# Genkit samples
Take a look at some samples of Genkit in use:
- [js-coffee-shop](js-coffee-shop/): "AI barista", demonstrating simple
LLM usage
- [js-menu](js-menu/): Progressively more sophisticated versions of a
menu understanding app
- [chatbot](chatbot/): A simple chatbot with a JavaScript frontend
- [js-angular](js-angular/): Demo of streaming to an Angular frontend
- [js-schoolAgent](js-schoolAgent/): A simple school assistant system with a routing agent and specialized agents
- [prompts](prompts/): Shows off several prompting techniques
These are also available in IDX, Google's Cloud-Based IDE, for you to try.
<a href="https://idx.google.com/new?template=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Ffirebase%2Fgenkit%2Ftree%2Fmain%2Fsamples">
alt="Try in IDX"