# Script to generate a deeplink for local testing of the speech-mcp extension
set -e # Exit on error
# Change to the project directory
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# Build the wheel
echo "Building wheel..."
python -m build
# Get the wheel file path
WHEEL_FILE=$(ls -t dist/*.whl | head -1)
# URL encode the wheel path
ENCODED_PATH=$(python -c "import urllib.parse; print(urllib.parse.quote('$WHEEL_PATH'))")
# Generate the deeplink
echo "Generated deeplink:"
echo "$DEEPLINK"
# Copy to clipboard if pbcopy is available (macOS)
if command -v pbcopy &> /dev/null; then
echo "$DEEPLINK" | pbcopy
echo "Deeplink copied to clipboard!"
echo "You can now paste this deeplink into your browser to install the extension."