import express from "express";
import { clientRegistrationHandler } from "./handlers/register.js";
import { tokenHandler } from "./handlers/token.js";
import { authorizationHandler } from "./handlers/authorize.js";
import { revocationHandler } from "./handlers/revoke.js";
import { metadataHandler } from "./handlers/metadata.js";
* Installs standard MCP authorization endpoints, including dynamic client registration and token revocation (if supported). Also advertises standard authorization server metadata, for easier discovery of supported configurations by clients.
* By default, rate limiting is applied to all endpoints to prevent abuse.
* This router MUST be installed at the application root, like so:
* const app = express();
* app.use(mcpAuthRouter(...));
export function mcpAuthRouter(options) {
var _a;
const issuer = options.issuerUrl;
// Technically RFC 8414 does not permit a localhost HTTPS exemption, but this will be necessary for ease of testing
if (issuer.protocol !== "https:" && issuer.hostname !== "localhost" && issuer.hostname !== "") {
throw new Error("Issuer URL must be HTTPS");
if (issuer.hash) {
throw new Error("Issuer URL must not have a fragment");
if ( {
throw new Error("Issuer URL must not have a query string");
const authorization_endpoint = "/authorize";
const token_endpoint = "/token";
const registration_endpoint = options.provider.clientsStore.registerClient ? "/register" : undefined;
const revocation_endpoint = options.provider.revokeToken ? "/revoke" : undefined;
const metadata = {
issuer: issuer.href,
service_documentation: (_a = options.serviceDocumentationUrl) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.href,
authorization_endpoint: new URL(authorization_endpoint, issuer).href,
response_types_supported: ["code"],
code_challenge_methods_supported: ["S256"],
token_endpoint: new URL(token_endpoint, issuer).href,
token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: ["client_secret_post"],
grant_types_supported: ["authorization_code", "refresh_token"],
revocation_endpoint: revocation_endpoint ? new URL(revocation_endpoint, issuer).href : undefined,
revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: revocation_endpoint ? ["client_secret_post"] : undefined,
registration_endpoint: registration_endpoint ? new URL(registration_endpoint, issuer).href : undefined,
const router = express.Router();
router.use(authorization_endpoint, authorizationHandler({ provider: options.provider, ...options.authorizationOptions }));
router.use(token_endpoint, tokenHandler({ provider: options.provider, ...options.tokenOptions }));
router.use("/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server", metadataHandler(metadata));
if (registration_endpoint) {
router.use(registration_endpoint, clientRegistrationHandler({
clientsStore: options.provider.clientsStore,
if (revocation_endpoint) {
router.use(revocation_endpoint, revocationHandler({ provider: options.provider, ...options.revocationOptions }));
return router;