper, nodeModuleEmitKind, } = createOptions;
// Load swc compiler
let swcInstance;
// Used later in diagnostics; merely needs to be human-readable.
let swcDepName = 'swc';
if (typeof swc === 'string') {
swcDepName = swc;
swcInstance = require(transpilerConfigLocalResolveHelper(swc, true));
else if (swc == null) {
let swcResolved;
try {
swcDepName = '@swc/core';
swcResolved = transpilerConfigLocalResolveHelper(swcDepName, true);
catch (e) {
try {
swcDepName = '@swc/wasm';
swcResolved = transpilerConfigLocalResolveHelper(swcDepName, true);
catch (e) {
throw new Error('swc compiler requires either @swc/core or @swc/wasm to be installed as a dependency. See');
swcInstance = require(swcResolved);
else {
swcInstance = swc;
// Prepare SWC options derived from typescript compiler options
const { nonTsxOptions, tsxOptions } = createSwcOptions(config.options, nodeModuleEmitKind, swcInstance, swcDepName);
const transpile = (input, transpileOptions) => {
const { fileName } = transpileOptions;
const swcOptions = fileName.endsWith('.tsx') || fileName.endsWith('.jsx') ? tsxOptions : nonTsxOptions;
const { code, map } = swcInstance.transformSync(input, {
filename: fileName,
return { outputText: code, sourceMapText: map };
return {
exports.create = create;
/** @internal */
exports.targetMapping = new Map();
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES3 */ 0, 'es3');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES5 */ 1, 'es5');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015 */ 2, 'es2015');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016 */ 3, 'es2016');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017 */ 4, 'es2017');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2018 */ 5, 'es2018');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019 */ 6, 'es2019');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2020 */ 7, 'es2020');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2021 */ 8, 'es2021');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2022 */ 9, 'es2022');
exports.targetMapping.set(/* ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext */ 99, 'esnext');
* @internal
* We use this list to downgrade to a prior target when we probe swc to detect if it supports a particular target
const swcTargets = [
const ModuleKind = {
None: 0,
CommonJS: 1,
AMD: 2,
UMD: 3,
System: 4,
ES2015: 5,
ES2020: 6,
ESNext: 99,
Node16: 100,
NodeNext: 199,
const JsxEmit = {
ReactJSX: /* ts.JsxEmit.ReactJSX */ 4,
ReactJSXDev: /* ts.JsxEmit.ReactJSXDev */ 5,
* Prepare SWC options derived from typescript compiler options.
* @internal exported for testing
function createSwcOptions(compilerOptions, nodeModuleEmitKind, swcInstance, swcDepName) {
var _a;
const { esModuleInterop, sourceMap, importHelpers, experimentalDecorators, emitDecoratorMetadata, target, module, jsx, jsxFactory, jsxFragmentFactory, strict, alwaysStrict, noImplicitUseStrict, jsxImportSource, } = compilerOptions;
let swcTarget = (_a = exports.targetMapping.get(target)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'es3';
// Downgrade to lower target if swc does not support the selected target.
// Perhaps project has an older version of swc.
// TODO cache the results of this; slightly faster
let swcTargetIndex = swcTargets.indexOf(swcTarget);
for (; swcTargetIndex >= 0; swcTargetIndex--) {
try {
swcInstance.transformSync('', {
jsc: { target: swcTargets[swcTargetIndex] },
catch (e) { }
swcTarget = swcTargets[swcTargetIndex];
const keepClassNames = target >= /* ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016 */ 3;
const isNodeModuleKind = module === ModuleKind.Node16 || module === ModuleKind.NodeNext;
// swc only supports these 4x module options [MUST_UPDATE_FOR_NEW_MODULEKIND]
const moduleType = module === ModuleKind.CommonJS
? 'commonjs'
: module === ModuleKind.AMD
? 'amd'
: module === ModuleKind.UMD
? 'umd'
: isNodeModuleKind && nodeModuleEmitKind === 'nodecjs'
? 'commonjs'
: isNodeModuleKind && nodeModuleEmitKind === 'nodeesm'
? 'es6'
: 'es6';
// In swc:
// strictMode means `"use strict"` is *always* emitted for non-ES module, *never* for ES module where it is assumed it can be omitted.
// (this assumption is invalid, but that's the way swc behaves)
// tsc is a bit more complex:
// alwaysStrict will force emitting it always unless `import`/`export` syntax is emitted which implies it per the JS spec.
// if not alwaysStrict, will emit implicitly whenever module target is non-ES *and* transformed module syntax is emitted.
// For node, best option is to assume that all scripts are modules (commonjs or esm) and thus should get tsc's implicit strict behavior.
// Always set strictMode, *unless* alwaysStrict is disabled and noImplicitUseStrict is enabled
const strictMode =
// if `alwaysStrict` is disabled, remembering that `strict` defaults `alwaysStrict` to true
(alwaysStrict === false || (alwaysStrict !== true && strict !== true)) &&
// if noImplicitUseStrict is enabled
noImplicitUseStrict === true
? false
: true;
const jsxRuntime = jsx === JsxEmit.ReactJSX || jsx === JsxEmit.ReactJSXDev ? 'automatic' : undefined;
const jsxDevelopment = jsx === JsxEmit.ReactJSXDev ? true : undefined;
const useDefineForClassFields = (0, ts_internals_1.getUseDefineForClassFields)(compilerOptions);
const nonTsxOptions = createVariant(false);
const tsxOptions = createVariant(true);
return { nonTsxOptions, tsxOptions };
function createVariant(isTsx) {
const swcOptions = {
sourceMaps: sourceMap,
// isModule: true,
module: moduleType
? {
type: moduleType,
...(moduleType === 'amd' || moduleType === 'commonjs' || moduleType === 'umd'
? {
noInterop: !esModuleInterop,
// For NodeNext and Node12, emit as CJS but do not transform dynamic imports
ignoreDynamic: nodeModuleEmitKind === 'nodecjs',
: {}),
: undefined,
swcrc: false,
jsc: {
externalHelpers: importHelpers,
parser: {
syntax: 'typescript',
tsx: isTsx,
decorators: experimentalDecorators,
dynamicImport: true,
importAssertions: true,
target: swcTarget,
transform: {
decoratorMetadata: emitDecoratorMetadata,
legacyDecorator: true,
react: {
throwIfNamespace: false,
development: jsxDevelopment,
useBuiltins: false,
pragma: jsxFactory,
pragmaFrag: jsxFragmentFactory,
runtime: jsxRuntime,
importSource: jsxImportSource,
experimental: {
keepImportAttributes: true,
emitAssertForImportAttributes: true,
// Throw a helpful error if swc version is old, for example, if it rejects `ignoreDynamic`
try {
swcInstance.transformSync('', swcOptions);
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`${swcDepName} threw an error when attempting to validate swc compiler options.\n` +
'You may be using an old version of swc which does not support the options used by ts-node.\n' +
'Try upgrading to the latest version of swc.\n' +
'Error message from swc:\n' +
(e === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.message));
return swcOptions;
exports.createSwcOptions = createSwcOptions;