'use strict';
var test = require('tape');
var setDunderProto = require('../set');
test('setDunderProto', { skip: !setDunderProto }, function (t) {
if (!setDunderProto) {
throw 'should never happen; this is just for type narrowing'; // eslint-disable-line no-throw-literal
// @ts-expect-error
t['throws'](function () { setDunderProto(); }, TypeError, 'throws if no arguments');
// @ts-expect-error
t['throws'](function () { setDunderProto(undefined); }, TypeError, 'throws with undefined and nothing');
// @ts-expect-error
t['throws'](function () { setDunderProto(undefined, undefined); }, TypeError, 'throws with undefined and undefined');
// @ts-expect-error
t['throws'](function () { setDunderProto(null); }, TypeError, 'throws with null and undefined');
// @ts-expect-error
t['throws'](function () { setDunderProto(null, undefined); }, TypeError, 'throws with null and undefined');
/** @type {{ inherited?: boolean }} */
var obj = {};
t.ok('toString' in obj, 'object initially has toString');
setDunderProto(obj, null);
t.notOk('toString' in obj, 'object no longer has toString');
t.notOk('inherited' in obj, 'object lacks inherited property');
setDunderProto(obj, { inherited: true });
t.equal(obj.inherited, true, 'object has inherited property');
test('no dunder proto', { skip: !!setDunderProto }, function (t) {
if ('__proto__' in Object.prototype) {
// @ts-expect-error
function () { ({}).__proto__ = null; }, // eslint-disable-line no-proto
'throws when setting Object.prototype.__proto__'
} else {
t.notOk('__proto__' in Object.prototype, 'no __proto__ in Object.prototype');