Gel Database MCP Server

  • src
import { McpServer } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/mcp.js"; import { StdioServerTransport } from "@modelcontextprotocol/sdk/server/stdio.js"; import { z } from "zod"; import { createClient } from "gel"; // The Gel client library import * as gelLib from "gel"; // Import all exports from Gel import e from "./edgeql-js/index.js"; // Import the EdgeQL query builder // import { createClient as createEdgeQLClient } from "../dbschema/edgeql-js/index.js"; let gelClient: any; // Explicitly type as any for now // Note: Due to TypeScript ESM compatibility issues with the generated EdgeQL query builder, // we're using 'any' type here. In a production setting, you would properly integrate // the EdgeQL query builder types. async function getBranchClient(branchName: string) { console.error(`[getBranchClient] Starting to get client for branch: ${branchName}`); const branchClient = createClient({ tlsSecurity: "insecure", database: branchName, host: "localhost", port: 10700, user: "edgedb", password: "6GmB7hZI5NTziQ1xEdGaGoQe", // Add other connection parameters if needed (host, user, password, etc.) }); console.error(`[getBranchClient] Successfully created client for branch: ${branchName}`); return branchClient; } // Initialize Gel client async function initGelClient() { try { // You can configure this with environment variables or directly here // Use the branch ID from environment or default to example const branchId = process.env.GEL_BRANCH_ID || "3802d36f-f2e8-45e5-abe4-8f5d2ecdff0e"; gelClient = await getBranchClient(branchId); // Test connection const result = await gelClient.query('SELECT "Gel MCP Server connection test"'); console.error('Gel database connection successful:', result); return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Error connecting to Gel database:', error); return false; } } // Create server instance const server = new McpServer({ name: "gel-database", version: "1.0.0", }); // ===== GEL DATABASE QUERY TOOLS ===== // Tool to execute raw EdgeQL queries server.tool( "execute-edgeql", "Execute a raw EdgeQL query on the Gel database", { query: z.string().describe("The EdgeQL query to execute"), args: z.record(z.any()).optional().describe("Optional query arguments"), }, async (args, extra) => { try { console.error(`[execute-edgeql] Executing query: ${args.query}`); if (!gelClient) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Database client is not initialized.", }, ], }; } // Execute query with or without arguments based on whether args are provided let result; if (args.args && Object.keys(args.args).length > 0) { result = await gelClient.query(args.query, args.args); } else { result = await gelClient.query(args.query); } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Query executed successfully:", }, { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2), }, ], }; } catch (error: any) { console.error("Error executing EdgeQL query:", error); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Error executing query: ${error?.message || "Unknown error"}`, }, ], }; } }, ); // Tool to describe the database schema for a type server.tool( "describe-schema", "Get schema information for a specific type", { typeName: z.string().describe("Name of the type to describe"), }, async (args, extra) => { try { if (!gelClient) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Database client is not initialized.", }, ], }; } // Use introspection query to get schema information const query = ` WITH module schema SELECT ObjectType { name, properties: { name, target: { name }, cardinality, required }, links: { name, target: { name }, cardinality, required } } FILTER .name = <str>$typeName `; const result = await gelClient.query(query, { typeName: `default::${args.typeName}` }); if (!result || result.length === 0) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Type '${args.typeName}' not found in the schema.`, }, ], }; } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Schema for type '${args.typeName}':`, }, { type: "text", text: JSON.stringify(result, null, 2), }, ], }; } catch (error: any) { console.error("Error describing schema:", error); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Error describing schema: ${error?.message || "Unknown error"}`, }, ], }; } }, ); // Tool to validate EdgeQL query syntax server.tool( "validate-query", "Validate EdgeQL query syntax without executing it", { query: z.string().describe("The EdgeQL query to validate"), }, async (args, extra) => { try { if (!gelClient) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Database client is not initialized.", }, ], }; } // Using a query with ANALYZE to validate syntax const analyzeQuery = `ANALYZE ${args.query};`; await gelClient.query(analyzeQuery); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Query syntax is valid.", }, ], }; } catch (error: any) { console.error("Error validating query:", error); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Query validation failed:", }, { type: "text", text: error?.message || "Unknown error", }, ], }; } }, ); // Tool to execute TypeScript code with access to the EdgeQL query builder server.tool( "execute-typescript", "Execute TypeScript with EdgeDB query builder access. USAGE: 1) The gelClient is ALREADY SET UP - use it directly. 2) Query builder pattern: 'const query =; const result = await;'. 3) For direct EdgeQL: 'const result = await gelClient.query(`SELECT...`);'. 4) Common patterns:, obj => ({properties, filter: e.op(...)})), e.insert(e.Type, {properties}), e.update(e.Type, obj => ({filter_single: {id: '...'}, set: {prop: value}})), e.delete(e.Type, obj => ({filter: ...})). 5) Always use try/catch for error handling. 6) Check schema first with mcp__describe_schema if unsure about types. 7) Use e.cast() for proper type conversion when needed.", { code: z.string().describe("The TypeScript code to execute"), timeout: z.number().optional().describe("Maximum execution time in milliseconds (default: 5000)"), use_gel_client: z.boolean().optional().describe("Automatically inject the configured Gel client (default: true)"), memory_limit: z.number().optional().describe("Maximum memory usage in MB (default: 512)"), }, async (args, extra) => { try { console.error("[execute-typescript] Starting execution"); // Initialize metrics for monitoring execution const startTime =; let isExecutionCompleted = false; let hasConnectionError = false; // Check if gelClient is required but not initialized if (args.use_gel_client !== false) { if (!gelClient) { console.error("[execute-typescript] Database client not initialized"); return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Database client is not initialized. Please initialize the database connection first.", }, ], }; } // Test the connection before executing try { await gelClient.query('SELECT 1;'); } catch (connError) { console.error("[execute-typescript] Connection test failed:", connError); hasConnectionError = true; // Try to reinitialize the connection try { console.error("[execute-typescript] Attempting to reconnect to database"); await initGelClient(); // Test the connection again await gelClient.query('SELECT 1;'); hasConnectionError = false; console.error("[execute-typescript] Successfully reconnected to database"); } catch (reconnectError) { console.error("[execute-typescript] Failed to reconnect:", reconnectError); } // If still having connection issues if (hasConnectionError) { return { content: [ { type: "text", text: "Database connection error. The server has attempted to reconnect but was unsuccessful.", }, { type: "text", text: "Please try again later or check your database connection configuration.", }, ], }; } } } // Log the code for debugging (but sanitize it first to avoid exposing sensitive data) const sanitizedCode = args.code.replace(/password\s*[:=]\s*["'].*?["']/gi, 'password: "[REDACTED]"'); console.error(`[execute-typescript] Executing code:\n${sanitizedCode}`); // Set memory limit (default to 512MB) const memoryLimitMB = args.memory_limit || 512; const memoryLimitBytes = memoryLimitMB * 1024 * 1024; // Set up the evaluation context with explicit log capture and error handling let capturedLogs: string[] = []; let hasUncaughtError = false; // Create a sandboxed context with enhanced utilities const context = { e, // EdgeQL query builder gelClient: args.use_gel_client !== false ? gelClient : undefined, console: { log: (...args: any[]) => { try { const logMsg = => { try { return typeof a === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(a, null, 2) : String(a); } catch (jsonError) { return `[Unserializable object: ${typeof a}]`; } }).join(' '); // Truncate very long log messages to prevent memory issues const maxLogLength = 10000; const truncatedMsg = logMsg.length > maxLogLength ? logMsg.substring(0, maxLogLength) + `... [truncated, ${logMsg.length - maxLogLength} more characters]` : logMsg; capturedLogs.push(truncatedMsg); process.stderr.write(`[TS Script Log]: ${truncatedMsg.substring(0, 1000)}${truncatedMsg.length > 1000 ? '...' : ''}\n`); } catch (logError) { process.stderr.write(`[TS Script Log Error]: Failed to process log message\n`); } }, error: (...args: any[]) => { try { const logMsg = => { try { return typeof a === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(a, null, 2) : String(a); } catch (jsonError) { return `[Unserializable object: ${typeof a}]`; } }).join(' '); const truncatedMsg = logMsg.length > 10000 ? logMsg.substring(0, 10000) + `... [truncated, ${logMsg.length - 10000} more characters]` : logMsg; capturedLogs.push(`ERROR: ${truncatedMsg}`); process.stderr.write(`[TS Script Error]: ${truncatedMsg.substring(0, 1000)}${truncatedMsg.length > 1000 ? '...' : ''}\n`); } catch (logError) { process.stderr.write(`[TS Script Error]: Failed to process error message\n`); } }, }, // Utilities with safety guards setTimeout: (fn: Function, ms: number) => { // Ensure timeouts don't exceed the overall execution timeout const safeMs = Math.min(ms, args.timeout || 5000); return setTimeout(fn, safeMs); }, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, Promise, String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object, JSON, Date, Math, Error, // Add utility function for safe database queries safeQuery: async (queryStr: string, params: any = {}) => { try { if (!gelClient) throw new Error("Database client not available"); return { success: true, data: await gelClient.query(queryStr, params), error: null }; } catch (queryError: any) { return { success: false, data: null, error: queryError?.message || String(queryError), code: queryError?.code }; } } }; // Prepare the code for execution with a well-instrumented IIFE // Include memory usage monitoring, timeouts, and comprehensive error handling const scriptToExecute = ` (async () => { console.log("[Inside] Starting script"); // Define safeguards let executionStartTime =; let executionStats = { executionTime: 0, errorCount: 0 }; // Simple monitoring function const checkExecution = () => { try { // Update execution time executionStats.executionTime = - executionStartTime; } catch (checkError) { console.error("Execution check failed:", checkError.message); } }; // Set up periodic checks const checkInterval = setInterval(checkExecution, 500); try { // Execute the user code in a controlled manner let __result; __result = await (async () => { // Insert user code here, wrapped in extra try/catch try { ${args.code} } catch (userCodeError) { console.error("User code error:", userCodeError.message); if (userCodeError.stack) console.error(userCodeError.stack); throw userCodeError; } })(); // Clean up clearInterval(checkInterval); console.log("[Inside] Code executed"); // Final check checkExecution(); return { result: __result, stats: executionStats }; } catch (error) { // Clean up clearInterval(checkInterval); // Check if this is a database connection error const isConnectionError = error.message && ( error.message.includes("Not connected") || error.message.includes("Connection closed") || error.message.includes("network") || error.message.includes("socket") || error.message.includes("ECONNRESET") || error.message.includes("timeout") ); // Log error details console.error("Script execution error:", error.message); if (error.stack) console.error(error.stack); executionStats.errorCount++; return { error: error.message || "Unknown error occurred", stack: error.stack, isConnectionError: isConnectionError, stats: executionStats }; } })() `; // Set up timeout mechanism const timeoutMs = args.timeout || 5000; let timeoutId: NodeJS.Timeout; const timeoutPromise = new Promise((_, reject) => { timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { isExecutionCompleted = true; reject(new Error(`Execution timed out after ${timeoutMs}ms`)); }, timeoutMs); }); console.error("[execute-typescript] Creating execution script"); // Use vm module for execution with resource constraints const vm = require('vm'); try { const script = new vm.Script(scriptToExecute, { filename: 'user-script.js', timeout: timeoutMs, // Apply the timeout limit to compilation as well }); // Create isolated context const contextObject = vm.createContext(context); console.error("[execute-typescript] Starting execution with timeout:", timeoutMs); const executionPromise = Promise.resolve(script.runInContext(contextObject, { timeout: timeoutMs, displayErrors: true, })); // Race between execution and timeout const result = await Promise.race([executionPromise, timeoutPromise]) .finally(() => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); isExecutionCompleted = true; }); // Calculate execution metrics const executionTime = - startTime; console.error(`[execute-typescript] Execution completed in ${executionTime}ms, result type:`, typeof result); // Check if there was a connection error in the result if (result && result.isConnectionError) { hasConnectionError = true; console.error("[execute-typescript] Database connection error detected in script execution"); } // Add execution stats to the output const executionStats = result && result.stats ? result.stats : { executionTime, errorCount: result && result.error ? 1 : 0 }; // Handle potential connection errors if (hasConnectionError) { // Add a note about connection issues capturedLogs.push("NOTE: A database connection error occurred. The server might need to be restarted if this persists."); } // If result is too large, truncate it let resultStr; try { resultStr = JSON.stringify(result && result.result ? result.result : result, null, 2); if (resultStr.length > 50000) { resultStr = resultStr.substring(0, 50000) + `... [truncated, ${resultStr.length - 50000} more characters]`; } } catch (stringifyError) { resultStr = `[Unserializable result of type ${typeof result}]`; } // Return the result, captured logs, and execution stats return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `Execution result:\n${resultStr}`, }, { type: "text", text: capturedLogs.length > 0 ? `Console output:\n${capturedLogs.join('\n')}` : "No console output.", }, { type: "text", text: `Execution stats: Time ${executionStats.executionTime}ms | Errors ${executionStats.errorCount}`, }, ], }; } catch (vmError: any) { console.error("[execute-typescript] VM execution error:", vmError); // Handle specific types of VM errors let errorMessage = vmError?.message || "Unknown VM error"; let errorType = "VM Error"; // Check for specific error types if (errorMessage.includes("timed out")) { errorType = "Timeout Error"; errorMessage = `Script execution timed out after ${timeoutMs}ms. Please simplify your code or increase the timeout limit.`; } else if (errorMessage.includes("memory")) { errorType = "Memory Error"; errorMessage = `Script exceeded memory limits. Please reduce memory usage in your code.`; } else if (errorMessage.includes("Unexpected token")) { errorType = "Syntax Error"; } // Include any captured logs to help with debugging return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `${errorType}: ${errorMessage}`, }, { type: "text", text: vmError?.stack || "", }, { type: "text", text: capturedLogs.length > 0 ? `Console output (before error):\n${capturedLogs.join('\n')}` : "No console output before error.", }, ], }; } } catch (error: any) { console.error("[execute-typescript] Top level error:", error); // Categorize the error let errorCategory = "Uncategorized Error"; const errorMsg = error?.message || "Unknown error"; if (errorMsg.includes("out of memory") || errorMsg.includes("heap") || errorMsg.includes("memory")) { errorCategory = "Out of Memory Error"; } else if (errorMsg.includes("timeout") || errorMsg.includes("timed out")) { errorCategory = "Timeout Error"; } else if (errorMsg.includes("connection") || errorMsg.includes("network") || errorMsg.includes("socket")) { errorCategory = "Connection Error"; } else if (errorMsg.includes("syntax") || errorMsg.includes("unexpected token")) { errorCategory = "Syntax Error"; } return { content: [ { type: "text", text: `${errorCategory} executing TypeScript: ${errorMsg}`, }, { type: "text", text: error?.stack || "", }, { type: "text", text: "Consider simplifying your code, checking for syntax errors, or trying again later.", }, ], }; } }, ); // Tool to search the Gel documentation file server.tool( "search_gel_docs", "Search the Gel documentation for specific terms or patterns. Returns relevant sections with context. Use this tool to find information about EdgeQL syntax, features, or examples in the documentation.", { search_term: z.string().describe("The term or pattern to search for in the documentation"), context_lines: z.number().optional().describe("Number of lines of context to show before and after matches (default: 5)"), match_all_terms: z.boolean().optional().describe("If true, search must match all terms in a multi-word query (default: false)"), }, async (args, extra) => { try { const { execSync } = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); // Try multiple possible locations for the documentation file const possiblePaths = [ path.join(__dirname, '..', 'gel_llm.txt'), // Relative to script dir path.join(process.cwd(), 'gel_llm.txt'), // Relative to current working dir './gel_llm.txt' // Directly in workspace root ]; let docFilePath = null; for (const potentialPath of possiblePaths) { if (fs.existsSync(potentialPath)) { docFilePath = potentialPath; console.error(`[search-gel-docs] Found documentation at: ${docFilePath}`); break; } } // Validate that the file exists if (!docFilePath) { return { content: [ { type: "text" as const, text: "Documentation file not found. Checked paths: " + possiblePaths.join(', '), }, ], }; } // Set default values const contextLines = args.context_lines || 20; const matchAllTerms = args.match_all_terms || false; const searchTerm = args.search_term; console.error("[search-gel-docs] Starting search for:", searchTerm); // Build the grep command let grepCommand; if (matchAllTerms && searchTerm.includes(' ')) { // For multi-term search with matchAllTerms, we need to perform multiple grep operations const terms = searchTerm.split(/\s+/).filter(t => t.trim().length > 0); grepCommand = `grep -n -i "${terms[0]}" "${docFilePath}"`; for (let i = 1; i < terms.length; i++) { grepCommand += ` | grep -i "${terms[i]}"`; } } else { // For single term search, we can use grep with line numbers grepCommand = `grep -n -i "${searchTerm}" "${docFilePath}"`; } try { // Execute the command const grepOutput = execSync(grepCommand, { encoding: 'utf8' }); const matches = grepOutput.trim().split('\n').filter(Boolean); console.error(`[search-gel-docs] Found ${matches.length} matching lines`); if (matches.length === 0) { return { content: [{ type: "text" as const, text: "No matches found." }] }; } // Parse match lines into line numbers and content const parsedMatches = string) => { const colonIndex = match.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex !== -1) { return { lineNumber: parseInt(match.substring(0, colonIndex), 10), lineContent: match.substring(colonIndex + 1) }; } return null; }).filter(Boolean); // Read the file for context const fileLines = fs.readFileSync(docFilePath, 'utf8').split('\n'); // Generate output with context let output = `Found ${parsedMatches.length} matches for "${searchTerm}":\n\n`; // Track sections to group results const sectionMatches: Record<string, { matches: Array<{lineNumber: number, lineContent: string}>; context?: string[]; }> = {}; // Identify sections const sectionBoundaries: Array<{lineNumber: number, title: string}> = []; // Find file boundaries and major section headers for (let i = 0; i < fileLines.length; i++) { const line = fileLines[i].trim(); // Check for file declarations if (line.startsWith('.. File:')) { sectionBoundaries.push({ lineNumber: i, title: line.substring('.. File:'.length).trim() }); continue; } // Check for section headers (underlined titles) if (i > 0 && i < fileLines.length - 1) { const prevLine = fileLines[i-1].trim(); // Section markers are lines of repeated characters if (line.length > 0 && /^[=\-~"'`.+_^*]+$/.test(line) && prevLine.length > 0) { sectionBoundaries.push({ lineNumber: i-1, title: prevLine }); } } } // Sort section boundaries by line number sectionBoundaries.sort((a, b) => a.lineNumber - b.lineNumber); // Group matches by section for (const match of parsedMatches) { // Find the section this match belongs to let sectionTitle = "Unknown"; for (let i = sectionBoundaries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (match.lineNumber >= sectionBoundaries[i].lineNumber) { sectionTitle = sectionBoundaries[i].title; break; } } if (!sectionMatches[sectionTitle]) { sectionMatches[sectionTitle] = { matches: [] }; } sectionMatches[sectionTitle].matches.push(match); } // Format output by section for (const [sectionTitle, { matches }] of Object.entries(sectionMatches)) { output += `## ${sectionTitle}\n\n`; // Get context for the first match in each section const firstMatch = matches[0]; const startLine = Math.max(0, firstMatch.lineNumber - contextLines); const endLine = Math.min(fileLines.length - 1, firstMatch.lineNumber + contextLines); // Show context with line numbers, highlighting the matching line for (let i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++) { const isMatchLine = matches.some(m => m.lineNumber === i); const prefix = isMatchLine ? '> ' : ' '; output += `${prefix}${i+1}: ${fileLines[i]}\n`; } if (matches.length > 1) { output += `\n... and ${matches.length - 1} more match(es) in this section.\n`; } output += '\n---\n\n'; } return { content: [{ type: "text" as const, text: output }] }; } catch (err) { // If grep exits with code 1, it means no matches were found (not an error) const error = err as {status?: number; stderr?: string}; if (error.status === 1 && !error.stderr) { return { content: [{ type: "text" as const, text: "No matches found." }] }; } throw err; } } catch (error: unknown) { console.error("Error searching documentation:", error); return { content: [ { type: "text" as const, text: `Error searching documentation: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`, }, ], }; } } ); // Start the server async function main() { const transport = new StdioServerTransport(); await server.connect(transport); const connected = await initGelClient(); console.error("Gel MCP Server running on stdio"); } main().catch((error) => { console.error("Fatal error in main():", error); process.exit(1); });