MCP Unified Server
by getfounded
- tools
- excel
# XlsxWriter Tool for MCP
A comprehensive tool for integrating the XlsxWriter library with MCP Unified Server, enabling Claude to create and manipulate Excel files programmatically.
## Overview
The XlsxWriter Tool provides a set of functions to create Excel spreadsheets with features including:
- Creating workbooks and worksheets
- Writing data to cells and ranges
- Applying formatting to cells
- Adding charts, images, and formulas
- Creating tables with headers and styling
- Closing and saving workbooks
This tool maintains state between function calls, allowing for complex Excel file creation across multiple requests.
## Installation
1. Add the `` file to your `tools` directory in the MCP Unified Server
2. Install the required dependency with `pip install XlsxWriter`
3. Update your `requirements.txt` file to include `XlsxWriter>=3.1.0`
4. Update the `` file to import and register the XlsxWriter module
### Adding to
Add the following code to your `` file:
# Initialize XlsxWriter tools
from tools.xlsxwriter import get_xlsx_tools, set_external_mcp, initialize_xlsx_service
# Pass our MCP instance to the xlsxwriter module
# Initialize xlsxwriter tools
# Register xlsxwriter tools
xlsx_tools = get_xlsx_tools()
for tool_name, tool_func in xlsx_tools.items():
# Register each xlsxwriter tool with the main MCP instance
# Add XlsxWriter dependencies to MCP dependencies
])"XlsxWriter tools registered successfully.")
except ImportError as e:
logging.warning(f"Could not load XlsxWriter tools: {e}")
## Available Tools
### xlsx_create_workbook
Creates a new Excel workbook.
xlsx_create_workbook(filename: str)
- `filename`: Path to save the Excel file
### xlsx_add_worksheet
Adds a worksheet to the workbook.
xlsx_add_worksheet(filename: str, name: str = None)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `name`: (Optional) Name for the worksheet
### xlsx_write_data
Writes data to a cell in a worksheet.
xlsx_write_data(filename: str, worksheet: str, row: int, col: int, data: Any, format: str = None)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `worksheet`: Name of the worksheet
- `row`: Row number (0-based)
- `col`: Column number (0-based)
- `data`: Data to write (string, number, boolean, etc.)
- `format`: (Optional) Name of a predefined format
### xlsx_write_matrix
Writes a matrix of data to a worksheet.
xlsx_write_matrix(filename: str, worksheet: str, start_row: int, start_col: int, data: List[List[Any]], formats: List[List[str]] = None)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `worksheet`: Name of the worksheet
- `start_row`: Starting row number (0-based)
- `start_col`: Starting column number (0-based)
- `data`: 2D list of data to write
- `formats`: (Optional) 2D list of format names corresponding to data
### xlsx_add_format
Creates a cell format.
xlsx_add_format(filename: str, format_name: str, properties: Dict[str, Any])
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `format_name`: Name to identify the format
- `properties`: Dictionary of format properties (e.g., `{'bold': True, 'font_color': 'red'}`)
### xlsx_add_chart
Adds a chart to a worksheet.
xlsx_add_chart(filename: str, worksheet: str, chart_type: str, data_range: List[Dict[str, Any]], position: Dict[str, int], options: Dict[str, Any] = None)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `worksheet`: Name of the worksheet
- `chart_type`: Type of chart (e.g., 'column', 'line', 'pie')
- `data_range`: List of data series specifications
- `position`: Dictionary with 'row' and 'col' keys specifying chart position
- `options`: (Optional) Additional chart options
### xlsx_add_image
Adds an image to a worksheet.
xlsx_add_image(filename: str, worksheet: str, image_path: str, position: Dict[str, int], options: Dict[str, Any] = None)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `worksheet`: Name of the worksheet
- `image_path`: Path to the image file
- `position`: Dictionary with 'row' and 'col' keys specifying image position
- `options`: (Optional) Additional image options
### xlsx_add_formula
Adds a formula to a cell.
xlsx_add_formula(filename: str, worksheet: str, row: int, col: int, formula: str, format: str = None)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `worksheet`: Name of the worksheet
- `row`: Row number (0-based)
- `col`: Column number (0-based)
- `formula`: Excel formula (e.g., '=SUM(A1:A10)')
- `format`: (Optional) Name of a predefined format
### xlsx_add_table
Adds a table to a worksheet.
xlsx_add_table(filename: str, worksheet: str, start_row: int, start_col: int, end_row: int, end_col: int, options: Dict[str, Any] = None)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
- `worksheet`: Name of the worksheet
- `start_row`: Starting row number (0-based)
- `start_col`: Starting column number (0-based)
- `end_row`: Ending row number (0-based)
- `end_col`: Ending column number (0-based)
- `options`: (Optional) Table options (e.g., `{'header_row': True, 'columns': [{'header': 'Name'}]}`)
### xlsx_close_workbook
Closes and saves the workbook.
xlsx_close_workbook(filename: str)
- `filename`: Path to the Excel file
## Usage Examples
### Basic Example: Creating a Simple Spreadsheet
# Create a new workbook
result = await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_create_workbook", {"filename": "example.xlsx"})
# Add a worksheet
result = await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_worksheet", {"filename": "example.xlsx", "name": "Data"})
# Write headers with bold formatting
result = await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_format", {
"filename": "example.xlsx",
"format_name": "header_format",
"properties": {"bold": True, "bg_color": "#DDDDDD"}
headers = ["ID", "Name", "Value"]
for i, header in enumerate(headers):
result = await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_write_data", {
"filename": "example.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Data",
"row": 0,
"col": i,
"data": header,
"format": "header_format"
# Write data
data = [
[1, "Apple", 100],
[2, "Banana", 150],
[3, "Cherry", 200]
result = await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_write_matrix", {
"filename": "example.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Data",
"start_row": 1,
"start_col": 0,
"data": data
# Add a formula for the sum
result = await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_formula", {
"filename": "example.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Data",
"row": 4,
"col": 2,
"formula": "=SUM(C2:C4)"
# Close and save the workbook
result = await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_close_workbook", {"filename": "example.xlsx"})
### Advanced Example: Creating a Report with Chart
# Create workbook and worksheet
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_create_workbook", {"filename": "sales_report.xlsx"})
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_worksheet", {"filename": "sales_report.xlsx", "name": "Sales"})
# Add formats
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_format", {
"filename": "sales_report.xlsx",
"format_name": "title",
"properties": {"bold": True, "font_size": 16}
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_format", {
"filename": "sales_report.xlsx",
"format_name": "header",
"properties": {"bold": True, "bg_color": "#D7E4BC", "border": 1}
# Add title
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_write_data", {
"filename": "sales_report.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Sales",
"row": 0,
"col": 0,
"data": "Quarterly Sales Report",
"format": "title"
# Add headers
headers = ["Quarter", "North", "South", "East", "West"]
for i, header in enumerate(headers):
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_write_data", {
"filename": "sales_report.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Sales",
"row": 2,
"col": i,
"data": header,
"format": "header"
# Add data
data = [
["Q1", 10000, 8000, 12000, 9000],
["Q2", 12000, 9500, 14000, 8500],
["Q3", 14500, 10000, 15500, 9500],
["Q4", 16000, 12000, 17000, 10000]
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_write_matrix", {
"filename": "sales_report.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Sales",
"start_row": 3,
"start_col": 0,
"data": data
# Add chart
chart_data = [
"name": "North",
"categories": "=Sales!$A$4:$A$7",
"values": "=Sales!$B$4:$B$7"
"name": "South",
"categories": "=Sales!$A$4:$A$7",
"values": "=Sales!$C$4:$C$7"
"name": "East",
"categories": "=Sales!$A$4:$A$7",
"values": "=Sales!$D$4:$D$7"
"name": "West",
"categories": "=Sales!$A$4:$A$7",
"values": "=Sales!$E$4:$E$7"
chart_options = {
"title": "Quarterly Sales by Region",
"x_axis": {"name": "Quarter"},
"y_axis": {"name": "Sales ($)"},
"style": 10
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_chart", {
"filename": "sales_report.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Sales",
"chart_type": "column",
"data_range": chart_data,
"position": {"row": 8, "col": 1},
"options": chart_options
# Add table format
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_add_table", {
"filename": "sales_report.xlsx",
"worksheet": "Sales",
"start_row": 2,
"start_col": 0,
"end_row": 7,
"end_col": 4,
"options": {
"name": "SalesTable",
"style": "Table Style Medium 2",
"total_row": True
# Close and save
await mcp.call_tool("xlsx_close_workbook", {"filename": "sales_report.xlsx"})
## Important Notes
1. XlsxWriter can only **create new files**, not modify existing ones. This is a limitation of the underlying library.
2. Workbooks must be closed with `xlsx_close_workbook()` to be properly saved. Until then, they exist only in memory.
3. The tool maintains state between API calls, allowing for complex operations across multiple requests.
4. Row and column indices are 0-based (as in Python), not 1-based (as in Excel).
5. All functions return JSON strings containing the result or error information.
## Troubleshooting
- **"Workbook not found" error**: Make sure you've created the workbook and are using the correct filename.
- **"Worksheet not found" error**: Ensure the worksheet has been added to the workbook.
- **Error during format application**: Check that the format name has been defined with `xlsx_add_format`.
- **Missing data in saved file**: Ensure you've called `xlsx_close_workbook` to properly save the file.
- **Installation issues**: Verify that the XlsxWriter library is installed with `pip install XlsxWriter`.
## License
This tool is provided under the same license as the MCP Unified Server.