
by RyanCardin15
var test = require('tape'); var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams')(); var utilInspect = require('../util.inspect'); var repeat = require('string.prototype.repeat'); var inspect = require('..'); test('inspect', function (t) { t.plan(5); var obj = [{ inspect: function xyzInspect() { return '!XYZ¡'; } }, []]; var stringResult = '[ !XYZ¡, [] ]'; var falseResult = '[ { inspect: [Function: xyzInspect] }, [] ]'; t.equal(inspect(obj), stringResult); t.equal(inspect(obj, { customInspect: true }), stringResult); t.equal(inspect(obj, { customInspect: 'symbol' }), falseResult); t.equal(inspect(obj, { customInspect: false }), falseResult); t['throws']( function () { inspect(obj, { customInspect: 'not a boolean or "symbol"' }); }, TypeError, '`customInspect` must be a boolean or the string "symbol"' ); }); test('inspect custom symbol', { skip: !hasSymbols || !utilInspect || !utilInspect.custom }, function (t) { t.plan(4); var obj = { inspect: function stringInspect() { return 'string'; } }; obj[utilInspect.custom] = function custom() { return 'symbol'; }; var symbolResult = '[ symbol, [] ]'; var stringResult = '[ string, [] ]'; var falseResult = '[ { inspect: [Function: stringInspect]' + (utilInspect.custom ? ', [' + inspect(utilInspect.custom) + ']: [Function: custom]' : '') + ' }, [] ]'; var symbolStringFallback = utilInspect.custom ? symbolResult : stringResult; var symbolFalseFallback = utilInspect.custom ? symbolResult : falseResult; t.equal(inspect([obj, []]), symbolStringFallback); t.equal(inspect([obj, []], { customInspect: true }), symbolStringFallback); t.equal(inspect([obj, []], { customInspect: 'symbol' }), symbolFalseFallback); t.equal(inspect([obj, []], { customInspect: false }), falseResult); }); test('symbols', { skip: !hasSymbols }, function (t) { t.plan(2); var obj = { a: 1 }; obj[Symbol('test')] = 2; obj[Symbol.iterator] = 3; Object.defineProperty(obj, Symbol('non-enum'), { enumerable: false, value: 4 }); if (typeof Symbol.iterator === 'symbol') { t.equal(inspect(obj), '{ a: 1, [Symbol(test)]: 2, [Symbol(Symbol.iterator)]: 3 }', 'object with symbols'); t.equal(inspect([obj, []]), '[ { a: 1, [Symbol(test)]: 2, [Symbol(Symbol.iterator)]: 3 }, [] ]', 'object with symbols in array'); } else { // symbol sham key ordering is unreliable t.match( inspect(obj), /^(?:{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3 }|{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2 })$/, 'object with symbols (nondeterministic symbol sham key ordering)' ); t.match( inspect([obj, []]), /^\[ (?:{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3 }|{ a: 1, \[Symbol\(Symbol.iterator\)\]: 3, \[Symbol\(test\)\]: 2 }), \[\] \]$/, 'object with symbols in array (nondeterministic symbol sham key ordering)' ); } }); test('maxStringLength', function (t) { t['throws']( function () { inspect('', { maxStringLength: -1 }); }, TypeError, 'maxStringLength must be >= 0, or Infinity, not negative' ); var str = repeat('a', 1e8); t.equal( inspect([str], { maxStringLength: 10 }), '[ \'aaaaaaaaaa\'... 99999990 more characters ]', 'maxStringLength option limits output' ); t.equal( inspect(['f'], { maxStringLength: null }), '[ \'\'... 1 more character ]', 'maxStringLength option accepts `null`' ); t.equal( inspect([str], { maxStringLength: Infinity }), '[ \'' + str + '\' ]', 'maxStringLength option accepts ∞' ); t.end(); }); test('inspect options', { skip: !utilInspect.custom }, function (t) { var obj = {}; obj[utilInspect.custom] = function () { return JSON.stringify(arguments); }; t.equal( inspect(obj), utilInspect(obj, { depth: 5 }), 'custom symbols will use node\'s inspect' ); t.equal( inspect(obj, { depth: 2 }), utilInspect(obj, { depth: 2 }), 'a reduced depth will be passed to node\'s inspect' ); t.equal( inspect({ d1: obj }, { depth: 3 }), '{ d1: ' + utilInspect(obj, { depth: 2 }) + ' }', 'deep objects will receive a reduced depth' ); t.equal( inspect({ d1: obj }, { depth: 1 }), '{ d1: [Object] }', 'unlike nodejs inspect, customInspect will not be used once the depth is exceeded.' ); t.end(); }); test('inspect URL', { skip: typeof URL === 'undefined' }, function (t) { t.match( inspect(new URL('')), /nodejs\.org/, // Different environments stringify it differently 'url can be inspected' ); t.end(); });