import { ZodLiteral, ZodObject, ZodType, z } from "zod";
import { JSONRPCRequest, Notification, Progress, Request, Result } from "../types.js";
import { Transport } from "./transport.js";
* Callback for progress notifications.
export type ProgressCallback = (progress: Progress) => void;
* Implements MCP protocol framing on top of a pluggable transport, including
* features like request/response linking, notifications, and progress.
export declare class Protocol<SendRequestT extends Request, SendNotificationT extends Notification, SendResultT extends Result> {
private _transport?;
private _requestMessageId;
protected _requestHandlers: Map<string, (request: JSONRPCRequest) => Promise<SendResultT>>;
private _notificationHandlers;
private _responseHandlers;
private _progressHandlers;
* Callback for when the connection is closed for any reason.
* This is invoked when close() is called as well.
onclose?: () => void;
* Callback for when an error occurs.
* Note that errors are not necessarily fatal; they are used for reporting any kind of exceptional condition out of band.
onerror?: (error: Error) => void;
* A handler to invoke for any request types that do not have their own handler installed.
fallbackRequestHandler?: (request: Request) => Promise<SendResultT>;
* A handler to invoke for any notification types that do not have their own handler installed.
fallbackNotificationHandler?: (notification: Notification) => Promise<void>;
* Attaches to the given transport, starts it, and starts listening for messages.
* The Protocol object assumes ownership of the Transport, replacing any callbacks that have already been set, and expects that it is the only user of the Transport instance going forward.
connect(transport: Transport): Promise<void>;
private _onclose;
private _onerror;
private _onnotification;
private _onrequest;
private _onprogress;
private _onresponse;
get transport(): Transport | undefined;
* Closes the connection.
close(): Promise<void>;
* Sends a request and wait for a response, with optional progress notifications in the meantime (if supported by the server).
* Do not use this method to emit notifications! Use notification() instead.
request<T extends ZodType<object>>(request: SendRequestT, resultSchema: T, onprogress?: ProgressCallback): Promise<z.infer<T>>;
* Emits a notification, which is a one-way message that does not expect a response.
notification(notification: SendNotificationT): Promise<void>;
* Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a request with the given method.
* Note that this will replace any previous request handler for the same method.
setRequestHandler<T extends ZodObject<{
method: ZodLiteral<string>;
}>>(requestSchema: T, handler: (request: z.infer<T>) => SendResultT | Promise<SendResultT>): void;
* Removes the request handler for the given method.
removeRequestHandler(method: string): void;
* Registers a handler to invoke when this protocol object receives a notification with the given method.
* Note that this will replace any previous notification handler for the same method.
setNotificationHandler<T extends ZodObject<{
method: ZodLiteral<string>;
}>>(notificationSchema: T, handler: (notification: z.infer<T>) => void | Promise<void>): void;
* Removes the notification handler for the given method.
removeNotificationHandler(method: string): void;