
import { ZodLiteral, ZodObject, ZodType, z } from "zod"; import { JSONRPCRequest, Notification, Progress, Request, Result } from "../types.js"; import { Transport } from "./transport.js"; /** * Callback for progress notifications. */ export type ProgressCallback = (progress: Progress) => void; /** * Implements MCP protocol framing on top of a pluggable transport, including * features like request/response linking, notifications, and progress. */ export declare class Protocol<SendRequestT extends Request, SendNotificationT extends Notification, SendResultT extends Result> { private _transport?; private _requestMessageId; protected _requestHandlers: Map<string, (request: JSONRPCRequest) => Promise<SendResultT>>; private _notificationHandlers; private _responseHandlers; private _progressHandlers; /** * Callback for when the connection is closed for any reason. * * This is invoked when close() is called as well. */ onclose?: () => void; /** * Callback for when an error occurs. * * Note that errors are not necessarily fatal; they are used for reporting any kind of exceptional condition out of band. */ onerror?: (error: Error) => void; /** * A handler to invoke for any request types that do not have their own handler installed. */ fallbackRequestHandler?: (request: Request) => Promise<SendResultT>; /** * A handler to invoke for any notification types that do not have their own handler installed. */ fallbackNotificationHandler?: (notification: Notification) => Promise<void>; constructor(); /** * Attaches to the given transport, starts it, and starts listening for messages. * * The Protocol object assumes ownership of the Transport, replacing any callbacks that have already been set, and expects that it is the only user of the Transport instance going forward. */ connect(transport: Transport): Promise<void>; private _onclose; private _onerror; private _onnotification; private _onrequest; private _onprogress; private _onresponse; get transport(): Transport | undefined; /** * Closes the connection. */ close(): Promise<void>; /** * Sends a request and wait for a response, with optional progress notifications in the meantime (if supported by the server). * * Do not use this method to emit notifications! Use notification() instead. */ request<T extends ZodType<object>>(request: SendRequestT, resultSchema: T, onprogress?: ProgressCallback): Promise<z.infer<T>>; /** * Emits a notification, which is a one-way message that does not expect a response. */ notification(notification: SendNotificationT): Promise<void>; /** * Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a request with the given method. * * Note that this will replace any previous request handler for the same method. */ setRequestHandler<T extends ZodObject<{ method: ZodLiteral<string>; }>>(requestSchema: T, handler: (request: z.infer<T>) => SendResultT | Promise<SendResultT>): void; /** * Removes the request handler for the given method. */ removeRequestHandler(method: string): void; /** * Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a notification with the given method. * * Note that this will replace any previous notification handler for the same method. */ setNotificationHandler<T extends ZodObject<{ method: ZodLiteral<string>; }>>(notificationSchema: T, handler: (notification: z.infer<T>) => void | Promise<void>): void; /** * Removes the notification handler for the given method. */ removeNotificationHandler(method: string): void; } //#