
by RyanCardin15
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getExtensions = void 0; const util_1 = require("./util"); const nodeEquivalents = new Map([ ['.ts', '.js'], ['.tsx', '.js'], ['.jsx', '.js'], ['.mts', '.mjs'], ['.cts', '.cjs'], ]); const tsResolverEquivalents = new Map([ ['.ts', ['.js']], ['.tsx', ['.js', '.jsx']], ['.mts', ['.mjs']], ['.cts', ['.cjs']], ]); // All extensions understood by vanilla node const vanillaNodeExtensions = [ '.js', '.json', '.node', '.mjs', '.cjs', ]; // Extensions added by vanilla node's require() if you omit them: // js, json, node // Extensions added by vanilla node if you omit them with --experimental-specifier-resolution=node // js, json, node, mjs // Extensions added by ESM codepath's legacy package.json "main" resolver // js, json, node (not mjs!) const nodeDoesNotUnderstand = [ '.ts', '.tsx', '.jsx', '.cts', '.mts', ]; /** * [MUST_UPDATE_FOR_NEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS] * @internal */ function getExtensions(config, options, tsVersion) { // TS 4.5 is first version to understand .cts, .mts, .cjs, and .mjs extensions const tsSupportsMtsCtsExts = (0, util_1.versionGteLt)(tsVersion, '4.5.0'); const requiresHigherTypescriptVersion = []; if (!tsSupportsMtsCtsExts) requiresHigherTypescriptVersion.push('.cts', '.cjs', '.mts', '.mjs'); const allPossibleExtensionsSortedByPreference = Array.from(new Set([ ...(options.preferTsExts ? nodeDoesNotUnderstand : []), ...vanillaNodeExtensions, ...nodeDoesNotUnderstand, ])); const compiledJsUnsorted = ['.ts']; const compiledJsxUnsorted = []; if (config.options.jsx) compiledJsxUnsorted.push('.tsx'); if (tsSupportsMtsCtsExts) compiledJsUnsorted.push('.mts', '.cts'); if (config.options.allowJs) { compiledJsUnsorted.push('.js'); if (config.options.jsx) compiledJsxUnsorted.push('.jsx'); if (tsSupportsMtsCtsExts) compiledJsUnsorted.push('.mjs', '.cjs'); } const compiledUnsorted = [...compiledJsUnsorted, ...compiledJsxUnsorted]; const compiled = allPossibleExtensionsSortedByPreference.filter((ext) => compiledUnsorted.includes(ext)); const compiledNodeDoesNotUnderstand = nodeDoesNotUnderstand.filter((ext) => compiled.includes(ext)); /** * TS's resolver can resolve foo.js to foo.ts, by replacing .js extension with several source extensions. * IMPORTANT: Must preserve ordering according to preferTsExts! * Must include the .js/.mjs/.cjs extension in the array! * This affects resolution behavior! * [MUST_UPDATE_FOR_NEW_FILE_EXTENSIONS] */ const r = allPossibleExtensionsSortedByPreference.filter((ext) => [...compiledUnsorted, '.js', '.mjs', '.cjs', '.mts', '.cts'].includes(ext)); const replacementsForJs = r.filter((ext) => ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'].includes(ext)); const replacementsForJsx = r.filter((ext) => ['.jsx', '.tsx'].includes(ext)); const replacementsForMjs = r.filter((ext) => ['.mjs', '.mts'].includes(ext)); const replacementsForCjs = r.filter((ext) => ['.cjs', '.cts'].includes(ext)); const replacementsForJsOrMjs = r.filter((ext) => ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx', '.mjs', '.mts'].includes(ext)); // Node allows omitting .js or .mjs extension in certain situations (CJS, ESM w/experimental flag) // So anything that compiles to .js or .mjs can also be omitted. const experimentalSpecifierResolutionAddsIfOmitted = Array.from(new Set([...replacementsForJsOrMjs, '.json', '.node'])); // Same as above, except node curiuosly doesn't do .mjs here const legacyMainResolveAddsIfOmitted = Array.from(new Set([...replacementsForJs, '.json', '.node'])); return { /** All file extensions we transform, ordered by resolution preference according to preferTsExts */ compiled, /** Resolved extensions that vanilla node will not understand; we should handle them */ nodeDoesNotUnderstand, /** Like the above, but only the ones we're compiling */ compiledNodeDoesNotUnderstand, /** * Mapping from extensions understood by tsc to the equivalent for node, * as far as getFormat is concerned. */ nodeEquivalents, /** * Mapping from extensions rejected by TSC in import specifiers, to the * possible alternatives that TS's resolver will accept. * * When we allow users to opt-in to .ts extensions in import specifiers, TS's * resolver requires us to replace the .ts extensions with .js alternatives. * Otherwise, resolution fails. * * Note TS's resolver is only used by, and only required for, typechecking. * This is separate from node's resolver, which we hook separately and which * does not require this mapping. */ tsResolverEquivalents, /** * Extensions that we can support if the user upgrades their typescript version. * Used when raising hints. */ requiresHigherTypescriptVersion, /** * --experimental-specifier-resolution=node will add these extensions. */ experimentalSpecifierResolutionAddsIfOmitted, /** * ESM loader will add these extensions to package.json "main" field */ legacyMainResolveAddsIfOmitted, replacementsForMjs, replacementsForCjs, replacementsForJsx, replacementsForJs, }; } exports.getExtensions = getExtensions; //#